The World’s First, Second and Third are Me

v2 Chapter 890: The top 8 is our goal

In the midst of the world, the World Cup in South Africa, the opening game is South Africa VS China. Although there are still 15 days before the start of this game, the atmosphere of the World Cup has spread in South Africa.

When Dong Fangzhuo arrived in Kepler, South Africa, he was warmly welcomed by local fans.

Although he is an opponent of South Africa, he has many fans here. There are many Manchester United fans, Inter Milan fans and Dong Fangzhuo's personal fans.

Journalists from various countries who have arrived earlier have also gathered.




Dong Fangzhuo is like returning to his motherland, he was warmly welcomed here, and he also stopped very enthusiastically.

"Dong, what is the goal of your Chinese team in this World Cup?"

"Times" reporter raised his microphone excitedly, crowded the chaotic fans to send questions to Dong Fangzhuo.

Dong Fangzhuo pondered the issue while enthusiastically signing the fans.

He really never thought about what the goal of the Chinese team is.

But at the oath meeting of the Chinese team, it seems that the leaders of the Football Association have said that China's goal seems to be to enter the quarterfinals?

"It should be in the quarterfinals."


The crowd was surging.

Although it is unbelievable to Dong Fangzhuo's words, the Chinese team is now divided into the death group. Can it not be known yet, they actually set their goals so high?

South Africa is the host, Uruguay is the traditional top three in South America, and France is the runner-up of the last World Cup. Can the Chinese team really qualify?

?Although you are the world's first star, but your words are too sharp.

"Do you think the Chinese team can easily break through from the group stage?"

"We need to have an ideal. If there is no ideal, what is the difference from salted fish? Do you think other teams can easily break through from the group stage?"

Dong Fangzhuo asked with a smile.

His rhetorical question did make the reporter stunned, but the reporter thought for a while, but still talked hard.

"The French team should be okay."

"Their strength should be a lot higher."

"Uruguay is also very strong."

"Oh, the game hasn't been kicked yet, are you so sure?"

"Let's wait and see, maybe the French team will regret to be in Group A."

Dong Fangzhuo knew that before the French team was directly eliminated and did not even qualify for the group.

And in this World Cup, the reason why the French team can advance to the finals is also to eliminate Ireland with a handball from Henry...

Who dares to say that history will not repeat itself?

"Dong, the spinach company has already opened the odds for the World Cup’s top scorer. You are not currently ranked first. Messi and Ronaldo are the first, and Torres, you are only ranked Four, what do you think?"

"This one……"

"The spinach company must have forgotten that I was the best shooter of the last World Cup."

"Haha, I think the spinach company will lose money. Well, in fact, I think that the honor of the best shooter is inevitable. Messi and Ronaldo are great shooters. If they can get the best. The shooter is normal. If every game can win by 1:0, I am not interested in this shooter."

"Which team do you think is more likely to win this year's World Cup?"

"Spain." Dong Fangzhuo didn't even think about it. Who else could be besides Spain?

"Spain has been at its peak in recent years, and no team can compare with them. The midfielder formed by Xavi and Iniesta is too strong. I am not disrespecting other teams, but Spain has strengthened a grade. They Won the European Cup in 2008, and now the World Cup is definitely their goal, and this is their best chance to win the championship."

"Aren't Brazil's magic quartets strong?"

"Very strong, but still a lot worse than Spain. The stage of the World Cup is very team-oriented. I think Spain can come to the end, but I think that if you have any support, you can compete with them. That is the Netherlands. This is The teams played very pragmatically, which can be seen from their performance in the qualifiers. If they can seize the opportunity, maybe..."

Dong Fangzhuo remembered Robben's single-handed miss in the World Cup finals, and that was a huge tragedy...

"What about Argentina and Portugal?"

"Portugal is very united. They have Ronaldo. They should be able to reach the semifinals."

"As for Argentina..."

After thinking about it, Dong Fangzhuo decided to disgust Argentina.

"If Zanetti and Belon are still there, I think Argentina is still good, but now, only they will think of it as a strong team. I personally recommend that you prepare the Madonna song."

Madonna's song...

"Don't cry for me in Argentina?"


The scene burst into laughter, Dong Fangzhuo's words were very humorous, but also hurt the hearts of Argentine fans.

In fact, in Argentina, Dong Fangzhuo has many Argentine fans, because Argentine fans love the house and Uzbekistan, they like Cambiasso, Sanetti, Milito and Samuel.

Naturally they will also like Dong Fangzhuo and Inter Milan.

Of course, Argentine fans are also mixed with Dong Fangzhuo.

