There is An Apocalyptic Man In the Village [Rebirth]

Chapter 33: Love resuscitation

Lin Amo's strangeness is so obvious. Brother Zhou has known him for so long, and he has never seen him blushing and flustered. Coupled with the shoes and sachets in his hand, Brother Zhou, who is a past person, suddenly There was a flash of inspiration, and I guessed a little.

A single boy gives another single man shoes and sachets, even if the reason for giving things is thanks, but if you don’t give so many things, you have to send these two most representative handmade products. If you don’t have any meaning in your heart, it’s still worth it. Few people really believe it.

There is also the sound of Brother Qingyuan, spit out from Amo's mouth. It sounds different from the name of Brother Tie Niu, Brother Lengzi, and blushing? Still playing cover and buggering?

It is such an obvious performance that if Brother Zhou still can't guess what he is thinking, he is really white and has been friends with him for more than ten years. There is no doubt that Amochun's heart is sprouting! The subject is his cousin!

Reflecting this fact, Brother Zhou was happy the first time, and worried the second time.

He was pleased that Amo finally got the hang of it. When Zhao Haisheng paid his respects to Amo, he was actually not very optimistic. Although Zhao Haisheng behaved very well in front of outsiders, he just felt that the two were unworthy and felt that Zhao Haisheng’s eyes were wrong. , It turns out that it is true.

It’s just a pity that Amo is clever in other places and has no experience in feelings. He is usually well protected by Uncle Lin. He always feels that Zhao Haisheng doesn’t dislike him as ugly and treats him well, so he decided to agree as long as someone came to propose a marriage. Being deceived and inferior, I never considered whether I really like it.

Although the elders often say that their parents ordered the matchmaker, there are many boys and girls in the village who see each other. Amo is good in other aspects except for his appearance. He has the right to enjoy his own choice, not because If your conditions are not good, you will be arranged, whatever you want.

It's just that the object of Amo's spring heart is Wu Qingyuan, and Brother Zhou is a little worried for him.

It's not that he belittles Amo and favors his cousin, but in the eyes of anyone in the village, Lin Amo and Wu Qingyuan are basically impossible. The gap between the two is too big. This has nothing to do with discrimination, but a fact.

On Wu Qingyuan’s terms, even if he is old here, he is quite old, but as long as he wants to get married, he can definitely ask the matchmaker to say that a beautiful girl comes back, and Amo is not only a brother, but also an ugly brother. It is unlikely that the two will get together.

Even if he thinks Amo is very good, he can see that his cousin who has just met with him is different from the man in the village. If he has seen the world, his vision may be very high. Can his cousin see Amo?

If my cousin doesn’t like Amo, Amo’s unrequited love will be sad again, but my cousin doesn’t seem to be someone who only looks at his looks. My cousin also takes special care of Amo on weekdays, and it’s not necessarily... .

After thinking about it, Brother Zhou didn't send anything to Wu Qingyuan for the time being, and hurriedly rushed to the kitchen with the things, pulling Lin Amo aside again to speak alone.

"Axi, why are you pulling me? I, I want to help my second aunt cook."

Just now I accidentally said something to Brother Qing Yuan in front of Brother Zhou, and Amo's face is still red.

As soon as Brother Zhou saw his appearance, he was even more sure of his guess. He looked around at no one before he whispered in his ear, "Amo, tell me honestly, do you like my cousin?"

"No, no!" As soon as he finished speaking, Amo's face became even more red, and he dared not raise his head at all, and quickly shook his head to deny.

"No? Didn't you give my cousin shoes and sachets? Blushing without you? How would you stammer without you? You don’t know if you stammer when you are nervous, you just called my cousin Qingyuan, you didn’t do everything before. Did you call my cousin Brother Wu..."

Brother Zhou didn't believe it, so he pursed his lips and chuckled.

"I, I, I, yes, it was Brother Wu who asked me to call him, he, he said that the name of Brother Wu is too raw, you, don’t guess nonsense, I just want to thank Brother Wu for helping me, I don’t Knowing what to give, I saw that Brother Wu didn't wear enough shoes. I, I did it."

A Mo kept stammering a few words, his face turned to the side not daring to look at people, the whole person revealed a panic at a loss, his expression shy and shy.

