The Young Lion

Chapter 1004: Champion

"Beckham free kick broke! The Swiss team was hit hard again before the end of the first half!"

Beckham was promoted to the first captain, this goal can more or less ease the doubts of the outside world.

At that time, Aldridge listed Beckham as the deputy captain of the Three Lions Corps. Fleet Street was quite vocal about his decision, but the pros and cons of the debate had their own reasons.

Those who support Aldridge believe that Beckham had a bad relationship with English fans at the time, and there was a conflict with the fans when he lost the last European Cup.

Against Aldridge, Beckham was regarded as the number one star of the England team, and the appointment of Southgate was also suspected of being "appointed by others."

Almost four years later, Bein Southgate Jr. retired and succeeded in the position of captain. Fleet Street still has two sides to discuss whether Beckham can assume the position of captain of the national team.

The people who support Beckham are nothing more than that set of rhetoric. Beckham is well-known and well-qualified. He is also a champion of the World Cup.

Opponents believe that Beckham has spent a bad season in Real Madrid and is too commercialized. As the captain of the national team, can he lead the entire team's energy in the competitive field by leading by example?

Aldrich did not participate in these arguments and was too lazy to respond to the outside world.

To put it bluntly, after finishing this session, he left after finishing the European Cup. What can he leave for the England team, he did his best, but to say that the captain needs something to worry about, he is more tired than a nanny. Ah, the next national team coach can appoint the national team captain himself.

The European Cup is only three weeks, a week is almost over, and half a month is left. Everyone is safe, and concentrate on playing the European Cup. No matter how much, it will be half a month. If not, it will be a week later. To go back home, so it is meaningless to argue.

The first half ended at 2:0, the two teams passed the halftime break, and then changed sides in the second half and played again.

Kuhn, the Swiss team coach, felt icy cold in this hot summer.

The England team's midfield is running smoothly, the transfer is fast, the offensive thinking is clear, and the Swiss team is slamming in front of the door. Even with a two-ball lead, the England team still shows no signs of ending.

Kuhn is also old. He will not have the idea of ​​French coach Santini "stepping on the body of Audridge to be famous in the world", but just want to achieve a satisfactory result in England, and his thinking is very simple and pragmatic: Even if it is really cold on England, it does not mean that the Swiss team has become stronger.

However, he observed 45 minutes in the first half of the game and 15 minutes in the second half, a total of one hour. He could not see any flaws in the England team that the Swiss team could concentrate on attacking.

The Swiss team's defense is not very good. In the eight games of the qualifiers, only two games have zero opponents. Even Georgia can score goals at home in Switzerland, and the main defender Henjoz can't play because of injuries, which makes the defense strength. Down.

England is a "pseudo striker". Irving must be heavily marked. Gerrard has many opportunities. His shots always miss the goal. He seems to be too excited today, probably the last game. It was rated as the best in the game and the excitement has not been eliminated. The shot is always vigorously blasted, and it can scare people to death.

With the passage of time in the second half of the game, the Swiss team foul action increased, in the 66th minute, Wikipedia was sent off after eating a second yellow card, the Swiss team can only play 10 players.

Kuhn was forced to make a substitution, with a striker replaced and a midfielder, and Odrić replaced Owen with the idea of ​​protecting Owen.

"Under the close attention of the Swiss team, Irving does not have much room to play. This is the Achilles heel of England. Their best forwards must have space or wonderful passes to support them to show their magic, just like in the France’s mediocre Henry, when playing France, the English team still has space on the front line, but the Swiss team has 8 players defending in the danger zone, and marking Owen is the top priority, which leads to I couldn’t find a free time when Irving was running. Instead, it became a containment point and created an offensive space for other teammates. Unfortunately, Gerald’s goal was not satisfactory today. Now Sir Hall replaces Irving and substitutes The debut is teenager Wayne Rooney."

After Rooney's appearance, the Swiss team's defensive center of gravity will be slightly dispersed and move more to Gerrard. After all, Rooney is a Millwall player, but he played for Everton in the past season. Germany can't be compared, especially in the last game, although Rooney also scored, but the best player in the game is Gerrard.

In the second half of the game, Scholes' performance improved.

In the 77th minute, he sent a straight ball with a strong penetrating power. Rooney got the ball in front of Yakin and took the ball directly to accelerate the change of direction and broke through the Swiss team's defense line. The shot rewrites the score to 3:0.

"Wow, England, which claims to have only one striker available, actually has strikers who have scored consecutively, and it is a super substitute, Wayne Rooney! If you only count his scoring efficiency, I am afraid he can score on average in less than 20 minutes One goal! It looks like he will be another super striker in England!"

