There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1291: Are pregnant (39)

Tang Jue stayed in City A for three days.

To be precise, Tang Jue should have stayed at the gate of Ren'ai Hospital in City A for three days.

During the period, in order not to arouse suspicion, I changed cars several times.

Although Assistant An is different from ordinary special assistants, he is very familiar with anti-reconnaissance and camouflage techniques, but after all, he is only one person. The boss has inconvenient legs and feet, not to mention his character, and he is even more difficult to serve. These days, he has been in constant volcanic eruption In the marginal situation, every day is the ultimate test for him.

Fortunately, on the third day, Lord Boss finally sent additional manpower and mobilized two henchmen, and his pressure was greatly reduced.

The woman stayed in the ward all day, and she only came out for a short time every day, half an hour when she was more, and a few minutes when she was less. But just for this short side, Lord Boss can wait 24 hours outside day and night.

Assistant An expressed deep shock for the hidden love saint attribute of BOSS.

However, there were things that shocked him even more.

Yesterday was Saturday. At about nine o'clock in the morning, he unexpectedly saw a small boy who looked exactly like Boss at the entrance of the hospital! ! !

Na Jinghong's glance was deeply imprinted in his mind. Originally, he thought he had misread it. Until the evening, he saw the little boy coming out of the hospital again, and then he took the bus to leave by himself. Up.

At that time, he naturally went to observe the reaction of Lord Boss immediately.

It turned out that the BOSS, who has always had facial paralysis, had a fierce reaction, but the look was not shocked, but seemed to be... longing!

Then, this morning, the child reappeared, with a fleshy little girl next to her. This little girl did not look like the boss.

By observing the expression of Lord BOSS again, this time he finally determined that this child is definitely the kind of Lord BOSS!

It’s just that this matter was really weird from beginning to end. In just three days, there appeared in this hospital the woman BOSS likes, the love rival of BOSS, and now even the son of BOSS has appeared!

Who is the mother of this five or six-year-old boy?

Assistant An tried to figure out what was going on, but he didn't dare to investigate things that Mr. BOSS didn't explain.

What's more, he clearly understands that as an excellent assistant, these questions are not the point. He has completely offended Tang Zhen and got on Tang Jue’s thief ship, so the first task at this moment is to quickly play his role and help the boss. , Become an irreplaceable existence around the boss, so that when the chairman is held accountable in the future, the boss will save his life.

At this moment, Master BOSS has a hard time, he obviously wants to be close to that child...

Assistant Ann racked his brains and finally thought of an idea all morning.

"President Tang, if it is not convenient for you to show up, in fact, I have a way to get you closer to that child, you don't need to show up, but...may have to wrong you..."

"what way?"

The boss, who had spoken no more than ten sentences for three days and was one or two words, actually responded to him, and it was four words all at once!

Assistant An was immediately greatly encouraged, and went on...


[The update after 0-0 may be late, you can check it out tomorrow morning~]