The Zombies Are Coming But I’m Laying Down At Home

Chapter 59: 59th

This desire to survive is no longer there.

Granny Zhang put away the two intact eggs, and she didn't want to throw the one that fell on the ground. After all, the 14th to 18th floors are all in the field of the house, and the walls and the ground are all capable of self-cleaning and self-repairing, so the ground is not Not dirty.

Grandma Zhang picked up the broken egg, washed away the outermost layer of egg white, then broke the egg, and poured the remaining egg into a bowl.

Before the house was cleaned of the dirt on the ground, the plants that had been following Fu Erdie didn't know who would do it first, sucking the egg liquid and absorbing it.

The rhubarb chicken is so eager to survive, Fu Erdie no longer kills it, but uses supernatural powers on it to feel its mutation.

Whether it is an ability user or an intelligent mutant creature like Luluo, they all have an energy space under Fu Erdie's ability. Generally speaking, the stronger the power user or the intelligent mutant creature, the larger the power space.

On the other hand, if it is a piece of wood that is nothing, and there is no energy space, then Fuerdie's ability will not be able to feel the receptor, and it will not be able to input or pierce.

Humans and animals today are more or less mutated. Even ordinary people without supernatural powers will have variations whether good or bad because they drink some polluted water and eat some polluted things.

However, the magnitude is very slight, and Fu Erdie can't feel it. Even if you feel it carefully, you can't exert a particularly big influence.

This characteristic allows Fuerdie to judge the degree of mutation of the mutant. She used an ability on the rhubarb chicken, and immediately judged that it was a common mutant, a bit like a dog. Although it was mutated, it did not deviate from the category of animals in the conventional sense. Even if they are smarter than ordinary mutant plants, they can understand the owner's words to a certain extent, but they cannot accurately identify the details, nor can they learn to read and write.

But this is already very good, because it can produce fruit every day like those ordinary mutant crops under the conscious control of Fu Erdie. Of course, here the rhubarb chickens produce eggs.

Between Fu Erdie's use of his abilities, the rhubarb chicken laid two more eggs in high spirits, using up the few energy. Fu Erdie did not continue to "exercise" it after supplementing it, and went to cook with two freshly baked eggs.

Now, Building No. 7 no longer knows the two or three people from before, but there are more than a dozen people.

There are five people in Fu Erdie and his family. The power user team from H City is five people. Plus Granny Zhang, Sang Wenhao, Cen Xiyang, Han Zhi, and Zhang Guya, there are fifteen people in total.

Once there are more people, plus a lot of power users, the demand for meals will be even greater.

Freshly baked eggs are made into tomato egg drop soup for everyone to taste. To eat meat, you have to open canned luncheon meat and ham.

Now the supplies in their hands are Building No. 7 and the two buildings that were cleared out next to it. In addition, when they passed by some food processing factories on Fuerdie Road, they would detour to find some goods, and more would be gone.

She was not stingy and took out a box of canned food for everyone to eat.

Not to mention grandma and aunt, even herself, it was the first time since the end of the world to eat meat products.

The hot pot on the table is hot, and a layer of water vapor is spread in the window in winter.

The water vapor filled the air, and the city outside was desolate and lonely, and it was still a gloomy afternoon even though it was still sunny.

In the windows, the reunited people enjoyed the short-lived gratification of their appetites.

Grandma, aunt, and parents sat together, plus Zhang Guya and Grandma Zhang, and they were very affectionate. The power user team in H city sat together, and from time to time, they talked about the local customs and customs of different places and the situation since the end of the day, and told each other the truth. Fu Erdie, Sang Wenhao and Cen Xiyang and Han Zhi were together, and the conversation with their peers was also very lively.

At the beginning, everyone was a little group, intentionally or unintentionally, but Fu Erdie’s parents were the kind of people who often ran business and dealt with people. They used soda water as wine, and from time to time they changed positions to clink glasses with the five-person group of superpowers. Chat with Sang Wenhao and Han Zhi. Soon several waves of people were pulled together and became familiar with each other.

When the main meal was full, Fu Erdie cut watermelon as dessert, and sent out potato chip puffs for anyone who wanted to eat it.

The three people who came back this time, my grandmother and my aunt lived in 16-6, and when my cousin came back, he also lived in 16-6, which officially made the entire 16th floor full. Zhang Guya lives with Zhang Dongxuan.

This was decided after Granny Zhang asked Zhang Guya's opinion.

"We are all surnamed Zhang, both from City C, and we don't have any family members, so let's live together as a companion and be each other's family." Zhang Dongxuan lovingly held Zhang Guya's hand, "We can also work together more conveniently in the future. Work, take care of chicken plants, cook meals, do things together, and work is much easier."

Fu Erdie naturally agreed, and took advantage of the situation to clarify the division of labor for everyone.

The first is the kitchen. More people are needed to take care of the meals for 15 people, so my aunt, Granny Zhang, and Zhang Guya are in charge. They not only cook, but also pick the mature fruits of ordinary mutant plants on the 14th to 18th floors and store them for records, and water them to feed the chickens.

Moms and dads, on the other hand, have to do various logistical tasks such as reception, sorting of material lists, daily storage of food and food consumption records.

The technical department includes Zhao Shansi, Zhuang Licheng and Pan Feizhou.

