The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 674: ,showdown

"If I choose to surrender, what are you going to do with me?"

A question was thrown directly.

There is no doubt that this issue is very important for Zhang William.

Although it is a small life priority, but he does not want to live a dark day after surrender.

For this problem, Luo Ji is not very surprised.

First turned around and said to me.

"Go and call Gao Wen."

After that, Luo’s line of sight fell back to Zhang William’s body.

"That depends on what you want to do."

"What do you mean?"

Luo Ji is too lazy to sell what, directly said.

"If you don't want to work for me, then I can give you a manor, let you eat, drink, and have fun all the time."

"And if you don't want to be a idler, then my Wannian civilization has always spoken by the ability. As long as you have the ability, I don't mind reusing you."

"Of course, the premise of these two choices is that you must first be honest."

Luo's statement is considered to be more acceptable to Zhang William.

The only thing that cannot be determined is whether the other party will follow the promise...

What if the other party is a guy who says a set on the surface and does it in the back?

In the worst case, the other party killed him after he cheated him!

Just when Zhang William was so pondered.

Gao Wen of the rear rode his own little pony, and he rushed up.

After the war, he changed his little pony again.

According to the speed of the current army, his little horse can keep up.

"Your Majesty, let me come!"

There is no doubt that Gao Wen is in a good mood.

When he played this game, he obviously made a meritorious deed.

At this point my heart is wondering what kind of rewards I want.

Looking at Gao Wen, who was coming over, Zhang William’s brow was obviously wrinkled.

Probably influenced by his own elf lineage.

They instinctively love something better.

The appearance of Gao Wen obviously does not meet his aesthetics.

"What is this? Goblin?"

Zhang William’s tone unconsciously brought a touch of disgust.

Gao Wen, who heard this, was so angry on the spot.

"You are Goblin, your family is Goblin! You stupid ears, all the stuff in your head is paste?!"

Gao Wen is still very sensitive about the issue of appearance.

Although the creature of Goblin has been seen for a long time, it is also ugly and ugly, and the accident is quite pleasing.

But for Gao Wen, who was originally a personal class, it is always better not to be a human.

Not to mention that it was mistaken for Goblin.

"Well, go to Calvin, calm down."

After Luo sighed, he raised his hand and appeased for a while, and by the way did not forget to vomit a sentence...

"And, don't forget, you are also a pointed ear."


For Luo Zhu's Tucao, Gao Wen said that he could not refute.

A pair of ears suddenly pulled down.

That looks like a blow, and it poses a frustrated posture.

Luo Ji silently pinched his eyebrows.

I am too lazy to take care of him.

The line of sight turned back to Zhang William again.

"Gao Wen is a goblin. By the way, like you, he is also a player."

Upon hearing this, Zhang William's eyelids sitting in the prison car clearly jumped.

Ok, he understands the meaning of Luo Ji.

The other party obviously saw through his concerns, so he called the goblin.

"You are a player?"

"What about it?!"

Gao Wen looked at Zhang William with a look of discomfort.

Just like Zhang William hates him, he now hates Zhang William very much!

Gao Wen’s every move is indeed not like an indigenous people in the local world.

At this time, William’s heart was already believed to be seven or eight.

Just when he thought about it, Luo Ji also thought of something.

"Oh, yes, I have to remind you of something. Before surrendering, you should take out all the items in your system warehouse and backpack. You may be able to change to a better treatment. After surrendering, you will be System operation is not possible."

“Can't do system operation? What do you mean?”

Sensitively caught the focus of this sentence, Zhang William's brow was a little wrinkled.

"That is to say, losing the player's identity and becoming an ordinary person."

Gao Wen, who stood next to him, said aloud.

"Without the control of the system page, the things stored in the system repository and the backpack are equivalent to being swallowed by the system."

At the end of the day, Gao Wen’s face clearly showed a trace of pain.

His family did not have time to take it out.

Although he became an ordinary person, he could not use those things.

But before, after all, it was so long, I still felt a bit of pain when I thought about it.

Zhang William, who was sitting in the prison car, was silent again.

Luo Ji did not have anything to say, anyway, from the beginning, he did not want to kneel, and ...

"Remind you one more thing, you don't have much time to think about it slowly. You will surrender to me, and naturally let me swallow the elf civilization, but I can kill you and kill the elf civilization."

"Then why don't you kill me directly?"

Zhang William, who heard this, asked this question.

"Because there are several players under the hand to help with things, it is very labor-saving."

Luo Ji just said this straightforwardly...

"And, after surrendering to me, everyone is on a boat. At this point, players tend to understand more than the average indigenous person thinks, you say yes?"

In the face of this problem, Zhang William brows a pick.

Ok, he wants to understand.

Once surrendered, he will become one of the ordinary people in the Wanxiang civilization.

As a player's Luo Ji died, the entire Wanjie civilization has to follow the end!

And he died, but it is basically not much impact on Luo This is the point, he is already destined to absolutely not dare to defect.

Unless he is tired of living someday...

But it is precisely because of this, once surrendered, Luo Ji can trust them to a large extent.

At the same time, players who have the common sense of modern people should be more reliable than indigenous people.

If you follow the story of Luo Ji, in the Wanxiang civilization, it is not difficult to want to go out.

At this moment, Zhang William began to believe that after the surrender, Luo Ji would not take him.

At this point, I only listened to Zhang William’s quite simple showdown...

"I just said, there are two gold-level props in my warehouse, and there are several relatively rare silver-level props, but I have a request!"

"any request?"

"I want to have some autonomy and territory!"

Hearing this condition, Luo's brow wrinkled.

Autonomy and territory? He is not prepared to make a place similar to the vassal state in his own civilization.

So he is also very simple.

"After all, you have just returned, I promise you the most, let you become the city owner of a city, and seal the Elf King. As for the city owner who makes you a city, I will decide."

Zhang William clearly felt that the one in the tone of Luo Ji was unquestionable.

There is no such thing as a half-line to discuss.

Conquer the king? This guy's bones are indeed overbearing.

However, the words he just made were originally temptations.

From the beginning, Zhang William did not think that Luo will let himself become a king in his universal civilization.

Nowadays, there is a city seat as a guarantee for the city, but it is still OK.

"Well, I promise you."