Later, the "Ole newspaper" in Argentina reprinted this interview and put Dong Fangzhuo's original words online.

Fans in Argentina started to quarrel. There are those who despise Dong Fangzhuo quite a lot, and some who approve of what Dong Fangzhuo said.

"He's talking about shit. If the Chinese team is second in the group, Argentina can teach them to be good people!"

In the eyes of many Argentine fans, Argentina will win the group first. Once they win the group first, they will definitely play second in the a group in the knockout.

Obviously Argentine fans are happy to see this scenario...

"Maradona's team, this year's attack is quite strong, Messi can revenge in the World Cup, whether it is the hatred of the Champions League final or the Olympic finals!"

"On the rotten defense of the Chinese team, how can they resist Messi and Aguero's offensive?"

There are also many Argentine fans who hold opposing views.

"Argentina seems to be very strong on the surface, but the Chinese Dong actually said it well. This Argentine team may not be united. Maradona has not found a suitable way of playing in Argentina. He stumbled in the qualifiers and did not form himself. Maradona wants to borrow Barcelona's play, but there are no midfielders like Xavi and Iniesta in the Argentina team."

Drawing a tiger does not turn into a cat, this view probably means that.

"Veterans like Zanetti, not recruiting into the national team, is a very dangerous signal in itself. It is a so-called old family. If there is a treasure, is it a good choice to give up Zanetti and Veron? ?"

"It doesn't matter if you quarrel too much. Let's talk about the group first!"

When it was nearly dusk, Dong Fangzhuo arrived at the training base of the Chinese team.

When he arrived at the base, he was scolded by Zhu Heyuan.

"You are here alone?"

"Do not report to the national team?"

"Do you know how chaotic South Africa is?"

"What if you are hijacked by the locals?"

Zhu Heyuan beeped a lot of words, nothing more than said that Dong Fangzhuo did not consider personal safety at all, Dong Fangzhuo should inform the national team in advance, at least there should be two security guards around him, and he turned out to be like an ordinary passenger. Here comes...

"You are a national treasure, do you know? You are not your own, you are the country!"

"Oh! I was wrong." Dong Fangzhuo still smiled, but looked at the old friends in the distance.

They are familiar with Zhu Ting and Feng Xiaoting.

Then the feet unconsciously stepped over there.

"Hey, I'm talking to you!"

"This guy, hasn't realized the safety issue yet!"


Subsequently, Zhu Heyuan still found four security guards from the security company, specially equipped for Dong Fangzhuo, and separately told Dong Fangzhuo the rules of preparation for the World Cup in South Africa...

This time the national team is basically an old face, except for Zheng Zhi and Li Weifeng, the other big players are all former national youth players.

These players are Dong Fangzhuo's old comrades.

That evening, after Dong Fangzhuo returned to the team, it also marked the official start of the Chinese team's World Cup journey.

The domestic av station also made a special report on China.

"This is the best time, the best time for Chinese football."

"We have reason to believe that in this World Cup, Chinese football will take another step forward to the world..."

"Dong Fangzhuo, Chen Tao, Feng Xiaoting, Mao Jianqing, Zhao Xuri, Huang Bowen...The children of the World Youth Championships in the Netherlands have grown up completely. They have become the main force in their respective clubs, and also carry the present and future of Chinese football. "

" We will not know what kind of results they will get, but they will definitely play a wonderful World Cup."

"The Chinese team was divided into a group in this World Cup. This group has the runner-up French team of the previous World Cup, the South American traditional top three Uruguay team, and the World Cup host South Africa. The qualifying situation is very serious, but compared to 2006 In 2010, the Chinese team became stronger in 2010."

"And the Chinese also had the honour to become the team of the opener. On the evening of June 11, the Chinese team will perform the opening game with South Africa."

"According to the data of the spinach company, they think that this game is likely to be a draw. The South African team has a home advantage, while the Chinese team has Dong Fangzhuo. Can we play the World Cup well? This game is the top priority. To prepare for this match, Krautchen has prepared three friendly matches. The opponents of the friendly match are quite targeted. Côte d'Ivoire, Nigeria and Cameroon have played it again, but the effect is not satisfactory. We have all been tied for three games..."

"In the past, the Chinese team was known as the king of the friendly game, but recently it has not been able to win the game. I think the main reason is that Dong Fangzhuo is not there, and the attack power is insufficient. But let us be thankful that our defense is doing very well. , The offensive won applause and the defense won. Now Dong Fangzhuo has returned to the team. We firmly believe that we are ready..."