The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

v2 Chapter 876: Deadly Scissor Foot


"This is bad, Inter Milan's lead is gone, the 4:4 score will be eliminated, and Bayern Munich will advance to the final!" Zhang 6 is not calm, and finally Barabara got up.

"It's a bit early to change the line, maybe it's better to be ten minutes later. It's not wrong to change the line, but the timing is wrong." His opinions were also in line with Huang Jianxiang.

Not even both of them are calm, let alone Inter Milan fans in the stands and fans in front of the TV. At this moment, everyone's heart is hanging in the air.

Who would have thought that the plot would be so reversed.

Bayern Munich fans, who have been suppressed for so long, can finally completely release their pain, and finally saw the flying flags in the stands and heard the thunderous cheers. They can finally raise their eyebrows and exhale.




They chanted Robben's name, Robben is now their hero. This is not the first time he has been a hero, but this time, he has done the most perfect one.

Using his strong personal abilities, he forcibly got rid of Stankovic's defense, then forced a shot from 3 meters away, and then let the perfect Cesar throw the ball away. Mueller picked up the goal and broke the goal.

Although the goal was scored by Mueller, the fans cheered on Robben's name. I can imagine how much Robben played in this goal...

Van Gaal did not jump on the stands to celebrate with Bayern fans.


Dong Fangzhuo took a deep breath and stared at the goal of Bayern Munich. This was the worst result he had imagined, and it was possible for this to happen.

Just when he arrived, it still made him uncomfortable.

He is also God, not saying that whatever he wants to do...

Equalize the score, if you can't equalize the score, Inter Milan will be out!

Mourinho off the field wanted to hit the wall even more. I already knew that I shouldn't be so substituted! Robben, are you going to let the teacher hang up?

He has no doubt about Robben's ability, but because he has a stronger Dong Fangzhuo, he will not be too worried about the trouble that Robben created in the game, but who knows that Robben can really perform so prominently?


The whistle sounded again and the game resumed.

There is still a lot of time left for Inter Milan. They still have a lot of time to find ways to score, but why is Bayern Munich not?

But the question left for Van Gaal is also painful. Should he continue to attack or continue to defend?

When attacking, the defense is too dangerous, just defending? It seems too scary...

He faced the same problem as Mourinho just now.

But this matter cannot be hesitated, a decision must be made immediately!

So he just thought about it within half a minute before issuing a new order, and commanded on the sidelines.

Do not retreat, but slow down the pace of the attack, continue to strengthen the pressure in the midfield and frontcourt, not to allow Inter Milan to attack fast.

Then the time passed very quickly, and the time left for Inter Milan was less than thirty minutes. In the 66th minute, when Inter Milan made a big attack on the offensive, Cambiasso made a pass error and Ribery got the ball. He quickly took the ball into the Inter Milan penalty area!


Ribery continued to play the violin on the left, swaying Maicon and Lucio to kick the door.


He was too angle-oriented, and the ball came out of the goal post.

Maicon and Lucio were completely disrupted at this moment, and defense was completely unruly.

Cesar yelled.



"We can!"

After 1 minute, Van Bommel's long shot was confiscated by Cesar. Cesar shouted again,




Dong Fangzhuo responded in the middle, and Van Bommel rushed to Dong Fangzhuo again, but Dong Fangzhuo ran back to catch the ball in advance. After taking the ball, he quickly moved to the left and avoided Van Bommel's interception.

However, after avoiding the first day and not fifteen, Schweinsteiger knocked him down on the other side!

Yes, Schweinsteiger and Van Bommel's defense is quite tacit, Van Bommel is not fighting alone.

"The situation is critical, Bayern Munich's current defensive focus is on Dong Fangzhuo."

"If Dong Fangzhuo is always seen dead, Inter Milan's offense is going to be a problem. What if Balotelli is ahead? Mourinho must send a forward again!"

"However, he has no one to change."

No one can change?

No, Mourinho began to take risks, so that Coutinho replaced the almost busy Pandev in the whole game!

Huang Jianxiang's chin almost fell to the ground, "Is it possible that he wants to play the front with young Coutinho? This is too dangerous, can he control the midfield? This is too risky!"

Schweinsteiger received a yellow card for this, but he didn't care.

After Coutinho played, he did play a midfielder position, but Dong Fangzhuo was not pushed to the front line, but played a double midfielder with Coutinho.

But Coutinho just got the first foot ball, demikelis stabbed the ball behind him! De Mikelis, who performed extremely badly, was able to steal the ball from the opponent's foot?

Even the fans couldn't believe it, but he did. Van Bommel came back to get the ball and immediately sent it to Inter Milan's penalty zone!

Mueller ran hard and put Lucioca on the left side of the body. He immediately kicked the heel after removing the ball from his right foot!

Yes, he didn't take the ball to head Lucio, but did it directly!

Behind Oric's alert follow-up is a kick!


The powerful shot once again tested Cesar!


At that moment, Inter Milan fans who witnessed this shot were all in a tight heart. Some people have closed their eyes in an instant and dare not watch!

But once again opened his eyes, the ball came out of the bottom line, Cesar actually throw the ball out!

Corner kick.

Van Gaal immediately replaced Mueller with Gomez and continued to strengthen the high point of attack!

Even Balotelli, who was at the front, rushed back to participate in the defense, and everyone became a defender.

Schweinsteiger took the ball on the right and the goal was to find Gomez who had just played!


"Dong Fangzhuo!"

"Dong Fangzhuo left the ball!"

Yes, Dong Fangzhuo. Dong Fangzhuo took the ball before Gomez. He jumped faster and higher than anyone.

The ball did not go straight out, but in the direction of the right corner of the big penalty area.

He saw Coutinho get out of the penalty area.

So, he ran forward quickly!

"Stare at him!"

"Quickly stare at him!"

Van Gaal saw it very clearly on the sidelines and gave orders immediately.

In an instant Dong Fangzhuo was surrounded by two Bayern players.

But Coutinho did not pass the ball, but sprinted the ball straight!

Coutinho, the little man, took the ball and it was not too slow!

Van Bommel flew from the side with a sliding shovel, but Coutinho moved the ball forward and directly escaped the flying shovel!



He drove the ball all the way through the midfield, and finally, Fan Biteng broke away from Dong Fangzhuo, and then stopped in front of Coutinho.


Coutinho immediately sent the ball to Dong Fangzhuo.

Dong Fangzhuo has a collar on the outside of his right foot, and then pulls to the left. Demi Kelly's body instantly lost his balance.

At this time, he couldn't control that much anymore.

Immediately when he fell to the ground, he sent a scissor directly with a ball to cut Dong Fangzhuo to the ground!


The referee's whistle sounded!

no doubt,



"Fatal scissors feet! If this is not fouled, Dong Fangzhuo will go in!"


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