There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1078: This time I really let go (8)

After Qin Mengying and Ou Mingxuan left, the ward suddenly became quiet.

Xia Yuxun lowered her head slightly, she didn't know what she was thinking, she seemed a little absent-minded, and didn't react until Xiao Mufan called her.

"What?" Xia Yuxun asked, raising his head.

"I brought you some porridge, would you like to drink some? I didn't eat it last night, I must be hungry now!" Xiao Mufan said as he helped her open the thermos, and then wiped the spoon.

"Thank you." Xia Yuxun took the spoon he handed over and thanked him.

She was sipping the porridge one bite at a time, while Xiao Mufan kept staring at her dreamily.

Xia Yuxun raised his head suspiciously when he saw him with a hesitant expression, "Is there anything Mr. Xiao wants to tell me?"

"Yes." Xiao Mufan nodded, then continued to stare at her, and said: "I like you."

"Puff—" Xia Yuxun was choked on a mouthful of porridge, coughing out of breath.

Xiao Mufan hurriedly patted her back gently, "Is it all right?"

"Ahem...Mr. Xiao, are you kidding me?"

Xiao Mufan showed a helpless look, "Why do you always think I'm joking? Since I met you, every sentence I have said to you has been serious! Those four words just now, it was because I didn't sleep all night before I made up my mind to be right. what you said!"

Xia Yuxun's eyes flickered, and after a while she slowly raised her head to look at him, "Why do you... why do you like me?"

"Love at first sight." Xiao Mufan took off the mask on his face. When he said these four words, a slightly pale face with two dark circles under his eyes appeared extremely shining.

Xia Yuxun: "..."

The idol who had been a fan fell in love with herself at first sight, and she still used such concentration, staring at herself like looking at the world. It was clearly the dream of thousands of girls, but at this moment, she didn't even feel at all in her heart.

Xiao Mufan watched her look nervously, and saw her silent, so he took a deep breath and continued, "Because I know you are married, so I dare not expect too much, so I made the absurd proposal of nurturing.

I heard you say that I love my husband very much. I have already decided to quit. I just hope you can accompany me on my birthday and at least leave some good memories.

But what I didn’t expect was...Although there is only one day, the more I get along with you, the more I find you special and attractive to me... Especially at the bottom of the cave, you are afraid The moment I threw into my arms, I was suddenly unwilling to give up like this, and suddenly wanted to fight for once..."

Speaking of this, Xiao Mufan held her hand with a bit of excitement, his face full of pain and struggle, "I know I will embarrass you by doing this, but I can't control my feelings. No matter what happens, at least I want you to know My heart, let you know, I like you... Do you... Do you like me the least... Even if you are tempted every minute..."

At this moment, Xiao Mufan’s true inner monologue: Damn woman, I have exhausted my life's acting skills, and I am as tired as a dog. If you dare to answer no, I will eat-shit!

I don't know how long it took, Xia Yuxun finally raised her head, her expression firm, and replied word by word: "No."

Xiao Mufan: "..."

He must have a hearing problem, or else the brain of the woman in front of him is burned out, yes, her brain must be burned out...