The power user team is led by Fu Erdie, Sang Wenhao, Cen Xiyang, Han Zhi, He Xuan, and Ye Jia.

Although everyone has introduced each other, it is only a face-to-face meeting. Today is the first day of the official organization together, and there are still many things that need to be adjusted in the future.

So after a three-hour meal to communicate feelings and a brief afternoon nap, Fu Erdie began to make follow-up arrangements.

"Professor Zhao, the small power stations in the community mainly rely on the Thunder and Wind powers. To build a power station based on this, a lot of people may be required to do experiments and a lot of manpower." Fu Erdie looked at Zhao Shansi, "You can organize some lists and show them to me, and I will negotiate with the base in City D. At the beginning, for the convenience of management, I will not let too many people come over. We are not in a hurry, we will come little by little."

"Secondly, in addition to the things related to the power station, we have to build a water pump on the roof."

Before the end of the world, water supply to high-rise buildings has always been a very important part of water supply and drainage projects. Generally, pressurized pumps are designed and installed according to the height of the floors to force the water up level by level.

But this arrangement is based on pumping water up from the ground. If Fu Erdie wants to ensure that even if the house is not in Building 7, Building 7 can still use water, she can directly build a water pump on the roof, and store water in it at ordinary times. When the white light of the house leaves with Fu Erdie, everyone can use it Stored water is used to ensure daily washing, and it is not only possible to use buckets at home to store water.

The construction of the water pump involves the reconstruction of the water supply and drainage system, which should be arranged according to the pipeline drawings of the property. If the pipeline drawings are missing or unclear, professionals are needed to find the location of the water pipes and make judgments about the reconstruction.

"The third thing is the transplantation of ordinary mutant plants."

In the past, ordinary mutant plants could only be raised in the field of the house, and the planting space was very limited. Obviously, there are so many places in the community and so many buildings, so you can only sparsely and leisurely plant the intelligent mutants of tomato and cucumber, and then produce no output. depend on mood…

If these ordinary mutant crops can also be transplanted out and fill the area, the daily grain output will be very impressive.

But the problem now is that without the nourishment of the white light of the house, the activity of the common mutants will be greatly reduced. And just like the plants before the end of the world, they need regular watering and light. If you want to plant in many buildings where the sun is not very bright, it is not enough to only screen crops that prefer shade, and you must be prepared for the lighting to simulate sunlight.

Then this goes back to Fuerdie's requirements for water and electricity in the community. Without water and electricity, the power user would be exhausted by watering up and down every day to provide light.

Professor Zhao is clearly aware of the connections inside, so he nodded and recorded them one by one.

"The fourth thing is the combat training plan of our ability users and the plan to pull zombies into the community."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Even ordinary people, including Granny Zhang, were suddenly swayed.

In the last days, good infrastructure will make people live better, but the premise of life is to live. Only when the power users in the team are strong enough, can everyone's life be guaranteed.

"Let me tell you a guess about me first," Fu Erdie took out the ability detector, put her hand on it, and showed everyone the displayed values ​​without any fluctuation. "I should be a person with no attribute ability."

She asked Professor Zhao to replace the non-attribute crystal nucleus on the detector, and replaced it with a crystal nucleus of any other type.

Fu Erdie put her hand on it again and entered the ability.

The reason why the non-attribute crystal core can detect the strength of other people's abilities is because it can absorb the abilities of other attributes.

The red crystal core used now does not have this ability, but Fu Erdie can take the initiative to enter the ability to cause fluctuations, and then trigger changes in the detection device.

This time the numbers show up.

Level four.

Everyone who knew the current level of power users gasped and looked at Fu Erdie with burning eyes.

Fu Erdie raised her hand and pressed it down, signaling everyone not to get excited.

"Just like an attributeless zombie can't beat other zombies and ability users at the same level, my fourth-order is actually a third-order if I die."

And even the third-order is not as good. After all, when there is no one around who can help her, she is a powerful ability user, which may be similar to the second-order power system.

But others don't know. Under the guidance of Fu Erdie, they don't think that Fu Erdie is a support, but think that she is a strong person with both support and plant powers. Even if the attack power is not strong, she is very powerful.

Fu Erdie didn't reveal it on purpose, except for Cen Xiyang, Han Zhi, and Sang Wenhao, who had to cooperate with her in the training and battle, the others didn't know the details.

"Although I can perfectly absorb the nuclei of each attribute, my demand for nuclei and other things is also very large." Fu Erdie said, "For example, the plants I spawned with abilities are actually equivalent to Individuals with different attributes. If they want to grow, they must absorb enough nutrients. The nutrients here include all kinds of garbage, as long as they are not particularly strong things such as stone, cement and steel, they can be absorbed. The building and the community are usually cleaned. , I also rely on plants that have been mutated by me."

Fu Erdie winked at the lively plant cubs beside him, and slowly raised his hand.

The next second, the plants that have been pretending to be well-behaved rush over to post the stickers one after the other. On the bright side, it seems that Fu Erdie was controlling it to post it, but in fact...

Sang Wenhao, who was standing beside Fu Erdie, could clearly see the various pulling of the roots, branches, leaves and vines, and they all wanted to drag the other little friends down, making him the first cub to get into Fu Erdie's palm.

Sang Wenhao: "…"

Fu Erdie couldn't help twitching her eyelids, and her voice got stuck for a moment.