The World Online

v3 Chapter 940: Thrilling

(PS: Make up one more.)

In the following week, I played a battle and defense battle one after another.

The four summer army regiments of the Daxia Longjun Army, two offensive echelons, and four divisions of soldiers, with the assistance of advanced weapons such as mimetic aircraft and artillery, will not fear the death of the gentry, fear of sacrifice, all the way to attack the city.

Surprisingly, the first and second legions of the Swordsman City were also very bloody. Although Jiangyang County fell a little bit, the dragon's spirit was also frustrated and suffered heavy losses.

It is the city that has been captured, and there is also a rebellion.

To this end, the Long Qijun commander Bai Qi had to transfer two divisions into Sichuan again to suppress the rebellion. Daxia stayed in the province of Yunnan, leaving only three divisions.

The battle of the land is even more difficult than Ouyang Yu’s expectations.


On September 20, Gandi, Ganluoguan.

Ganluoguan is located in the west of central Jiangyang County. It takes Ganluo Pass, which is equivalent to entering the hinterland of Jiangyang County.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, Da Xia Zuo Pioneer, the 10,000 pioneers of the Second Army of the Dragon Army, who came to guard the children, arrived at the foot of the Guanxi under the personal leadership of the head of the army.

Tracing back to the source, the Second Army of the Longyi Army is one of the oldest cadres of the dynasty. It originated from the earliest militia team, and its historical status is even higher than that of the Guards formed later.

This is a force with inheritance.

When the nurses came, they will be in charge of the Second Army of the Dragon Army. It is inevitable that the military will not be convinced. I also know this well, so I am more eager to build meritorious service on the battlefield and establish prestige in the military.

The battle of the land is just the right time.

Was robbed of the first victory by the Department of the Luo Shixin, to protect the child's heart, he took a sigh of relief, and wanted to go beyond the department of Luo Shixin, and set aside his work in the battle of the land.

To this end, to protect the children to throw heavy weight, with 10,000 vanguard troops rushing into.

When I came to protect my children, I only took the Ganluoguan. The Second Army was the first unit to enter the hinterland of Jiangyang County, and regained a city in the competition with the Luo Shixin Department.

As soon as the troops arrived at Guanyu, with the cooperation of the mimetic aircraft, the nursing department did not do any rest at all, and immediately launched a storm on Ganluoguan.

When you come up, you will do your best to protect your children.

Artillery, siege car, moving arrow tower, three bows and eight cow beds, can use the siege equipment to protect the children, and also organized a death squad to be a pioneer.

At the crucial moment, the children are guarded and even killed in person to boost morale. As a member of the fierce, the strength of the protection of children from the extraordinary, fiercely boarded the wall, killing the four sides in the battle, let the enemy chill.

Such a fierce attack really hit the Gan Luo Guan garrison unprepared, but only two hours before and after, the indestructible Gan Luoguan declared a fall, was taken to the Department of Child Care.

For this whole set of siege tactics, the Pioneer Forces around Daxia have already practiced purely, and the efficiency of attacking and closing the relationship is getting higher and higher. The advantage of the land and the land is already in the face of the Daxia Army.

"Victory! Victory!"

Because of the fierce means, the child care department has paid a lot of sacrifices. Even so, this is a big win. In addition, they were the first troops of the dynasty to attack the hinterland of Jiangyang County, and they were honored. Therefore, the morale of the whole army was high, and the soldiers were more and more recognized for the children. The atmosphere was quite warm.

Seeing this, the nurse will smile.

It is not a reckless move to protect children, but sometimes some means must be used in order to achieve some goals. Establishing military power, in addition to personal interests, to protect children is still preparing for the upcoming big battle.

At the time of the decisive battle, the guardian must ensure that the Second Corps is absolutely obeying the command of his commander.

"This sacrifice is worthwhile after all." I thought about it.

Take down Ganluoguan, and take care of the children to prepare for the bang, and in one fell swoop take the Ganluo City behind the gate. According to the return of the secret agent, Ganluo City is not arguing for the presence of two thousand local garrison troops.

"Collect the team, follow me to the city!"

To protect the children riding the horse, the first to go down to the city of Ganluo.

In addition to leaving a thousand people to stay in Guan Guan to take care of the wounded, and to accept prisoners of war, take over Guan Yu defense, the remaining 7,000 people with the Lord to protect their children together, Hao Haoran heading for Ganluo City.

The soldiers also thought about eating a meal in the city before sunset, and taking a good sleep. This road is an urgent march, coupled with a fierce siege, even for the dragons and soldiers, it is a huge consumption.

No one is playing iron.

I didn’t know how to protect my child. A big trap was waiting for him and his vanguard.


Ganluo City, a secluded place.

As early as the week before the arrival of the child care department in Ganluoguan, the First Army of the Swordsman City, which was ordered to go south, thought about giving a lesson to the Great Summer Pioneer.

It was reprimanded by the main public wind Qingyang, saying that the frontline army is a shit, Wei Yan is naturally angry, but to find his face on the battlefield, to prove that the soldiers he brought out by Wei Yan are not straw bags.

