The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

v1 Chapter 407: Soul Eye Disease








Assistant coach Quiros announced the list of tomorrow's home game against Blackburn after the last training session of the training game. Basically, all the main players are listed, except Fletcher was replaced by Scholes and went to the bench w.. lā

There are joys and delights. Ferguson’s recent rosters are all playing like this. It’s not so surprising who comes off the bench. Basically, the first team players will get the chance to play. Whoever is in good condition, except for the captain Dong Fangzhuo is the offensive core. May appear in the stands.

Then everyone disbanded on the spot.

However, Dong Fangzhuo and Scholes still stayed for their daily pass training courses.


"Did you know? Sometimes, the pass does not need to be seen with your eyes."

"Well, understand." Dong Fangzhuo nodded. He understood that the interaction between him and Luo often did not need to be seen with his eyes, and his heels cooperated very well.

"The tacit cooperation between players can reach this level, but sometimes, for example, when you are in the national team, you may not reach such a tacit agreement with your teammates, but you must also pass, you have to believe that they will run to that position. , And it’s the best place for you to pass."

"such as……"

"Ouch." Scholes rubbed his eyes and suddenly crouched down.

"What's the matter?" Dong Fangzhuo also squatted down with concern, "Has it happened again?"

"Damn, this is true for the past few days, and occasionally there will be problems with not seeing things clearly." Scholes looked a little frustrated, sitting on the turf with a buttock, and continued rubbing his eyes with both hands, for a while, He blinked constantly, trying to readjust the focus of his pupils.

But his face was still black, and obviously his actions did not bring him a good result.

"Fak, still very vague."

"Paul, in this case, you must immediately report to the team doctor and check it well." Dong Fangzhuo also sat down and comforted, "It should be bleeding inside the eyeball."

"I used to be a screamer with a big head in the country. One day we were playing together. He was shot into the eye. At first, he thought it was ok, but half a day later, there was blood inside his eyeball and his eyes suddenly went blind. Later, he was treated in the hospital for a week, and his eyes were bright again, but then his eyes gradually became short-sighted, and everything he saw was blurred..."

"Fak, I'm not so serious, but sometimes I feel sleepy in my eyes and unstable in seeing things."

"This is also a symptom, not an ordinary problem. You were too careless a few days ago. This is not your elder brother's professional level. Believe me, minor illnesses will become serious illnesses." Dong Fangzhuo knows that injuries are a major problem How terrible the players are. In 2008, it was the Olympic Games with injuries, which resulted in a huge bane for their career.

Scholes was certainly not a trivial matter, and his former companions had similar experiences. Such injuries will occur in the event of intense collision or damage to the eyeball during the game.

"Does your friend named Datou still play football?"

"This," Dong Fangzhuo paused, his thoughts flying far away, as if he saw a corner of Dalian's street again, and saw a familiar figure screaming loudly on the roadside.

"Rock sugar gourd,"

"Fresh cherries..."

Suddenly it was a bit sad.

"I haven't kicked it for a long time. At the age of two, he set up a stall in his hometown, selling sugar cane gourds and cherries."

"Cherry, I know, what is rock sugar gourd?"

"That's one of our snacks...Paul, go to the team doctor and check it, don't affect tomorrow's game."

Scholes nodded and stood up, he didn't want to become Dong Fangzhuo's big head...


An hour later, the Manchester United official announced an amazing news-Manchester United midfielder Scholes will be absent this season due to eye problems.

A statement issued by Manchester United stated: "Scholes' right eye is blurred, and it is not an injury related to kicking. After the diagnosis by the expert team, Scholes needs to rest for three months." Will not be able to represent Manchester United in the rest of the season. The club said that in the pre-season training, Scholes can return to the team.

"I rub it, so serious?" Dong Fangzhuo didn't expect the result to be like this, thinking that Scholes's condition was a little like a small one, but he didn't think Scholes had to fix it for so long. In fact, this happened in the last life, but Dong Fangzhuo has no memory...

"Paul, take good care, without you, our team will be quite difficult, but we will hold on, you should take a vacation in Dong Fangzhuo called him.

"..." There was silence on the phone.

At this time, Scholes will not be in a good mood. The two consecutive years of bad season have made him anxious, but at this most critical time, he will not have to play the rest of the game.

Scholes had to play for a long time, but Dong Fangzhuo was not worried at all that he would not return to the training ground, because he knew that Scholes would retire after many years.

It's just that without Scholes, there will be one midfielder soul missing for Manchester United later this season!

Scholes temporarily missed, Ferguson had to immediately adjust the lineup for tomorrow's game.

Who will replace Scholes? Park Ji-sung or Fletcher are the most likely, and Carrick just joined.

In the end, the new aid Carrick got the opportunity to fill. Although a bit adventurous, of these three people, only Carrick is organized.

But Scholes' injury is not a question of the impact of one or two games for Manchester United, but of the overall strategy. Recently, it can be seen from Ferguson’s employment methods that Ferguson is very flexible in using Scholes. In the game that requires a bayonet, he does not use Scholes, but uses Park Zhixing and Smith and Fletcher. In the game that controls the game, Scholes is the only candidate in the midfield.

Now Scholes hangs up suddenly, Ferguson's mood is the most depressed.

Understand this situation, naturally there is Mourinho.

Although Mourinho did not clap his hands, he was still very happy. Without a single soldier, Manchester United abolished a core player...

Chelsea will definitely be proud of Scholes' injury, there is no doubt about it. ) Book friends, pay attention!