The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 617: Prepare for the rain

"Your Majesty, the harvest reports of the autumns in the cities are all sorted out."

Another new day, Luo Ji works as always.

However, at this time, he was reading the harvest report, but his mood was slightly heavy.

Decisiveness is affected by summer drought and locust disasters.

Although the harvest of autumn crops is not bad, it is not good.

It should be more appropriate to use the words 'general'.

In comparison, the crops that were planted in the glass greenhouse grew very smoothly.

However, compared with last year, the total grain output has declined. This is an undeniable fact.

Luo Ji feels that it is necessary to take precautions.

When he was out of food last winter, he could go out and plunder.

But this year can't do it.

Because his segment score has risen to a more subtle number.

The rankings also unknowingly squeezed into the top 100.

It is now in the thirteenth place in the bronze rankings.

If this is accidentally brushed up, the system is forcibly pulled into the preparation period, and then kicked to the black iron segment.

Na Luo Ji can really laugh out.

Therefore, it is very necessary to reserve some points as a buffer.

Because who knows if there is any unopened guy invading?

For example, the one before, is the best example.

Passive defense, winning the battle against the city, there are points.

As for the intentional release of water, it will lose half of the civilization points.

At the same time, this practice will also hit the morale of the defending forces, and even lead to the turmoil of the military.

It is a stupid way to do more harm than good.

At this point, the system is really very tricky.

The loopholes that seem to be able to drill actually have a smell of traps.

Inexplicably with a malicious.

If the system was designed by someone, then the person who designed the system is definitely black.

If any stupid stupidly got into it, I thought I was smart, and that was the first big fool in the world.

In the end, it will definitely be pitted.

In this way, he is not suitable for the next wave.

Deepen the development and accumulate strength.

Prepare to rise to the black iron segment.

These are the things he should consider now.

Quickly sent a message to Ye Qingqi.

In the case of not being able to go out, it is decisive to purchase food in advance.

Of course, there are dozens of cities and towns in the Wanjie civilization. It is undoubtedly a difficult task to have so many granaries piled up before the winter.

Ye Qingying, who is backed by colorful terraces, is a big grain-producing country.

However, at this time, she still signed trade contracts with other civilizations, and she needed to regularly trade to many civilizations.

In this case, taking out so much food support to Luo Ji in one breath will still affect its own development to a certain extent.

After a period of discussion, the two people divided the procurement of food into four batches.

A batch of a month, in this case, she can be fully capable.

Even so, Luo Ji still had a surprise to the food production of Ye Qingyi's commercial civilization.

At the same time, my heart is a little envious.

It is a good natural wonder to have a farming bonus.

In the case of normal farming, there is almost no need to worry about food shortages.

After solving the food problem.

Luo Ji also asked Ye Qingyi about some of the problems he had encountered in recent commercial development.

In contrast, Ye Qingyi also has a lot of questions about tactical arrays and play routines.

As a newcomer who has just been on the bronze stage for a few months.

She is undoubtedly in a fairly busy state.

There is no tendency for the frequency of player intrusions to decrease every month.

However, according to Ye Qingyu's current strength.

To cope with the temptations of those players in the bronze section, it is estimated that it is not very difficult at all.

In the simple conversation, the words "free" are used directly.

Time continues to pass.

The temperature on the side of the Wanjie civilization is obviously cold in the day after day.

The Meteorological Bureau just sent a regular report.

Tell Luo that the temperature drop will continue slowly until it is completely winter.

At this time, the Wanjie civilization, above the railings of various households, many people have begun to basking bacon.

Undoubtedly, this temperature clearly told them that winter is approaching.

The blizzard last winter was still vivid and even caused snowstorms several times.

Let the people realize very clearly that they must be better prepared in advance.

It is naturally a very important job for them to hoard winter food.

On the other side of Luo Ji, it was also the person who sent the construction department immediately to inspect and reinforce the granaries of each city.

Among the granaries of several grassland cities, Luo Ji directly expanded it.

So that he can hoard more food on the grassland.

Last winter, food suddenly became scarce, most of the reason was because many granaries that had accumulated food had collapsed.

Leading to a large amount of food lost so much the same mistake, Luo Ji will never make another second.

At the same time, the news of the initial completion of Qingshui City made Luo Ji a sigh of relief.

After all, during this period, he transferred a group of people to build granaries and glass greenhouses.

It is inevitable that the construction period will be delayed.

The construction of Qingshui City can catch up, which is undoubtedly a great good news for him.

Of course, for the time being, it is only preliminary completion.

The construction in the city is still far away.

However, he has already established important facilities such as granaries, hospitals and nursing homes.

As for other constructions, I will say it after the spring of next year.

According to the report that He Shu sent them, the internal construction of Qingshui City wants to reach the level of Xiyuan City, Baihe City and Tiebi City. I am afraid that it will take two to three years to build.

However, it should be noted that this time is calculated on the premise that other cities have not developed further.

In other words, in these two or three years, if these cities are better and more advanced than they are now.

That Qingshui City wants to reach the construction level of other cities, and the time has to continue to be extended.

This is a relatively incompetent thing.

After all, during the construction of Qingshui City, it is impossible to stop a whole Wanxiang civilization and wait for it.

After a period of thought in the heart, Luo Ji transferred a force and a good good will pass.

As the garrison of Qing Shui City.

At the same time, the village head of Qingshuihu Fishing Village is Shijie Mountain.

Excellent political performance and outstanding ability.

At this point, officially sealed as the city owner of Qingshui City.

It is also a slap in the face.

However, according to the development progress of Qingshui City today, there is still a lot of work in Shijieshan in the future.