There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1153: Husband, make an appointment? (33)

Xia Yuxun swiftly turned his mind, and subconsciously used his fingers to draw circles on the man's body, muttering to himself vaguely, "But... he is now in this situation, even if I get up. He's too big, he's also weak at the back. It seems that I can only use the riding-riding-style...this looks like I am strong can I look like he took the initiative..."

It was obviously a hooliganism, but she took it for granted, with a tone of doing high-end academic research.

Also, what the **** is heartlessness? Does she use idioms?

At this moment, the body of someone on the bed has become tense into a bow, but fortunately, someone is thinking fascinated, and he didn't notice his abnormality.

"Damn! It's so annoying! Is it a crime for me to **** my own husband? Why should I make it so troublesome?

Xia Yuxun rubbed her hair into a mess, and then gave it away, and would just nibble on it without saying a word.

When the distance from the man's lips was only 0.1 centimeter, the man's quietly closed eyes suddenly opened, bursting out a clear and cold light, scared Xia Yuxun almost not holding it, if she had that function.

Xia Yuxun straightened up like a spring, clutching his heart that was about to jump out of his chest, facing those clear eyes, his mind was as chaotic as a thousand grass-mud-horse rushing past...

It's over, it's over, it's over!

The boldness of the courage just now is not left at the moment!

"Who are you?" The man glanced around her like X-rays, and then spoke in a dangerous tone.

"I..." Xia Yuxun shook her voice, pinched her nails hard and pinched her palms to calm down, "I'm the doctor who is here to look after you."

"Doctor?" The man's gaze was obviously unbelieving. He stared at her and asked quietly, "What were you doing just now?"

Oh shit! What was she doing just now!

She was trying to treat him unruly just now! How would she answer?

Just when Xia Yuxun was so anxious that his brain was about to smoke, he suddenly rushed in and blurted out, "Uncle! She was just venting your breath!"

Cross Qi... Cross Qi... Cross Qi...

Xia Yuxun looked at Xiao Mufan, who had arrived in time, with an expression of **** all over her face.

What's so special, your kid arrived in a timely manner, yes, but can you answer a little bit more blindly?

"Passing qi?" The man raised his brows slightly, and there was no anger on his face, but it seemed like the leisure and interest before murderous prey, which was really creepy.

Xia Yuxun hid her face with her hand, she didn't want to say anything anymore, Xiao Mufan's answer was too cheating, she really couldn't cooperate.

Fortunately, Xiao Mufan’s ability to perform on the spot was not covered. When the scene was calm, he said, "Yes, uncle! This doctor was specially invited by me with a lot of money. Not only is he skilled in medicine, but his ancestor is proficient in Maoshan Taoism. There is a lot of research on the strange disease that does exist. Uncle, you have repeatedly high fever these days, and you keep attacking everyone close to you. This symptom is really weird, not like being sick, but more like... more like evil That’s why I tentatively invited Dr. Xia over. I didn’t expect that in just one night, my uncle’s fever really subsided and people became sober!"

Xia Yuxun was dumbfounded, and for the first time admired Xiao Mufan's three-inch tongue. She herself was almost convinced by him!