The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 8: Development tribe

He really didn't want to do a lot of entanglement on a name. In the end, strength is the last word. He found a place to sit down and made a few more suitable stones to make a few stone axe and stone. Spears are given priority to the four strongest warriors in the tribe, and the rest are the other fighters.

As the first warrior, Luo Yong already had a stone axe in his hand. He was also interested in stone spear. He picked up a stone spear and made two strokes. He finally shook his head. "It's too light."

"The weight of the stone axe is relatively heavy and the power is relatively large. The advantage of the stone spear is the flexibility and the scope of the attack. If you are too light, try taking two stone axes." In the speech, Luo Ji will just be tied. A stone axe was handed to Luo Yong.

"Can I really take two of them alone?" Rayong, who took another stone axe, was uplifted. In fact, he had the intention of taking two stone axes at first, according to his strength, a stone axe in one hand. There is no problem at all, except that so many people in their tribe still have no weapons. It seems that he can’t say it when he takes two of them.

“Nothing.” Luo Ji’s face was indifferent and waved. “As long as you find the right stone, you can do a lot. When you go out to hunt, you should pay attention to it. If you have the right stone, you will bring it back. Anyway, this weapon is simple to do. It’s not too much.

In this regard, Luo Yong is of course screaming, and then excitedly waved his two stone axes to the side, and other warriors who got the weapons, one by one are also excited.

After a while, the scouts who had been sent out by Luo Ji came back with a tired face. He successfully confirmed the location of the enemy tribe and left a mark along the way. This news undoubtedly made the tribe warriors I feel a bit of excitement. After mastering this news, it is equivalent to mastering the dominance!

I have been entangled in the tribal population problem before, and now I am already thinking about finding a time to bring the tribe down. At the same time, I also praised the scouts and gave him A name, Luo Jin, became the second person after Luo Yong, who got the name from Luo Ji, attracted the envy of many tribes.

Then, with the darkening of the sky, they have to start cooking and cooking. Here, Luo has to sigh, but fortunately, it is not necessary to use it.

However, this kind of snow and ice weather, the wind is too big, from time to time also put a few pieces of snow, so that the difficulty of firewood drilling has increased more than one level, often it is difficult to get a sparking star, the result is accidentally, the wind is blowing Gone……

One day, Luo Ji, who was already hungry, couldn’t sit still, and his brain turned, and then he took the initiative. Under the gaze of the people’s faces, he moved a few large stones and took a very The simple cooktop came out.

System Tip: Congratulations to the player 'Luo Ji' to build a 'small stone stove Taiwan', get 20 points of civilization points, 2 points of cultural points, and 2 points of industrial points.

"Hey, this stone stove is actually adding cultural points and industrial points at the same time?" For the time being, there is no time to study this. The Luo series only spoke in the heart. At the same time, since they have already done this, they simply and drums up. For a while, I plan to get a stone pot and get a few bowls out.

For these things, the women in the tribe seem to have experience in production. After all, they also need water. Everyone works together and they get it out quickly, but this shape is really terrible. However, in the extraordinary period, who is paying attention to this ? Can you use it?

Let the women make a few more bowls out, and Luo Ji himself called the men in the two tribes to lift the stone pot, and planned to go to the lake to wash and wash, and by the way, the two were next to the ice cave. The fisherman called back.

Luo Ji estimated that there was also a hurdle for three hours, but now there is no movement at all. It seems that there will be no gains today. "Okay, come here today, everyone will put this stone together. Wash and wash, prepare to eat..."

When Luo Ji said this, the face responsible for catching the fishing net suddenly changed. After detecting the movement in the fishing net, he quickly picked up the fishing net in his hand! Not waiting for Luo Ji to see clearly, the system prompts in my mind have already told him what happened...

System Tip: Congratulations to the tribe where the ‘Luo Ji’ is located for the first time to find ‘squid’, get 30 points of civilization points, 3 points of production points, and +1 development of ‘fishery’!

