The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

v1 Chapter 386: Plagiarism

Chapter 386 Plagiarism (Fifth, ask for monthly ticket) (page 1/1)

"C Ronaldo's ball is like a pass-and-shoot. The speed is estimated to be more than 130 per hour. It is impossible for Dong to catch up with him. One reason is that it is a precise positioning ball fit. It is so precise that it does not have any flaws, not coincidences."

"In the end, Dong judged that the ball's landing point was too accurate and too accurate. You know, this is a tomahawk shot, the ball's falling point is very erratic, but Dong's appearance is simply perfect!

"Of course, Dong just got rid of Kolo Toure quite quickly. Kolo Toure has a single defense against Dong, and he can't help it. Without his teammates' help, he will finish playing!"

"The 16th league goal, Henry! Are you scared? There are only two goals left from you."

"His goal is not as flamboyant as Henry's, but his goal is **** and deadly."

"Will the board of directors counterattack in this game and climb to the top of the scorer list? But it is impossible for him to score four goals, and it is impossible for Henry to sit and watch."

"1:1, the two teams temporarily tied."

The teammates clustered Dong Fangzhuo together, and Ronaldo roared Dong Fangzhuo, feeling very excited. It seemed that this cooperation made him climax.

"Dong again!"

"Why did he let him go again, why didn't Koroture run, what was he doing there while Dong was running!"

"Even if he doesn't run, won't anyone else run with him?"

"At least nine Arsenal players in the penalty area, alas..."

Some ball blinds think that Dong Fangzhuo will also inform his opponent before running... If it is so easy to focus on the striker, then the striker will never score a goal.

In fact, with Dong Fangzhuo's current running position and grabbing points, it is really difficult for the general defender to get him, even a defender of the rank of Koroture cannot always keep Dong Fangzhuo locked under his eyelids and grab the running position At this point, Dong Fangzhuo is the top misalignment, top VS top, active VS passive, it must be Dong Fangzhuo taking advantage, not to mention, Koroture itself is not a real top.

Besides, not everyone can have the nature of consciousness...

Henry stood in the mid-circle arc, pulled the captain's armband, and squinted at the gate guarded by Van der Sar.

In the last three seasons, he is still brave, but I don't know why. When playing against Manchester United, he always used to be misfired. Even if he fired, he couldn't get a victory. I don't know if it was a fate.

This season because of Vieira's departure, Pire and Bergkamp are old, Arsenal's midfield is also rapidly dying, so Wenger regained the advantage of the midfield, increasing the number of midfielders to 5, and The frontline only allowed him to push forward. In most games, 451 is very useful. He also scored a lot of goals, but he did not get any results when facing real strong teams such as Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool. good.

This season is really bad...

Henry was even a little irritable. After becoming the captain, he did not feel that the team was improving, but was retreating. The league was over, but he did not know how far the Champions League could go.

He did not do his best, but sometimes he could not.

The ball re-opened, he absently knocked the ball to Fabregas, and then he moved a little slower, when he watched the ball fly to Manchester United's big penalty area, Reyes was already in the Manchester United big penalty area Fall sideways.

The referee's whistle rang again.

Only then did he recover and concentrate his spirit.

His pace towards the location of the incident was also slow, and he focused on van der Sar as he walked.

Because no one can steal his penalty kick, he observes while walking.

Manchester United once again constructed a tall wall in the big penalty area. From left to right, the height decreased once, as if the keyboard was neatly arranged, and it looked a bit artistic.

Peak and Vidic are really too tall, and there are Ronaldo and Dong.

Hey, Dong?

Henry froze for a moment.

He just wanted to say that these four people are on the far left, sealing the near corner almost. He can only consider the far foot, but from the van der Sar's position, Van der Sar intentionally left the far corner.

Okay, then hit the corner.

When he saw Dong Fangzhuo, his mouth seemed to have a smile, and he already had an idea.

Dong Fangzhuo also froze for a moment. He saw Henry's undetectable smile just now. He was sure that Henry just smiled at him, even for only a moment.

What should he do?

For free kicks, Dong Fangzhuo is not proficient. The team's free kicks are usually played by Ronaldo, Rooney and Giggs. He rarely studies it, and now he naturally wonders what Henry wants to do.

Henry stepped back slowly, almost forming a forty-five degree angle with the human wall.

For Van der Sar in front of the door, he has already arranged the human wall, and his eyes are more focused on the direction of the far corner.

Henry runs up and leans so hard that no one knows where he will shoot the ball before the ball...

The ball came out and the wall jumped...

Dong Fangzhuo's eyes widened in horror, the same expression on the entire wall.

Because the ball got under their feet, it wasn't a curved ball at all.

That's a **** close cut!

The ball was quickly attached to the turf, flying under the feet of Ronaldo and Pique, and went straight to the bottom left corner of the goal!

Van der Sar was still shaken when Henry shot the ball, but he quickly flew to the left to save, but afterwards, he didn't touch the ball at all...




This scene is really too similar.

"Ah, smart Henry, he actually "plagiarized" the masterpiece of Chinese Dong. He played a witty ball and Vandersal couldn't do anything about it."

"Henry increased the number of goals to once again opened the gap with Dong. Before he became a free kick and was blocked, it was this free kick, two feet Shot, hit a target."

"Of course, Dong is more terrible, he only has one shot! Both sides are calmly capturing the opportunity to shoot..."

I wiped it, and finally understood why Henry smiled so strangely, it was like this... Dong Fangzhuo rolled his eyes, but did not scold himself stupid, and no one could guess Henry's idea.

It can only be said that Henry is too shrewd, and I have to admit that playing such a shot once in a while is really capable of receiving amazing effects...

Arsenal took the lead again!


"Trust me, this will definitely not be the last goal."

"The competition between the two shooters, old and new, will definitely continue. Although the first half will soon be over, there is still a second half."

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