The World Online

v3 Chapter 964: inventory

On October 20th, the Daxia Dynasty announced the "Overall Adjustment Plan for Northern Xinjiang Province".

When the news came out, it caused all kinds of speculations.

Da Xia is also the establishment of the province, but also the formation of the Corps, the meaning of taking root in the North has been clearly revealed, and then think of the initiative to evacuate the city a few days ago, it is really imaginative.

"Is it true that Daxia has already begun to play the idea of ​​the foundation of the "Yellow League"?" Just thinking about it, the players are excited.

Some people are even more daring to speculate, "China may indeed be born into a huge empire of the world."

Whether Daxia can successfully imitate Daqin, sweep away the six countries, and dominate the world, no one can conclude.

Just one thing is certain, that is the strength of the big summer. For a time, more and more players applied to settle in the big summer, especially the players in Dali, Quanzhou and Chengdu three kings are the most active.

The population of Daxia has ushered in a new round of skyrocketing. It is estimated that there will be three to four million adventurers who will settle in the big wave of this wave of immigration.

Just in the big summer of the three major provinces, I also need to introduce a group of adventure players.


On October 22nd, with the surrender of Caiyun City, Danyang City withdrew its troops, and the province of Xiangnan took the lead in calming down. The Panthers led by Han Xin and the army of Li Mu won the victory in Changsha County.

The two gods had had a confrontation in Guipingguan. At this time, they met and they were naturally in a complicated mood.

Especially for Li Mu, there are both expectations for the talents to be exhibited in the big summer, and there are also concerns about whether the Da Xiajun can accept him. Do not say anything else, the Yamaban warrior is afraid of a gap between Li Muxin.

The first time Guiping was in a war, Shan Shan was brutally wounded, and the heroic victims did not know how many. This scar was not so easy to smooth. It’s just that they are their own masters at the time. It’s really not good to blame Li Mu.

Han Xin is the leader of the Leopard Army. His heart and mind are different from those of the ordinary mountain warriors. He knows that Wang Shang is very important to Li Mu, and naturally he must actively help Li Mu to eliminate the barriers and gradually integrate into the Daxia military system.

The two gods will meet for the first time, and the atmosphere is quite harmonious.


On October 25th, the northern Sichuan province followed the set.

The Ma Chaojun regimen and the Zhang Shouduo regiment were divided into two roads. Under the guidance of the Ximen family, with the support of the rest of the Daxia lords, they attacked the city.

With the party leading the way, where the great army passed, the leaders of the various places looked down on the wind, and it was simply invincible.

Especially after the surrender of Caiyun City and the withdrawal of Danyang City, the lords of the north of Sichuan Province, who are recalcitrant, are truly desperate, knowing that [Yanhuang League] can no longer participate in the North Sichuan War.

As a result, more and more surrenders are coming.

Only half a month before and after, the Sichuan Province was fully included in the treatment of the Daxia Dynasty.

Because the war was too smooth and there were few fierce battles, the Daxia army did not have time to go to the northern Sichuan province for a military purge. There were many people in the surrender that were against the heart, leaving a big hidden danger for future governance.

Whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is really bad to immediately conclude.


On the same day, the Luo Shixin Legion and the Xiao Chaogui Army, together with the 60,000 Qiang army, marched all the way through the mountainous county, suddenly appeared in the west of Hanzhong County, hitting each other unprepared.

Located in the west of Hanzhong County, it is the city of Hongyuan.

In the afternoon, Hongyuan City, one of the three major districts of Hanzhong County, declared its fall.

On October 27th, the central city of Hanzhong County, Yucheng, followed the fall. I got the news that the Qing Dynasty Xiaofeng, the lord of the Hanzhong County, no longer made fearless rebellion, and simply chose to surrender.

At this time, even if Qing Qing Xiaofeng applied for asylum to the Shuhan Dynasty, the Shuhan Guards could not come to reinforce. Gain had to rush from Chengdu to Hanzhong County, and it would take two or three days for the army to go up the road.

Thus, in just three days, Hanzhong County fell into the county. Throughout the war, the deciduous city adjacent to Badong County and Hanzhong County did not show a trace of ambiguity.

Gain won the big summer of the three major provinces, the strong chilling, floating and illusory did not dare to think at this time, afraid that Daxia used this as an excuse to directly attack the deciduous city.

It’s really like that, it’s not worth the candle.

Lien Chan's losing streak, [Yan Huang Meng] is full of ups and downs.


With the Hanzhong County being won, the entire Southwestern War has officially come to an end. After getting news, Luofengcheng and Xichu followed the confrontation and the troops returned to normal.

The Lu Bu Army, who was ordered to rush to the city of Stone Rock, has also withdrawn from Shanhai City.

At this point, this episode lasted for more than two months, and the epic battle that affected the entire wilderness finally came to an end.

At the end of the war, the major media came to a comprehensive inventory.

Undoubtedly, the final result is that [Yanhuang League] lost the soldiers, lost the wife and the soldiers, not only failed to save the destiny of the destruction of the swordsman city, but also rushed into the 150,000 elite troops.