"Haha, hahaha..." I didn't have time to pay attention to the system prompts in my head. Looking at the squid that was struggling in the fishing net, Luo Ji couldn't help but laugh out, and the surrounding tribes were It’s so happy to see the patriarchs laughing, and each one laughs with the dance.

The reason why Luo Ji is so happy, of course, is not because he caught a squid, but because the appearance of this fish fully proves that his method is correct! After that, as long as a few more fishing nets, more ice rafts, development of fisheries and improved fishing efficiency, the tribes can basically solve the problem of food, let alone the natural wonders of the mirror lake. 'The development has a 20% bonus!

"The patriarch, is this the fish you said?" The old man obviously remembered what Luo said during the day, and after seeing the living thing in the fishing net, he immediately thought of the past.

"Yes, that's it." During the speech, Luo Ji gestured to the other party to throw the fish on the ground, in order to avoid the fact that the people who had never seen the fish had made some things that made him speechless. Decisiveness fell on his patriarch.

Fortunately, many years of independent living experience have allowed him to practice most of his life skills. It’s natural to kill the fish. Look at the squid that is still dying on the ground, probably because there is no fishing in this era. That head is not too small, in modern times, such a big squid he has never seen, and it is still wild, it is estimated that there will be a large number of rich people willing to pay high prices, but in any case, Luo Ji has I decided to cook it with a pot of fish soup.

Pick up a handful of stones, directly slap the squid that smacks, and then pick up a stone that is suitable for stone spears.

But there is no doubt that this is really blunt. It took a lot of effort to kill this fish. When scraping the scales, it was a bit horrible to scrape the fish, but this is no way. If you can have a chopper that makes the point, it will not be so hard.

Under the eyes of the public, in conjunction with the screaming surprise of the tribe people, Luo Ji put the processed squid into the pot. There is no seasoning in this era, only one pot of water and one fish. Where is the '咕噜咕噜' cooking, and the other fire next to it is still grilled with the meat of the skewers.

Hungry all day, everyone is hungry, Luo Ji with the meat of the baked dumplings, the scorpion is not small, although it is impossible to let all the people eat enough, but at least everyone Can be divided into a few mouthfuls.

In the past, if you can have such a bite to eat, they should be happy, but today, one by one is a bit absent-minded, biting the meat in his mouth, but his eyes have been aiming at the pot of fish soup Obviously, they are full of curiosity about this novel food

Estimating the time, Luo Ji 掀 掀 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 那 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗 罗The fish soup in the fish has already had a tempting milky white color. When you look at it, you can make your index finger move. At this moment, including Luo Ji, all the 35 pairs of eyes almost fell into this pot fish soup. on.

But unfortunately, although this squid is very big, but the stone pot is not big enough, I don’t want to know more about it. It seems that today I can only let everyone have a taste of it, anyway, Mingjing Lake Just beside, as long as you stand firm here, are you afraid of not drinking fish soup?

The patriarch of the Luo series hand-picked the pot of fish soup and fish. Before eating, he also specially selected the root spur to remind him to let them be careful. After all, this freshwater fish spur has always been a lot.

However, even if the reminder came, many people were stabbed, and then ‘wow wow’ screamed, but fortunately the fish bones were so small that they would swallow the meat again.

Drinking the fish soup in the dry bowl, Luo Ji exhaled a long breath, obviously did not put the seasonings, but the fish soup is unexpectedly delicious, of course, it may be that he is hungry, so eat anything delicious.

After solving the dinner, Luo Ji sat on the side of the fire and touched his stomach. To be honest, he didn’t even have a full 50%, and he only had one meal a day. The tribes who could listen to him said that every night. It’s a blessing to have a bite to eat. When they can’t get the prey, they often have to drink water for a few days.

When I heard this, Luo Ji’s heart could not help but sigh the hardships of the people of this era, and even more lamented that this patriarch was not so good.