The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 725: Stand upside down

Look at the wood elf rebels who started to flee.

Halfin looked at an opportunity and quickly shouted the words of 'putting down the weapon, surrendering and not killing' and persuading him to drop.

The other soldiers around listened, and they shouted loudly.

Soon, the phrase "put down the weapon, surrender and not kill" spread throughout every corner of the forest.

The wood elf family, although the elders are in power, but Harfin is a patriarch, more or less still has a certain prestige.

After the defeat, he faced Halfen’s persuasion.

There are a lot of wood elves who have chosen to let go of their weapons and surrender.

But in contrast, many wood elves have chosen to escape.

For those who choose to escape the wood elves.

The army of the Wanjie civilization is naturally going all the way.

Among them, a large number of wood elves chose to flee to the city.

Probably in the panicked wood elves, hiding in the city, the protection of the wall should be much safer.

But in fact, the walls that are a few meters high cannot provide them with any sense of security.

It is even more impossible to stop the army of the Wanjie civilization.

Consider the need to fight in complex forest terrain.

Although Luo Ji did not assign large siege equipment to them, it provided them with a lighter ladder.

As soon as the ladder is set up, for the extremely flexible Elf Ranger, the Wolf Warrior and the Foxman guerrillas, climbing a few meters high wall is a blink of an eye.

The wood elf who escaped in front just fled back to the city.

In the next second, an entire wall was occupied by the Wanjiang Civilization Army that was subsequently rushed to.

Then, it was even easier to take control of the city gate.

Then the gate opened and the army entered the city.

While reclaiming the city, Halfin ordered the all-in-one wood elves who had fled into the city to be held together.

Wait until the war to make a fall.

At the same time, the other side.

Part of the wood elf, who was clearly aware of the city’s inability to escape, fled directly to the other side of the forest.

Things have developed to this point, and it has not been hit.

As a traitor, falling into the hands of the other party, I don’t know what will happen.

So how far can you escape?

With the same thoughts, there is Garend.

As the head of the rebel party, once he falls into the hands of the other party, it is sure to die, and there is no possibility of being spared.

If you want to live, you can only escape!

Desperately flapping his wings, Garende fled all the way to the distance, despite the pain of his body.

And Karl Gan, riding a giant eagle, is killing all the way in the back.

At this moment, the position between the two sides is completely reversed.

One after another, the arrow was constantly shot from Calgan.

In the face of Calgan's pursuit, Garende was under great pressure.

I want to fight back, but one reality before him is that he is powerless to fight back.

After practicing the druids of the last millennium, although the mana of the body is huge, maintaining the deformation of the druid itself is to continue to consume mana.

In addition, he applied so many wind pressure and gale bombs before and after.

Although they are all low-level spells, the mana cost is a lot less.

When the number comes up, no one can hold it!

At the moment, he is obviously coming to the limit.

It is already very difficult to continue to maintain the deformation.

If this is to cast an attacking spell, then his mana is expected to bottom out in a short time!

At that time, he could not escape even if he escaped.

Calgan should have guessed this situation too.

It is completely different from the original entanglement and circumstance. At this time, he can be said to be full of aggressiveness!

One of the slings had an arrow that attacked the pre-judgment, and the angle of the shot began to become more and more difficult.

Let Garende struggle to hide.

At the same time, the injury in his body is constantly affecting his state.

Before William, a gust of wind, but let him fall.

It is estimated that the bones have been cracked several times.

However, he has no time to check now.

Nothing to breathe.

Two more arrows shot at him.

Garende looked at the attack trajectory of the arrow, clenched his teeth, flapped his wings, and evaded with a very fast flipping action.

But what he didn't think of was.

His evasive action has just been carried out in half.

There was a tearing pain in the body.

It was his large-scale evasive action, which involved the injury on his body and caused the injury to deteriorate!

This sudden outbreak of severe pain has made his entire evasive movement significantly disfigured.

Between the electric and the Flint, the second arrow that was too late to avoid was suddenly in his body!

The intense pain continually stimulates his pain nerves.

Garende wants to struggle again.

However, Calgan did not give him this opportunity.

At the moment when he saw his movements deformed, Calgan, who was chasing the back, knew that the opportunity was coming.

As soon as he raises his hand, he is a superb hand-to-bead arrow.

At that time, I only heard the ‘brush brush’ three times.

The three arrows that came out of the string roared.

In a blink of an eye, all hit, depriving Garende of the last resistance!

The body began to flip and fell quickly toward the ground.

In the process of falling, his metamorphosis was completely exhausted, and his deformation was passively removed, revealing his old appearance.

The corners of the mouth and the nose and mouth are constantly overflowing with blood.

That looks very miserable.

Then, the whole body fell from the height of hundreds of meters to the ground.

No need for Calgan to do anything more.

A strong inertial impact is enough to break him into a mass of meat.

Signaling his giant eagle partner to land from the air.

Looking at the moment of the fall, Karlund was directly smashed into a mass of meat by inertia.

The pungent **** smell made Calgan couldn't help but lick his nose.

But in any case, Garend is dead and can't die anymore.

There is no chance to leave a last sentence.

Calgan obviously didn't mean to bring a piece of meat to go back to the cross.

But lost in the wild, it seems not very good.

Between the thoughts flying, he simply took some time, got some branches of firewood, and planned to burn a fire.

At the same time the periphery of the Wood Elf Forest.

Facing the wood elf deserters who escaped from the forest.

Luo Cheng and Zhou Wei, who have been waiting for a long time, naturally led the cavalry team under their command.

In the plains, it is not difficult for them to solve this defeat.

Of course, even if you kill it, you will be fine.

According to the meaning of their emperor.

This wood elf is a rare race that produces elf sacrifices, not to mention an elf Druid.

The value of one click has become even greater.

In the case of ensuring victory, you can stay a few more.

At this point, the battle of the rebellious party of the Suimu Elf can be said to have basically brought down the curtain... the lord of civilization