Yucheng not only lost half of Zhangwu County, but also set up a "evenly close neighbor" in the west.

The so-called: the side of the couch is tolerant of others to sleep, just to arrange the summer in the northern provinces of the province, the city is unable to pull out the piece, even if it is uncomfortable, can only swallow this bad breath.

It is reported that on the day when Daxia announced the "Northern Province's overall adjustment plan", the Emperor's dust will be locked up in the study room alone, and it will be a whole day.

Early the next morning, Emperor Dust called the Minister of Culture and Civilization to announce a new round of expansion plans, and in order to make up for the population shortage due to the recruitment of troops, the Dust had to recruit a large number of players to settle in the city.

Danyang City attacked the southern military province's military operations, not only did not achieve the results, but let the outside world see the inner weakness of Danyang City, the media was rated as "silver-like rifle".

I can't use it.

Almost at the same time that Yucheng announced the expansion of the army, Danyang City, Bawang City, Red Blood City, Deciduous City and Shura City, no exception announced the expansion.

[Yanhuang League] members realized that if they did not take advantage of the opportunity of "digesting prey" in the summer, complete a new round of expansion, and wait until the big beast of Daxia came out for food again, that is, when the "Yinhuang League" was in trouble.

To this end, the five major families have to resort to all efforts, use all resources and contacts, and open a large number of preferential conditions, in order to large-scale recruitment of players to the territories to settle, to fill the population gap.

At this point, the drifting illusion of the civilian population is very embarrassing.

The deciduous city has to face the direct threat of the big summer, and has no ability to recruit a large number of players, and even if it is recruited, it can not help with the ability of his team.

The final result is that the floating illusion can only force the recruitment of troops. At one time, the proportion of military and civilians in the territory was raised to one to nine, which also laid a huge hidden danger for the future development of the deciduous city.

The idea of ​​the Dust and others is very certain. In the case that the territory cannot expand, it is necessary to complete the expansion of the army without affecting the operation of the territory, and embark on the martyrdom of "poor soldiers and martial arts", and can only continue to consolidate the population thickness of the territory.

The current wilderness is more than territorial, including the Great Summer Dynasty. Every territory and every city has huge potential for excavation.

[Yanhuang League] To do is to dig more than this big madness to explore this potential. "Since it is impossible to win in the area of ​​the territory, it is to work **** the quality of development."

This is one of the aftermath of the Great War. An epic battle will never end with the two sides, and the subsequent influence is profoundly affecting the pattern of China.


In this epic battle, the unfortunate ones are more than [Yanhuang Meng].

[Northern Sichuan City State] and [Shonan City State], which have a relationship with [Yanhuang League], have become a cloud of sight. The two city-states have surrendered to the summer, or they have ended in disappointment.

The city-state era, which was in full swing, was abruptly stopped.

Just in the south of the colorful cloud of the "Yanhuang League" camp, followed by surrendering to the big summer, the media was named "the most unfashionable" lord, and was nailed to the shame column of history.

The four lords of Dali County took the "money money" of "Yanhuang League", but failed to eliminate the disaster for the "Yanhuang League", and they also fell into the miserable death of the dead territory.

[Xu Meng] is a direct change of the flag, the biggest dark horse in the wilderness guild circle, the hidden family Xiaojia suddenly retired, once again escaping from the world, silently wounded in the dark.

The Shuhan Dynasty wanted to intervene in the wilderness war, but the result was a free week tour. To make matters worse, as the four counties of the Shudi were taken down by the big summer, Chengdu County immediately fell into the encirclement of the Daxia Dynasty.

At present, the Shuhan dynasty has become a bird in the cage. With the means of the Daxia Dynasty and the grievances between the two, the players have been able to foresee the date of the Shuhan Dynasty's demise, which is not far behind.

Both the players and the aborigines have begun to flee from Chengdu on a large scale. The ambitious Emperor Liu Bei not only failed to unify, but was already trapped.

The Dali court was provoked by people, intervened in the Great Summer War, and immediately succumbed to the fierce revenge in the summer, razing the entire Dali County into a ruin, almost breaking the external foundation of the Dali court.

The frustrated is naturally proud.

Needless to say, the Daxia Dynasty is a big win, and the harvest is so dazzling that it will not only dominate the southwest, but also extend its reach into the Central China region.

As a result, Daxia territory is fully bordered by [Yanhuang League].

Players seem to anticipate that in the future game years, the two giants will have a more intense collision. More than 80% of the players are optimistic about the summer, losing confidence in the waning [Yanhuang League].

In addition to the Daxia Dynasty, the Ximen Grand Official, who was rumored to be the Governor of Xia Wang, together with the Ximen family behind him, became the biggest beneficiary of the war.

It was the key moments of the large officials of Ximen who stood in the big summer side and let the Southwestern War situation turn around, greatly speeding up the speed of the two major provinces in the summer.

While admiring the Ximen family, the outside world is also very appreciative of the decision of the Ximen officials.

Some people joked that the West Gate official was a gambler who made the most correct gamble at the right time and won a key victory for the family.