The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 977: , Jodel Senco's guess

Above the grassland battlefield, the initiative is undoubtedly in the hands of the cavalry army that occupies the advantage of the machine.

However, it is not necessary to say how easy it is to play them.

At this moment, Bai Ze and Bu Rì Gu De's experience can be said to be unprecedented and profound.

It’s really an enemy that can’t kill the soft hand.

The number of Göblin slaves is really terrible.

Looking back at the distant Goblin army, the light cavalry troops rushed back and forth several times, and the two bowls of arrows arranged by each archer of the archer cavalry were all finished.

But in this eye, from the visual point of view, the strength of the enemy troops is basically no reduction...

At this moment, a silver armor has been stained with white blood, and there is a constant gasping.

On the other side, the cloth rì Gu De, can not help but want to marry her mother.

They estimated that they did not think of it, and the sea tactics could be used in this way.

If you want to quickly decide the outcome, there is no way.

That is to rush directly to kill the generals of this Goblin army.

But it's easy to say, it's not so easy to do.

Jorden Senko and his regular army are concentrated in the most ZhōngYāng area, surrounded by countless Goblin slaves.

Although they are all mixed with guns, but the number is so large, it is also terrible! The light cavalry unit had a life to rush in, and it is estimated that it was rushed out.

Between the thoughts flying, Bai Ze took the initiative and temporarily retreated.

With this horrific Goblin army, the army continues to fight, and the result will only be that they are dragged across.

The active evacuation of the cavalry army made Jodelson's breath a little relieved.

At the same time, my heart has a new idea.

After a night of rest, the next day, outside the new border hot sand city to the east of Wanjie Civilization, the countless Goblin army has already pressed the border!

This is his second invasion of the Wanfang civilization. Although the location of the invasion is inconsistent, the previous invasion made him have a general understanding of the border troops of the Wanjie civilization, which is about 10,000 troops.

On this side of the border, there are such a large number of cavalry units. If there is an equal number of infantry units, it is a bit too strange to deploy the troops on the four sides of the game.

Compared with the other three borders, there are too many troops deployed on this side.

Therefore, there must be something wrong with this.

With such doubts, Jodelsonenko made a bold guess.

That is the other side of the border, the cavalry army to deal with the enemy invasion, after all, the grassland area is indeed suitable for the cavalry to play an advantage.

In contrast, the infantry strength is very insufficient!

In order to verify their own guesses, but also to avoid being dragged into the field by the opposing cavalry units today.

As early as the early hours, the Goblin army began to move.

And at the same time of dawn, directly arrived outside the hot sand city!

The horn of the offense sounded directly, and he is now exploring the realities of this border city!

At this moment, on the wall of the hot sand city, as the defending city general Liu Meng face sè dignified standing there.

Although as early as yesterday, he had already learned a certain situation from Bai Ze and Bu Rì Gu Dekou, but they did not expect that the other party would come so simply.

All the troops quickly assembled to the gates of the city and the walls.

Along with the horn of the attack, the green army of the Goblin, which is pressed against the green outside the city, is like a cháo water that sweeps toward the hot sand city. The number of Liu Meng’s eyelids jumps straight.

Quickly ordered the soldiers on the wall to start the three-bow bed and return to the guns.

According to the orders of their emperor, the hoarding of the scattered arrows and the scattered bombs went round and round.

At the same time, don't worry about the cards that are not cards, and the winds are just right. The balloon soldiers in the city are decisively dispatched.

After flying over the towering wall, the hot air balloons filled with explosive packs flew directly into the battlefield.

Then I continually ignited the lead on the explosive bag and launched a round of bombing toward the lower Goblin army.

The three bows and the returning guns were scattered arrows, shots, shers and archers on the wall, and bombers bombarded by balloon soldiers.

These means, which are now exhibited in Hot Sands, are expected by Jodelson.

After all, he had seen it once before attacking Storm City.

At the same time, he still remembers clearly, and there are ‘Magic Arrow’ and the Master’s two cards on the opposite side.

However, he did not panic at all. This wave of him has brought enough strength. Even if it is a pile of troops, he will have to die opposite!

With the completion of the Coblin shamanic ritual, the Goblin army, like the water of the cháo, swept through the hot sand city.

A large number of ladders quickly erected the wall, and the crazy Goblin slaves rushed down the ladder, putting tremendous pressure on the city's defending forces.

Above the wall, a sword in the hands of Liu Meng, I do not know how many Guplin slaves were killed.

The viscous plasma is covered with a whole blade, and it has reached a point where it is not clean.

However, the number of those Göblin slaves seems to be endless, and they continue to rush to the wall.

At the same time, the hot sand city gate rises, and the spears responsible for helping to share the pressure have already pushed out directly, blocking the entrance will try to flood in the Goblin slaves dead!

On the main battlefield side, this battle of defending the city is undoubtedly extremely fierce.

On the outskirts of the battlefield, Bai Ze and cloth, who led the cavalry army, were slightly ugly.

Although they immediately gathered after the receipt of the letter, they were still a step late.

Once the defending city war broke out, they were passive.

As Jeddellenko guessed, the hot sand city on the eastern border of the Wannian civilization, the infantry units in charge of the city, only four thousand!

The play on the eastern border is different from the other three borders.

Every day, they have a large number of cavalry patrols patrolling around the border. Once they find invaded enemies, they will kill the enemy before they attack.

In other words, they are avoiding the battle of defending the city and directly defeating the round of cavalry in the wild.

However, the battle for the defending city has already started, and the facts are already in front of them. Obviously, there is no choice.

Raising the telescope in his hand, Bai Ze confirmed the position of the other side of the Goblin army.

Jorden Senko is very cautious, obviously against the cavalry that could be killed at any time, so he did not choose to stay in the final of the army.

Instead, surrounded by a large number of big brothers Brin and Goblin beasts, they always follow the big forces and go deep into the main battlefield.

At the same time, the surrounding big brothers Brin’s troops are always ready to spear.

Being wary of a player to this point, Bai Ze wants to cut him, it can be said that it is difficult.