Lu Xiaofan was very excited after scoring a goal and ran to the sidelines with his hands on the ground and somersault...

The slightly fat and chubby face was round and round, and the young and tender face hadn't faded yet. Audridge looked at it from afar, and somehow wanted to laugh.

3: 0.

Aldrich is angry, and the overall situation is set.

The morale of the Swiss team fell to the bottom, and they looked vulnerable in front of England.

In the final period, Ashley Cole set the pressure on the assists and passed the ball into the penalty area. Gerrard outcourted him. Obviously a great opportunity, he just put the ball on the goalkeeper Steele. Fortunately, within the range of his body, the ball hitting Steele's leg popped out and was shot by Rooney.

"Wayne Rooney still maintains the scoring efficiency of scoring a goal in 20 minutes! Is he lucky? The England talented striker has scored three goals! It is the number one scorer in the England team, so surprising, Super Rooney! Super Nova!"

Rooney roared to the camera on the sidelines as if he was going crazy, not sure what he was venting.

At least the outside world does not understand.

Aldridge sighed heavily on the coach seat.

The fans of the Three Lions team who came to see the ball at the Coimbra City Stadium were satisfied. The state and strength of the England team seemed to have the championship appearance!

6 points in hand, the group qualify in advance!

At the whistle at the end of the game, Aldridge got up and shook hands with Kuhn, and then walked to the player's channel without any pride in this victory.

If you have to be excited about the victory over Switzerland, wouldn’t you be happy to die in a knockout match against other opponents?

In an interview, he said that this victory is of great significance, so that they can relax their attitude towards the last game, and at the same time make better preparations for the knockout.

Asked if it would be the last game to ensure a draw and strive to get a group first.

Aldrich shook his head and said: "We try our best to play, not to consider those factors, it is useless. The outside world will say that we have the conditions to choose the opponents of the knockout. In fact, it is impossible, because the chaos in Group A is obvious to all. Greece and Spain 4 points, Portugal 3 points, who can now conclude the final A ranking?"

The reporter froze for a moment, thinking that Aldridge was playing with her.

That's right, a beautiful reporter interviewed him.

"Sir Hall, the last round of Group A was finished the day before the last round of Group B."

Aldridge also froze for a moment.

The beauty reporter is telling the truth.

Group A finishes first, and Group B only plays the final round a day later. Before Group B starts the third round, the situation in Group A is settled. Who will be first and who will be second at that time is clear. England is possible. To pick opponents.

However, that is the theory.

Aldrich lined up to form a unified army for combat. It has never been a hasty decision and preparation within a day.

So he shook his head and said, "This is not a game. We only have 3 days. Do we still have to prepare two sets of preparation plans? As I said, we will not choose opponents, which is the same as our style in the World Cup. Whoever you meet is who you lost, not worthy of the championship, won, and move on."

Back in the locker room, Aldridge praised the players of the team, and then let them pack their bags. The team will return to the hotel for post-match fatigue recovery.

On their way back to the hotel on the bus, the French team played against the Croatia team.

Aldridge didn't have time to watch this game, he just got the battle report, as well as the comment of the TV show for the first time after the game.


Regardless of the situation of the French team, this game completely torn off the French team's glorious coat as the defending champion.

After the Croatian conceded a goal because of an own goal, the Croatian stubbornly reversed!

In the 64th minute of the second half, the biggest controversy in the game appeared.

Trezeguet stopped the ball with his hand when the goalkeeper made a free kick. An obvious handball foul escaped the referee's eyes. Then the French team equalized the score and made no more achievements.

The Croats are very courageous.

After the game, French coach Santini was thankful that the French team had a draw, and at the same time warned England to have the dignity of the World Cup champion, not to let it go in the final round.

The Croatian coach Balic greatly forgave the referee's misjudgment, that is, Trezeguet's misjudgment through handball fouls and then scored a goal, and then made a bold statement to defeat England in the final round to qualify for the knockout.

There is only one choice before Croatia: beat England and then advance to the knockout.

The defending champion France is in jeopardy. In the final round, they not only have to defeat their opponent Switzerland, but also hope that England will not lose to Croatia.

On the sixth day after the opening of the European Cup, the first team to break into the quarterfinals was born.


The ranking of points in Group B shows that the England team not only advanced to the quarterfinals, but also locked in the first place in the group.

England 6 points.

Croatia 2 points.

The French team has 1 point.

The Swiss team has 1 point.

This made Aldrich interviewed after the game to discuss with the beautiful reporter whether to choose opponents.