The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 651: a vivid 1 lesson

"The enemy attack! The enemy..."

The elf archer, who was standing next to the leader, exclaimed on the spot.

As soon as the result was opened, the sound stopped.

The two arrows that ran through his body took away his power to continue speaking without hesitation.

With the small life, I also took it away.

At the same time, it is at this time.

The elf archers who lie in the woods on both sides are also fully aware that they have become the prey in the eyes of others!

The arrow that did not know where to shoot from.

They fell into a panic.

The whole scene can be said to be completely chaotic.

In the face of this situation, someone who is the chief culprit can be calmer.

"Is it starting?"

Listening to the screams from the woods on both sides, Luo Ji’s mouth was slightly tilted.

There is no doubt that he gave a vivid lesson to the opposite elves.

Oh, no, think about it, it’s already two lessons.

Luo Ji used his own means to clearly tell the opposite side, what is called ‘the bait on the bright side, the secret killing trick! ’

The elves are too confident in their ability to fight in the forest.

However, if you think about it, in your own home, you still use your best style of play, it is difficult to think about not being confident.

But what they obviously didn't think was that Luo Ji also had a force that was good at this style of play.

That is the fox man archer he brought out this time!

Very surprised?

When Luo Ji just knew it, it was quite unexpected.

Since Hu Fei, the patriarch of the Fox family, has shown his loyalty to him.

The other party wrote a report quite simply and explained the skills of their fox people.

The previous Luo series did not think that there was a big difference between the fox archer and the human archer.

At most, there is more night vision.

However, after reading the report written by Hu Fei, he realized that he used to be a small fox.

In the report, Hu Fei made it very clear that their archers and archers are very good at guerrilla warfare in forests or mountainous areas...

This is undoubtedly directly overthrowing the majority of the Fox people before the Luo series.

It turns out they are field troops...

At the same time, I have to sigh the last sentence in my heart. After the other party’s sincere and sincere loyalty, it is still beneficial.

And this wave, the Fox people are undoubtedly meritorious.

As for when they ambushed into the forest.

The answer is after killing the elf scout that was touched last night.

I am afraid that the elves have never thought of it, Luo Ji will come to such an anti-ambush.

I don't even think that he will use his main force as a bait.

Now I want to come. The phrase before the Luo series indicates that the main force does not care about them. If you push Greentown directly, is it a big trap?

After using the sentence to let the elves drop their guards a little, this only pulls out the dagger hidden in the dark!

One hit! The elf archers who gave up the death of the elf generals for guerrilla warfare lost their hearts.

In fact, their own skills are no worse than the fox archers.

But in the case of being disrupted, can they still show a bit of skill?

Not to mention, the fox archers have an overwhelming advantage in terms of quantity!

The soldiers who looked at their faces unexpectedly.

Luo Ji chuckled and then made another noise...

"Don't take care of them and continue to advance!"

The battle in the forest was given to the foxes.

His goal today is Greenwood City!

Luo Ji’s main force has a strong morale.

All the way to advance, just passed through the forest, the light that began to brighten around, so that the soldiers at the front could not control the eyes.

Unexpectedly, at this time, a round of arrow rain outside the forest directly crushed over!

I saw that at this moment, on the open space outside the Greenwood City, Iverson was carrying the defending troops under his majesty, and the military array was waiting.

After seeing the violent firepower of the 30 siege devices.

Where will he wait for the other party to kill the door on the wall?

This wave, he directly pulled the military array out of the city.

If you want to see the other side out of the forest, give the invaders a look.

However, the actual effect is far from what he expected.

I saw the big shields at the forefront of the main force of the other party. They had already carried the bronze shield at the beginning and put up a posture against the long-range attack.

A wave of arrows rained, almost all of them were disintegrated.

While the soldiers were amazed at the fact that they were stunned, they also slammed the morale on the opposite side.

Faced with such a situation, Iverson's face instantly became iron.

Quickly indicated that the mages in the last row of the military array began to sing spells.

At the same time, the elf archers continue to attack.

However, the suppression of the enemy's range did not cause the soldiers to panic.

The reason is simple, their emperor's Majesty is behind.

In the minds of the soldiers, Luo Ji is the unconquerable king of conquering!

His existence is like a pinnacle, and firmly stabilizes the whole battle!

It is their spiritual pillar, and it is the guarantee of victory!

Out of the relatively narrow forest roads The Great Shields held the large bronze shield in their hands, stepping through the formation step by step and pushing forward.

An entire military squad soon spread.

The huge army made the opposite elves feel a heart.

In the momentum, I suddenly weakened my head.

"Master Iverson, the strength of the opposite is at least twice ours!"

Greenwood City's defending city general Karen looked ugly to Iverson.

Iverson, who had a face with iron, ignored him.

More than twice? Is that the opposite of the elephant, the tiger and the war elephants and other units of the military as a single unit to calculate?

This algorithm can be quite wrong.

In Iverson's view, the gap in strength is also three times less!

"We have no choice, Karen."

Iverson’s words, though directed at Karen, have a hint of self-consolation inside.

"The enemy came faster than I thought. I thought I could at least reach the fifth day, even the sixth day..."

Having said that, Iverson’s voice has already brought obvious helplessness.

"Karen, this battle, ready to evacuate from Greenwood City."

Iverson said this sentence and he sighed.

"You should know that I am not joking. I am fighting here with all the soldiers. I want to save my troops and wait for the reinforcements of the Elf King."

Karen, who heard this, his face looked dark and uncertain, and he nodded heavily.

Obviously, as a defender of Greenwood City, he is much more mature than Hadlin.

On the other hand, Luo Ji, who has already opened the military array outside Greenwood City, slowly raised the bronze pistol in his hand and sent a signal of attack!

"All the troops charge!!!"