The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

v1 Chapter 388: Almost there, you have to conquer Englan

"Sigan's game is too bad. His left side of the guard is a big hole. Ronaldo broke through again. This time he slid completely on the turf. Ronaldo continued to rush the ball to the big penalty area, Assen. Dangerous!"

Campbell rushed to Luo, trying to stop the ball. But Luo made a sudden stop and changed direction, dunking the ball to the bottom line.

Campbell stumbled, not at all in the rhythm of Luo!

Scan pass.

Luo swept the ball towards the middle without hesitation.


"Oh, not in."

"Rooney's ground tackle didn't actually shovel the ball in? Instead, it was on the side net?"

In the camera, Rooney sat annoyed on the turf and muttered his mouth, but soon he grabbed the side net and crawled up because it was not the time to criticize himself.

Less time is left for Manchester United.

Wenger and Ferguson commanded the game on the sidelines at the same time, both shouting loudly. One wants to attack to get a goal, the other just wants a draw.

Wenger had originally hoped to win, but the score was equalized. He now only wants a draw. Even if it is a draw, it is also an improvement for Arsenal in the past two years. At least he did not lose to Manchester United. After the tie, the points with Chelsea only increased to six points...

Bergkamp has completely returned to the midfield to receive the ball. He has no meaning in the front. He needs to help the team control the ball in the midfield and prevent Manchester United from easily taking the ball through Arsenal's half.

Gilberto controlled the ball and slowed down the rhythm before passing the ball to Bergkamp.

When Bergkamp took the ball on his back, he heard a gust of wind behind him, and he decisively pulled the ball to the right and turned.

Sure enough, Smith rushed from his left side, but did not touch him.

However, Bogkamp did not expect that Park Zhixing appeared on his right side like a ghost, and Park Zhixing accurately intercepted the ball from his feet.

The Manchester United players who dealt with him are not one, but two. When Smith came to him bravely, he knew what it was with decades of experience, but when Park Zhixing came to kill him, he did not know...

Experience can sometimes kill people.

Therefore, the team lost. Park Zhixing dashed the ball to Arsenal's big penalty area. Manchester United's attack is here again.

Dong Fangzhuo quickly pulled out of the big penalty area, Kolo Toure did not dare to neglect, clinging tightly to his back, his hands clasped tightly, at this time he could not care if the small movements on his hand would go wrong, Dong Fang Zhuo didn't even think about falling, but he was estimated to be falling, and the referee would not say anything.

Luo cut in from the right and immediately took Campbell away. Park Ji-sung passed the ball firmly to Rooney on the left.

Rooney unloaded his right foot and pulled the ball to Arsenal's big penalty area. Lauren lay in front. He no longer ignored Rooney's fake actions, but first blocked Rooney's forward route.

Rooney stepped on the left foot, stopped the breakthrough, and swept the ball towards the middle.

It's Park Ji Sung again!

Park Ji-sung's left foot meets the ball and is about to be swept away.

Dong Fangzhuo was right in front of him. He exhausted all his strength to squeeze Kolo Toure behind him, trying to squeeze Park Zhixing into a shot.


Park Ji-sung burst from the left foot! But it hit Dong Fangzhuo's right thigh.

This guy didn't aim at the goal at all!


At that moment, all Manchester United fans were helpless.

However, Dong Fangzhuo's eyes looked at the flying ball.

Because the ball hit the thigh and bounced into the sky.


"Do not!"

In the penalty area, the closest to the ball are Dong Fangzhuo and Kolo Toure. Kolo Toure tried to bypass Dong Fang Zhuo to deal with the ball behind Dong Fang Zhuo, but Dong Fangzhuo stretched out his hands and succumbed to Kolo Toure with his body. , Let Koloture exceed half an inch!

His eyes still stared at the falling ball.

The ball hadn't landed yet. His right foot stepped **** the turf, supporting the body and forcibly turning sideways!

The left foot quickly swept towards the ball.

This is a difficult sideways volley.

His left foot was accurately drawn on the ball. Shot from less than ten meters from the goal, Lehman could only make a save by feeling at that moment.


By the time Lehman threw, the ball had already flown into the goal.




Pu Zhixing's stunned eyes instantly burst into anger and immediately rushed to Dong Fangzhuo. It was stinky to kick the ball on Dong Fangzhuo, but did not expect Dong Fangzhuo to still catch the accident and finish the shot.

Koroture behind Dong Fangzhuo sat down on the ground, feeling that his body was completely weak.

Just before Dong Fangzhuo shot, he didn't give him any chance at all. He was imprisoned behind Dong Fangzhuo and could only watch Dong Fangzhuo finish the shot.


This is the latest score.




Arsenal fans in the stands were reluctant. After watching it for ninety minutes, the result was 3:4, Arsenal was 3, and Manchester United was 4.

Three times leading, three times being equalized, and finally reversed, Arsenal fans are too sad.

This Arsenal has made them feel more and more unfamiliar, and it feels too painful to feel nothing.

No one can think of it at the moment, like a throat in the throat.

Pain spreads instantaneously throughout the body...

Dong Fangzhuo completed the reversal with a hat trick, and he strongly pushed his number of goals to the 18th!

"Hat trick, Dong completed the hat trick, he continued to play the role of Arsenal. He performed better than Henry in this game, he and Henry are only two **** away."

"Henry scored two goals, but his performance was actually very flat. A free kick and a penalty did not allow him to get a higher score, and Dong completed three different goals. He again Once became Mr. Big Scene."

"The time left for Arsenal is only two minutes of stoppage time..."




In the end, referee Boll blew the whistle at the end of the game. He shook his head slightly. Sigh in my heart.

Alas, UU reading sent you a penalty, you can't win Manchester United, can't you blame me this time?

Over the years, he has enforced many games between Manchester United and Arsenal. He has never seen Arsenal win Manchester United. He cannot help but feel a bit sad for Arsenal.

"Hey, it's a great kick."

"The hotter you are, the better."

Although his face was full of frustration, at the end of the game, Henry shook hands with Dong Fangzhuo very politely and congratulated Dong Fangzhuo.

"Thank you, but I still have to look up at you."

Henry's mouth narrowly forced a smile.

"Coming soon, you are about to conquer England..."

And you, conquer Europe.


Dong Fangzhuo said something in his heart.