It just said that in the end, the shy tone was a little bit disappointed. "Besides, where is a big brother like me, I am so ugly, I am still a little brother..."

After that, the shyness in Amer's heart gradually disappeared, yes, how could he be worthy of Brother Wu.

"That's not necessarily true, Amo, you are not good-looking right now, but didn't the cousin say that he can cure your face? By then, you will be no worse than the other girls in the village. Besides, the younger brother can work and give birth to babies. What's bad."

"But not every man likes brother..."

Amo still keeps his head down. There is a younger brother here, but marrying a girl is still the mainstream. Most people who marry a younger brother go home because they are too poor and have no choice. Marrying home only adds a labor force, not really like it. Brother, there are very few people like Zhang Dazhu who are determined to marry Brother Zhou.

And he actually doesn’t know if he really likes Wu Qingyuan. He really doesn’t understand this, but when he thinks of Wu Qingyuan, he feels nervous and jumps abnormally in his heart. I made shoes and sachets.

When facing Wu Qingyuan, his heart was different from when facing other men.

"Anyway, Axi, don't guess and talk."

Thinking of this, Amo once again asked with a blushing face.

After all the questions were so clear, Amo still denied it. It was either an elm head or a dead duck with a stiff mouth.

Brother Zhou prefers the latter because he knows that Amo is actually very inferior and always feels that he is not good at anything.

"Well, I'm not guessing, but you really have to thank my cousin, it's better for you to send this thing yourself."

Looking at Amo's shy expression, Brother Zhou nodded and stopped forcing him to admit it, but asked him to deliver things by himself.

Without giving Amo a chance to refuse, he slid the package back into his hands, and Brother Zhou quickly snickered and left.

It's not hard to guess what Amer was worried about. In that case, he had to send the gift himself.

If the cousin is also interesting to Amo, then it is good for Amo to deliver the things by himself. If the cousin is not interesting to Amo, he will understand what he sees and tell Amo clearly to avoid misunderstandings.

After all, his cousin is different from Zhao Haisheng's kind of people. Then he will enlighten and enlighten Amer so that he will not be even more sad when Amer continues to be unrequited. Since the relationship is just sprouting, things will be clear and good.

"Axi, you're so loyal!"

Seeing that Brother Zhou left unscrupulously, Amo stood anxiously and shouted angrily.

Except for Brother Zhou, he has no other friends, and it is impossible for Daddy and younger brother to send things. After holding the baggage for a long time, he has no choice but to bite the bullet and put it on himself, while embarrassed and shyly holding the cloth bag. Find Wu Qingyuan.


When Lin Amo came to see Wu Qingyuan, Wu Qingyuan was finishing the plan for the carbon kiln in his room, and he wanted to move.

In fact, he didn't want to move very much, but his own house had already been set up. There was no reason to stay at Lin's house any longer, but he was reluctant to leave.

Yes, for the first time Qing Yuan had this feeling of reluctance to leave.

Whether it was before or after rebirth, his life has always been in a state of running around after his parents died. He will not have nostalgia for any place again, even if he decides to travel alone to leave the homeland where he was born forever. He didn't have too much reluctance to live in a strange world.

But now, he is reluctant to leave the Lin family, because after leaving, he can't wake up every morning to see the boy who smiles so much that he is happy in his heart.

Although Wu Qingyuan was a little slow in feelings, it was so clear and obvious when his good feelings sprouted into likes. It would be really stupid if he didn't know his own mind.

It's just, would Amo like him...

"Brother Wu, are you there? It's me, Amo..."

Just thinking about it, the door of the room was knocked, and the crisp young voice came to mind at the door.

"Amo, what do you want me to do?"

Wu Qingyuan was overjoyed, put down the pen in his hand and ran over quickly.

As soon as he opened the door, it turned out to be the person he was thinking of, and he couldn't help but feel happy. After staying at Lin's house for so long, this was the first time Amer took the initiative to look for him at the door of his room because it was not convenient to pay attention to etiquette.

"No, it's okay, that is, I made a pair of shoes, do you try it suitable? Brother Haisheng and his family have told me about Tianbao, thank you Brother Wu..."

Lin Amo, who is usually very outgoing, is rarely shy at this moment. She shyly looks at Wu Qingyuan, who is a head taller than him, and passes the baggage on his hands. Even the tone of speech is much lighter. If Lin Laogen sees , Maybe I thought I was dazzled, when did his family Amo become so gentle!

