The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 822: Seeing the gray elf princess

The people of the Wanjie civilization can be said to be unusually concerned about the progress of the construction of the military academy.

When the project was just started.

It has already caused some discussion.

After all, everyone has tasted the sweetness of ‘school.’

In the past few years, those college graduates have not been able to go anywhere.

Therefore, the news of their emperor’s construction of a military school in the Dongcheng District of Der Spiegel was revealed.

It immediately caused a heated discussion.

When the military academy was completed.

Everyone is wondering when the college will start enrolling students.

Many families have already begun to prepare for their children.

Now officially announced a post.

Around the bulletin board of each city, it is naturally crowded with a large number of onlookers.

It is a sea of ​​people.

"Hey! You said, what did you learn from this newly built military academy?"

"You don't understand this. This military academy is used to train military talents. I heard that students who graduated from this college can directly become generals in the army!"

I will say this.

Suddenly, it caused a burst of exclamation from the surrounding pedestrians.

The word general is undoubtedly too far away for ordinary civilians.

"Really? Where did you hear it?"

Feeling the sight of everyone, the person who spoke triumphantly lifted his chin.

"I naturally have my way."

For a time, along with the warming of the topic, within the Wanjie civilization, there is also a constant stream of arguments.

Finally, it even reached the ears of Luo Ji.

He felt a burst of laughter.

The military academy is indeed the place where he set up to train military talent.

But it is said that graduation will be a general, and that is too much.

In this regard, Luo Ji shook his head in a speechless voice, they followed them.

Today, he has other things to do.

After several twists and turns.

Princess Mia of the Grey Elf family can finally see him.

The time to arrange a glimpse is this afternoon.

After simply eating lunch and taking a nap for a while.

Listen to the report of the guards beside you.

Luo Ji washed his face and walked slowly toward the temple.

The princess of the Grey Elves, no doubt waiting for it at this time.

Standing next to it is the guard of Lille.

In the past few months, the life of the Wanxiang civilization has made the costumes of Mia at this time seem to be almost the same as the people here.

This time, because of the glimpse of the emperor, she also deliberately put on a dress.

However, there is no doubt that this costume is still the hands of the craftsmen of their Wanxiang civilization.

"The gray elf princess Mia, I have seen the Conqueror."

Looking at the Luo series that came in, Mia succumbed to the ceremony.

The vast territory of Wanjie civilization, the magnificent city and the prosperous civilization.

It is enough for these arrogant gray elves to have awe of this conquering king.

Gao Ji, who sits high above the throne, lifts his hand and gestures to Mia.

At the moment Mia lifted her head slightly.

The beautiful face suddenly reflected the eyes of Luo Ji.

It is impossible to deny that the beauty of Princess Mia is indeed rare in the world.

Even Luo, who sits high above the throne, has a flash of astounding color in his eyes.

Then, the moment is calm.

At the same time, there is a pair of amethyst-like scorpions.

Mia, who is also looking at Luo Ji, is also looking at the changes in Luo Ji’s look.

At this moment, Mia's heart could not help but produce a wrong mood.

Although not boastful, but for his own looks, Mia is still very much.

However, Luo's reaction was to let her have a self-doubt.

Just thinking about it in Mia’s mind.

Luo, who sits above the throne, spoke up...

"The beauty of Princess Mia, I am afraid that in this world, there are few people who can compare with you. It really makes me amazing."

Luo Ji did not praise his own praise.

At the same time, he can feel his sincerity from the tone.

However, the pair was calm to a black box with almost no half-wave fluctuations.

But always let Mia feel this lack of sincerity.

More like a speech-like language.

In the past, Mia simply did not care how others evaluated her appearance.

This attitude is, to a certain extent.

It is out of absolute confidence in your appearance.

Therefore, whether others are flattering her or degrading her.

She has nothing at all.

Emotionally, there is almost no fluctuation.

However, this time, in the face of Luo Zhu's praise, Mia's heart is inexplicably a little dissatisfied.

"Come, come to give."

Luo Jing’s calm man gave Mia a seat underneath.

Then he ordered people to drink tea and snacks.

After doing the basic landlord friendship.

Luo Ji is not a slow opening...

"I heard that Princess Mia has come to my world of civilization for several months, but a while ago, I have been leading the army to the west, and I have only recently returned to the capital. I don't know about this, I am really negligent."

"Conquering Wang Hao is polite."

Mia, who heard this, slightly decapitated and replied at the same time...

"What I have seen and heard in the past few months has made Mia grow a lot of insights, and my heart is even more admired by the conquest of the Wanjie civilization."

In this regard, Luo Ji haha ​​smiled, and then put on a very interesting look said...

"In fact, it is not difficult to create the Wannian civilization."

During the speech, Luo Ji was eager to talk about some so-called '诀窍'.

But a pair of eyes, but always is watching the gray elf princess.

If the other party comes to his Wanxiang civilization, if it is really ‘learning’, then she should be very interested in this content.

Surprisingly, however, for this topic, Princess Miaia seems to be smiling on the surface, but Luo Ji is keenly aware that the other party seems to be unable to raise any interest.

Of course, there is still a suspicion in the mind, and it is inevitable to continue to test.

After confirming that the other party is really interested, there is no interest.

This slowly shifted the topic to some irrelevant chats.

During this period, naturally, it is inevitable to talk about the purpose of Princess Mia's trip.

Then I got a reply to the ‘out-of-war travel’ without any surprise.

To be honest, Luo Ji is a bit sloppy.

After several trials, I could not detect the purpose of this woman.

However, in fact, Mia herself is also entangled in this problem.

She followed the guidelines of her dreams and came here to see the Conquering King.

But then?

She does not know since entering the Wanjie civilization.

She found that the frequency of her dreams began to get smaller and smaller.

Until you enter the city of Der Spiegel.

That dream never happened again.

Obviously, she has actually arrived at her destination.

But what do you do after you arrive at your destination? she does not know.

under these circumstances.

How can Luo Ji see a purpose that does not exist at all?

The update was sent, thanks to the book ‘HG Tongmeng’, ‘Thousands of Nights’, ‘Qinghuotian’, ‘A Civilized Oral’, ‘Happy Month’, ‘Reminiscence, Past’!

(End of this chapter)