The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 831: After breaking

Facing the continuous impact and destruction of the orcs.

Even a specially reinforced special door.

It is also inevitable that after being smashed, the fate of falling to the ground.

With the fall of the gate.

Outside the camp, a group of orcs headed by wild boars rushed in.


There was a trace of regret in the eyes of Hill that saw this scene.

At this moment, a large number of wooden barrels have been piled up near the entrance.

Hill decisively shot the fire that had been placed on the string.

The fire that came out of the string screamed.

The arrow directly fell into one of the barrels.

Then, I heard only a loud roar and rang through the whole piece of frozen soil!

Along with the rapid spread of the flames and the explosion of the chain.

The group of wild boars who rushed in will be swallowed up in an instant!

The violent movement in the frontline camp stunned Bethan, who was standing in the back.

Later, he turned his head to look at Cassin's eyes, and the decisiveness was a good deal.

"You, very good, I will cover you in the future!"

Obviously, it was originally in accordance with the character of the bear.

This kind of broken city, they will inevitably rush to the front.

However, when they planned to do so, they were stopped by Cassin.

For the means of humanity, Cassin has seen it.

Cassin, who felt that there was a trap in it, was persuaded by Bessin with an idea of ​​self-worth.

But he did not expect it.

This trap is actually terrible to this point!

The sudden big bang almost scared him.

Two legs, and now there are still some flaws.

His face is even more white.

Even the words of Bethan did not make him return to God.

Now turn the perspective back into the frontline camp.

Although he said that he could not kill several bears, Hill expressed his regret.

But after an arrow was shot, she still issued a retreat order quite simply.

Take the troops quickly and exit from the other side.

At the same time, when leaving.

I have not forgotten the institutions that destroyed the export.

Then, with the rest of the people, quickly rushed to the camp.

The big bang at the entrance to the camp.

The orc troops were stopped for a long time.

Look at the human camp that is already turned into a sea of ​​fire.

Cassin’s face changed slightly after the emotions were calmed down.

"Not good! Master Bessen, the group of people wants to burn all the food and things in the camp!"

Besson, who heard this, changed his face at this moment.

Then, after biting his teeth, he shouted loudly...

"Everyone rushed in with me and saved the food!!"

The big chain explosion just mentioned can be said to be amazing.

Not only did it blow up the entrance.

The walls on both sides were also collapsed.

The collapsed walls have not been blocked by the orcs.

Avoiding the sea of ​​fire, the orcs quickly rushed into the camp where there was no scene.

Later, Kasin reached out and pointed to a building that was burning.

"That, food is definitely there!"

Other buildings, there is nothing to burn without burning.

So nowadays, in the camp, where the fire is, there must be something that must be burned.

And something that must be burned.

In addition to the food that can not be taken away.

During the moment, Kasin really couldn’t think of anything else.

A big fire has been burning until sunset.

The exaggerated fire, the snow and ice around the burning camp, melted a lot.

Look at the body of a wild boar who has been burnt into coke.

Many of them are still dead and dead.

Besse's eyes are deeper in jealousy.

Obviously, these people are not as good as he expected!

However, he obviously does not care much about the life and death of wild boars.

Not even noticed the group of wild boars who are packing up the bodies of the people, the resentment in their eyes!

Exhale a heavy breath.

Bethan’s eyes were removed from the bodies of the wild boars.

After falling to the center of the camp, his face turned a lot better.

Because it is just due to winter.

Within the granary of the frontline camp, it can be said that it has accumulated a large amount of winter food.

It is conceivable how big the number is.

A fire went down and I couldn't burn it all.

A bag of food saved by the beasts is now piled up in the middle of the camp, almost piled up into a hill.

Let them not be busy with life.

Just when Bethan thought about it.

Cassin ran across the panting.

"Bei, Bethan, this man's camp, there is another exit, the people in the camp should have ran from that exit."

Having said that, Kasin decisively volunteered to express...

"We fox people are good at tracking, Bessen adults, let me send a few people to catch up?"

Upon hearing this, Bethan looked at Cassin's eyes and suddenly became more pleasing to the eye.

This fox man is still very useful.

Thinking of this, just listening to Besson’s opening after nodding...

"Well, just do what you said."

Cassin, who has already been trusted by Besson, has more confidence in his heart.

Decisively called a team of foxes, let them follow the evacuation of the other side, track up.

And he himself is calling another group of foxes.

I began to search for the equipment of the dead on the battlefield.

The equipment that humans have built is a good thing.

However, Nakasin is obviously very smart.

Did not swallow it privately.

But the fox people have all the equipment together.

Then put a pair of gestures to be given to Besson ~ ~ Kasin's move, naturally let Besson feel very good.

And those human size equipment.

For them bearers, it is useless.

It’s a small knife that is too small for him to throw back into the equipment pile.

Besson waved his hand directly.

"These equipment, you will look at it yourself later."

Sure enough, after a round, it finally fell into the hands of Cassin.

All of this can be said to be in the expectation of Cassin.

But he must do it again.

That's right, even if you know that the Xiongren people can't use this equipment, he still has to do it again.

This can be understood as the conscious of the courtiers.

Of course, among the orcs, there is actually no concept of 'courtiers'.

But no matter what the bears don't need.

If Kasin is self-contained, he will handle the equipment.

Then Bethan will definitely feel bad, this is absolutely true.

Cassin is now licensed.

Naturally, these equipments were distributed directly to the fox people in the family.

When distributing equipment.

Of course he also left a heart.

Give priority to distributing these excellent equipment to the fox people who are obeying him.

without any exaggeration.

This wave of down, Cassin's reputation among the Fox people is already in full swing.

Almost in a short time completely over the patriarch and a group of elders!