This is exactly the case, the resistance of the swordsman city in every relationship is quite determined, and the great summer army is shocked.

However, this is not the case. It is impossible to restore the glory of the swordsman city army. Wei Yan is prepared to personally use the sword and use the psychology of the enemy to "respect the shackles and the light city pool" to give the Daxia Army a blood lesson.

With a little thought, Wei Yan will target the child care department.

As a general, Wei Yan’s thoughts on coming to protect children are empathetic. When people have desires, they have weaknesses. With weaknesses, they are easily used.

What Wei Yan wants to use is to protect the children from their weaknesses.

To this end, Wei Yan divided the first legion of the Swordsman City into two, respectively, to the left and right vanguards of the Great Summer, scattered in the customs, to confuse the eyes of the great summer army.

In the dark, this army in the west quietly gathered in Ganlo City.

At present, Ganluo City seems to be calm and calm. In fact, Wei Yan has personally led a full army of more than 30,000 troops. He is dressed up in a batch and lurks in the city, waiting to come to the nursery department.

In order to cope with the offensive of the two summers, this is the largest number of troops that Wei Yan can mobilize. If there is more, it will probably be exposed.

Wei Yan was a teacher at the level of the big summer secret agent, and he would never dare to despise it.

When the childcare department arrived in Ganluoguan, the 30,000-strong army also quietly acted, taking the city's main government as the core, spreading it apart and weaving a huge net.

"General, the fish is hooked!"

Slightly tilted, a disguised sergeant came to Wei Yan to hide in the ground and report to the frontline military.

"How many people are left in the enemy, what can be abnormal?" Wei Yan asked without confidence.

"The enemy troops coming to Ganluo City are in the six or seven thousand people. Looking at the situation, they are very excited. They didn't even think about it. They went straight to the city and should have found nothing unusual."

"That's good."

Wei Yan finally rest assured, then flashed his eyes and murderously, and whispered: "The great summer army is so mad, their good days can be regarded as the end. After the order is passed, the ministries immediately enter the state of war."

"No!" The commander is also a little faint.

During this time, the Da Xiajun all the way to attack the city and pull out the village, there is a momentum of "attacking the innocent, the battle is invincible", so that the swordsman city army is very wrong, morale is low.

The soldiers have long been looking forward to playing a beautiful turnaround.

The commander went, Wei Yan still had some reluctance to ask the deputy of the side. "The two thousand garrison troops in Ganluo City are arranged? Don't show me the trap."

"The generals are relieved. At the end, they will already send the military forces to the garrison in the name of the lord, and they will not dare to fight without the war."

Wei Yan nodded and began to close his eyes. The deputy will meet and quietly retreat.

The two thousand garrison troops in the city are actually the bait that Wei Yan sprinkled, in order to lead the enemy troops step by step to the vicinity of the city government, and enter the ambush circle set by the 30,000 army in advance.

For the sake of confidentiality, even the garrison did not know what role they were playing.

There is no one in the sand field.

"Whether the war of the land can appear in the variables expected by the Lord, it depends on today's war." For the overall situation, Wei Yan was afraid to sacrifice a guard force.


The child care department went all the way, but an hour later, Gan Luocheng arrived.

It was learned that Ganluoguan lost, and the tens of thousands of people in the city fought and ran, and they couldn’t run away. They could only hide at home and stay closed, for fear of being shackled and pond fish.

The city of Gan Luo in Nuo Da was actually very deserted.

When I came to see my children, I didn’t care. Guy’s several cities that were previously laid were not like this.

"Get in!"

To protect the children's department, go to the city's main government with a light road, only to crush the city's stone monument, the completion of the occupation of Gan Luocheng.


In the eyes of the people's awe, the seven thousand dragons are eagerly entering the city.

Before arriving at the city's main government, I saw two thousand sergeants guarding the outer square. Naturally, it was the guard force of Ganluo City. Although they are not nervous, they do not mean to surrender.

Since the Lord has ordered to stay, they will never surrender.

Because once they surrender, they will be implicated in their families.

At the time of insurance, the parents of the main officers of the Guards Corps were taken away and sent to the rear. At this time they dare to surrender, and their family members will follow the funeral.

So, there is only a deadly battle.

When the nurses met, they sneered: "The arm is the car." He said, "When they are killed." Faced with these local guards, there is no interest in helping children.


The military order Seven thousand tiger wolf divisions rushed to the enemy.

For a time, the blood flowed into the river on the square of the city's main house, and there was a fierce killing sound. The people around listened, and they were even scared to take the lead.

There is such timidity, not hiding in the cellar, or plugging the ears with cotton.

It is unmovable to protect children, just like an iron tower standing in front of the square, silently watching this killing. He has experienced countless battles of magnitude and has long been used to it.

Twenty minutes later, the garrison’s eyes could not see the enemy and retreated to the city’s main government.

The soldiers of the Dragon Army did not need to take the military order again. They led the team leader and followed them to the city government. They were forced to annihilate the group of diehards.

I came to see my child, and I was about to enter the city government.

At this time, there was a sound of assault around the city's main house, which made the face of the child change greatly.