"Why is it called Brother Haisheng, but still called me Brother Wu? Haven't we all agreed?"

Compared with presents, Wu Qingyuan is more entangled in the problem of addressing, and he will not call him Qingyuan if he asks Haisheng to be treated differently!


Amo didn't speak, but his face blushed again. These two titles were indeed different in his heart. Before Haisheng called him, he felt that he was no different from the village's Lengzi brother Gouzi, but now Qingyuan Brother.... He feels embarrassed when he thinks about it.

It's all because Axi is so unrighteous. If you send him the things, nothing will happen. You have to ask him to find Brother Wu by himself.

Amo was annoyed and shy in his heart, and now he finally felt the feeling of Brother Zhou before.

But after all, Wu Qingyuan's straight gaze was no match for Wu Qingyuan's straight gaze. He looked at the yard with no one before calling out again, "Brother Qingyuan, try your shoes first."

"I'll try the shoes later, you came just right, and I have something to tell you."

Hearing the words'Brother Qingyuan' again, Wu Qingyuan was not numb, he just felt comfortable all over, Lin Amo's voice was like a Wang Qingquan, extinguishing the restless flames in his heart, how could he feel that Amo screamed It sounds so nice.

"What's the matter?"

"I heard that a temple fair is held in the county town of Houtian. It's a rare opportunity. Let's go and see what do you think?"

Wu Qingyuan tentatively suggested, feeling a little nervous, he now understands his own mind, but he is not quite sure about Amo's mind.

After all, he knew that Amo had a good impression of Zhao Haisheng before. He didn’t know how good he felt. Now the Zhao family’s affairs have just been resolved. If Amo didn’t adjust from Zhao Haisheng’s shadow, he might have rushed forward. It would be self-defeating, so I have to find a chance to see what Amer means to him.

Before I heard Brother Zhou said that Amo likes lively activities, he started to pay attention to the lively activities in the villages and towns. This time there happened to be a temple fair. Amo likes lively activities, should he go there?

"Just, just the two of us..."

Lin Amo didn't want to go out until Wu Qingyuan was in a bad mood, but instead asked a little shyly. He obviously didn't mean to refuse. He secretly stared at him from the outset, shy in his heart.

Seeing his shy peeking action, Wu Qingyuan's anxiety almost instantly relaxed. It seems that Zhao Haisheng's influence on Amo is obviously not as great as he thought.

"Also, Brother Zhou and Dazhu, your brother and Second Uncle Lin are both calling you, do you think it's okay?"

Wu Qingyuan, who had wanted to nod his head, thought for a while, but changed his words.

"Then, that's OK, I'll go cook first, Qingyuan, you remember to try your shoes."

Sure enough, when he heard that there were other people, Amer was relieved, and after nodding in agreement, he shyly exhorted him before leaving.

Wu Qingyuan wanted to talk to him, but he could only see the back of him leaving quickly. Finally, he turned his gaze to the cloth bag in his hand and opened it to see that besides a pair of well-made cloth shoes, there is also a fragrance embroidered with the word "Fu". bag.

Amo gave him a sachet, what does it mean?

After a short daze, Wu Qingyuan felt an indescribable joy in his heart. He raised his head again and looked in the direction where Lin Amo had left. A smile appeared on his handsome face, and an invisible wolf tail emerged from behind.

Who said that if a large group of people go out, there will be no chance to get along alone...

The author has something to say: Amo has never liked Zhao Haisheng, just because he has been dismissed by others, but Zhao Haisheng suddenly treats him well, so he is flattered and has a good impression. There is no broken love in a relationship that has not started at all. Shou Du Xiao Gong has actually started to feel it a long time ago. This can be seen from the fact that Xiao Suo is shy every time he has close contact with Xiao Suo, so at this moment, Xiao Suo's feelings towards Xiao Gong have changed. Got so fast.

Xiao Gong’s past and present lives, life around the end of the world, are all one person, and the people he comes in contact with are all complex calculations. Xiao Su is a simple and cheerful person who is instinctively attracted to people like him who have been in a cold world, and likes it after getting along. It is normal, and the smooth development is the deep love of each other.

Sunshine and cheerful is being attacked by Uncle X's indifference and lack of love, a match made in heaven, haha.