The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 955: , the bottom card is out (2)

The offensive of the Goblin army is still going on in madness. The number of troops is really terrible, so that they have the feeling of killing them and killing them.

A ladder of ladders continually hangs over the walls of the Storm City. The red-browed Goblin slaves, who are both red-eyed, are just like monkeys.

If you don't pay attention, just rush straight up the ladder!

Fortunately, Zhou Yi arranged for melee troops on the wall. In the face of the Goblin slaves who rushed to the wall, the swords and shields slashed and rushed.

One of the swords and shields quickly waved between the swords and directly smashed a small Goblin slave.

However, it did not wait for the knife and shield to raise a smug for his rapid offensive. The next second, the scene of the coldness of the hearts of the people took place...

I saw that the Goblin slavery who had been slashed by a knife had not died yet!

He licked a pair of **** eyes, and made a sharp roar, while dragging the half of the intestines and internal organs that had been hung outside, crawling toward the soldier closest to him!

The soldier was scared by the scene on the spot, and the whole person felt a burst of hair.

At this time, Zhou Yi first responded.

I saw him pull out the knife at the waist, and then a step, the knife in his hand cut off the head of the Goblin slave, completely ended the life of this creature, then shouted loudly...

"All the soldiers listened. These guys are almost insane now. It seems that they have not felt the pain and fear. Before you cut their heads, give me some caution, don't relax!!"

At the same time as the call, Zhou Yi directly launched the ‘encourage morale’ skill, and pulled a boost of morale, which finally managed to maintain the situation on the wall.

Then, with the sword in his hand, while the blood stained on the blade was clean, his eyes subconsciously glanced at the position of the Goblin Shaman on the battlefield.

Obviously, the reason why these Goblin will become so crazy is definitely not related to those Goblin Shaman.

This kind of feeling is not fear, and even the pain is not felt. The soldiers who are completely mad after the madness are terrifying. To a certain extent, the attack of the Goblin army has been greatly enhanced.

Between the vagueness, there is a tendency to crush them.

Zhou Yi knows how to break the game, that is to kill the Goblin Shaman who is jumping over there.

But he just can't kill them!

This feeling can only be said to be too bad, and even make people crazy.

However, at this time, from the battle to the present, the glimpse of the air has been moving!

In accordance with the wisdom of the glimpse, coupled with the sense of Warcraft's volatility of special forces, it is natural to detect the opposite of those Goblin shamans.

In the eagle's eye, the dark electric flashing, the glimpse of the wings and the wings, a direct explosion of amazing speed, instantly approached one of the Goblin Shaman who is jumping.

It’s too late, it’s fast!

I saw the electric light between the flint, the Goblin shaman actually did not even have time to make a reaction, the fragile neck, has been smashed by the eagle claws instantly tear!

Then the glimpse of the action does not stop, a flipping roundabout, flapping the wings, directly rushing to the next Goblin Shaman!

In a short period of time, the death of several Goblin shamans caused vacancies in the BUFF coverage area on the battlefield. A large number of Goblin slaves were awakened from the BUFF blessing state.

This change naturally caught the attention of Jodel in the first place, and made him swear on the spot.

"Grass! What is the situation of the bird? Is it fine?!"

Anyone can clearly see that the galloping black eagle in the air is attacking the Goblin Shaman under his command.

"Shooting down, let the archers force shoot the stinky bird!!!"

At this moment, Jodel is almost going crazy.

Goblin Shaman is a rare unit, worth even more than his Goblin behemoth!

Although they do not have direct combat power, they can only bless the soldiers in their BUFF, but as long as they cooperate with his most commonly used human-sea tactics, they will be able to let his Goblin army explode with almost horrible fighting power!

In other words, this is almost the core unit of other people's sea tactics.

If you lose this batch of Goblin Shaman, the combat power of his Goblin army will be at least 30% to 40%!

It's no wonder that Yodel will become so violent.

Compared with Yoder, who is like a thunderstorm, at this moment, Zhou Yi, standing on the head of the storm city wall, can completely express his ecstasy on his face.

At the same time, I was a little surprised.

In his opinion, glimpse as a bird is a bit too clever.

How did it know the key to this war, the Goblin Shaman who was responsible for jumping the Great God?

Is this incredible?

At this moment, Zhou Yi couldn't help but raise such a thought.

"If I don't look back, I will raise an eagle to try?"

Of course, these are all words.

At this time on the battlefield, according to the orders of Yodel, a large number of Goblin archers began to gather fire attack.

However, the kind of sluggish attack is really too much threat to the glimpse.

Between the **** flapping a few times, the arrows thrown by the Goblin archers could not catch up with its speed.

However, it does play a role in getting in the way.

At this moment, looking at the Goblin archers who were turned by the stinky bird in the air, Jodel’s entire face was already black.

"Are you all pigs? So many archers can't even shoot a stinky bird?!"

Yodel is not awkward. Of course, the speed of his glimpse is astonishingly fast, but he still wants to be so embarrassed.

Simply speaking, it is to vent your He feels that if he doesn't vent again, he will be blown up.

After a slam dunk, Yodel, who had a slight calm down, began to speculate on the identity of the glimpse.

That is obviously not an ordinary stinky bird, otherwise the speed cannot be as fast as this.

Under this premise, considering that the other party is a magical civilization, a vocabulary suddenly emerged from the mind of Jodel.

"Summon beast? Is this the summoning beast of a great mage?"

Anyway, this wave of him was miserable, and the Goblin Shaman is too important for him, and there is absolutely no loss.

If all of this died under the talons of the stinky bird, he estimated that he would be mad at the scene to spit out a blood!

Take a deep breath and weigh the pros and cons of Jodel’s direct evil in the heart...

"Retreat, fast special mother's retreat to Laozi!!"