The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 961: Continuous attack

A mad rush to kill the ‘ 火 火 维持 ‘ ‘ ‘ 维持 维持 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘

In this regard, Luo Ji is not in a hurry, just take this opportunity to confirm the lethality of the 'burning' state.

What is more regrettable during this period is that the defending city has never sent out the big brother Bulin troops as the regular army, and the Goblin giant beast is missing.

The Göblin slavery is a cannon fodder class. The qualities of all sides are below the normal level, and there are no decent armor.

The 燎原火 in the state of 'burning' can kill them, not a lot of great things.

The point is whether you can kill the normal level of infantry units.

However, the opposite side did not send a regular army, Luo Ji probably can guess their thoughts, nothing more than wanting a large number of Goblin slaves to lose their strength and status.

When they are almost dragged, they will send a regular military victory.

In this regard, Luo Ji is not very concerned about.

He doesn't mind playing a few more games at a time. Even the other party is better off sending a few more Göblin slaves out to let him kill.

Because of this wave of invasion, he himself is going to brush the points!

After letting the original fire smashed a lot, Luo Ji counted the time, touched the mane of the original fire in a timely manner, began to appease it, so that it calmed down.

After the excitement of the heart was slightly dispersed, the ‘burning’ state of the original fire was also lifted.

Later, I was probably aware that I had made a mistake, and in the eyes of the original fire, there was a lot of apology.

Of course, Luo Ji will not care. After he has comforted the original fire, he quickly turned his direction, merged with the cavalry, and then launched a joint action.

To brush the number of Luo, did not force the opposite to die too much.

After seeing the fight, it blew the horn of the retreat.

On the one hand, nature is to provide more rest time for the army that you have left.

On the other hand, it is to give the opposite of the Goblin army a little breathing time.

Because only in this way, the opposite side can provide him with a steady stream of ‘materials’.

By the way, it is worth mentioning that, after the end of this game, the defending army consisting of the collapsed brothers and the soldiers of the army has reached the premise of conquest. Under the blessing of the effect of the 'Heart of the Overlord', Luo Ji brushed up. Thirteen conquest points, as well as a large wave of orc points and some elf points, and foreign military development points...

At this moment, Luo Ji, who is sitting in the camp, is going to laugh.

This Jodel Senco is simply too suitable for brushing points!

This month's invasion war, I don't want to brush him more than a hundred points of conquest, I am sorry for myself!

Early the next morning, the army of the Wanjie civilization, which had raised its spirits, once again launched an attack on the city of Goblin.

The other party is still facing the cannon fodder composed of the Göblin slaves.

Let the army under Luo Jiyi happily brush a wave of points, then happily blew the horn and began to retreat.

A continuous attack like this has lasted for three days.

On the fourth day, Luo Ji ordered the whole army to take a day off.

Orc soldiers are physically strong and resilience is equally good.

According to the daily attack strength before Luo, the next morning, their physical strength can be fully restored.

The average skin injury can only be healed in two or three days.

In other words, continue to maintain the current rhythm, the orc soldiers can completely continue to attack.

The reason why Luo Ji let the army rest for a day is mainly to let the soldiers of the elves, the elf archers, the goblin squadron and the cavalry of the rear squad relax.

Especially the elf sacrifices, as I said before, the recovery of mana requires a lot of time.

Although the elves sacrificed hundreds of years of cultivation, although deep, and Luo Ji also has a problem of distributing the mana, but after three consecutive games, it still has to give them a day to meditate and recover.

Of course, the orc soldiers should also take a break to avoid some fatigue and accumulate without knowing it.

On the fourth day of calm, General Goblin standing on the wall was relieved, and then a slight sneer was sent out.

"Oh, hehehehe, for three consecutive days of siege, really can't hold back to rest?"

If the opposite side can continue to fight for the next day, it would be too horrible.

After three days of playing down, even if it is worthless cannon fodder, so many deaths, it is also seen that his eyelids jump.

After the big brother Brin soldiers on the wall of the wall continued to stare, General Goblin, who was walking down the wall, asked directly to the deputy who was next to him...

"Is the latest batch of slaves delivered?"

"Reporting the general, has been sent."

General Goblin, who got a positive answer, looked a lot better.

What kind of joke? It’s only when their Goblin army dragged their enemies, they haven’t been dragged by the enemy!

He wants to see what the other side can support!

The words are divided into two parts. On this side, the Luo series is full of targeted invasion wars. It can be said that it is playing smoothly, while the other side of the Wanxiang civilization, after three days of calm, did not wait for the players of the GOD Alliance. It was accidentally invaded by another foreign player...

System Tip: Fuso players ‘Tanzhong Yi also’ are invading your civilization!

When I heard the news, Luo’s brows were slightly picked. It was a world battlefield with chaotic situation. When I was planning to die with Europa players, I actually came to Fusang players. In the case of completely ignorant, I was inexplicably blended. Come in.

For a while, Luo Ji’s mood is also more But think about it, like this kind of thing, I am afraid it happens on the world battlefield often?

After all, players from all over the world are now crowded into the same theater, and it’s not good to be busy.

In his mind, he once again carried out the troops stationed on the four sides of his own civilization. He played this time, mainly with the orc troops, and had little effect on the troops stationed on the four sides.

Normally dealing with an ordinary invasion war should be no problem.

In this way, after a day of rest, the decisiveness is a dedication to the subsequent siege war.

At the same time, the other side of the Fusang player Tanaka is also under pressure.

Standing in the forest area, Zhang William, who put down the telescope in his hand, was full of speech at his face.

"Like this kind of guy who likes to put a ‘love’ on the helmet, except for the people of the island, I really can’t think of who will taste so unique...”