There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1475: 【Sweet Fan Wai】Competing for favor 1

Xia Yuxun was very worried about the heartless character of the youngest son who ate and slept.

One day, Xia Yuxun looked at Leng Zining, who was asleep after eating milk in her arms, and sighed worriedly, "Achen, Xiaobai, I never worry about it. Although the two little demons, Zijin and Zipei, every day It's making trouble, but it's not a big deal to break a few cups and lamps, but Zining..."

"Huh? What happened to Zining?" Leng Sichen put down his work, sat on the edge of the bed, and touched Zining's red sleeping face.

On this sunny afternoon, Zijin and Zipei were both crawling downstairs and noisy, only he was sleeping soundly and peacefully in Mommy's arms.

"Aren't you worried at all? Although Zijin and Zipei are very naughty, but that is the nature of children. I was even more naughty than them when I was a kid!"

"Well, I can imagine it!" Leng Sichen nodded in agreement.

Xia Yuxun gave him a black line, gave him a blank look, and continued, "But Zining, is he too... how to say it! Too good! As long as I hold him, he is not at all troublesome, and he has no interest in pet toys. Looks like, I know how to eat and sleep all day, a bit silly..."

Leng Sichen chuckled, "Silly Xun'er..."

"You're stupid! Be serious, I'm serious!" She bulged her cheeks, frowning like a little squirrel, her eyes rippling with anger.

Leng Sichen's gaze gradually fell from her cheek...

His angered appearance and the slightly loosened skirt after breastfeeding made him see the dark pool that he had been quiet for a long time, his eyes darkening.

After giving birth, Xia Yuxun was even more charming, and she always fiddled with him like a little hook with every smile.

In short, for her, he is less and less able to resist.

Many times I almost couldn't help but touch her, but helplessly, there is always a small thing around her, or you Zijin and Zipei make trouble.

Perceiving Leng Sichen's wandering appearance, and leaning over, getting closer and closer, Xia Yuxun blinked and pushed him slightly against his chest, "What do you think?"

"miss you."

"You...uh..." Before the words were finished, his little mouth was heavily covered, and he kissed hard with a little anger.

It’s been a long time since she was so close to him, her body was trembling sensitively, and she declined slightly, "Don’t make trouble, Zining is sleeping..."

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, the little guy in his arms twisted his body and cried out with a "wow", crying so much...

"Zining doesn't cry or cry, be good, don't cry..." Xia Yuxun hurriedly pushed Leng Sichen away, cautiously coaxing Zining in her arms, then raised her head and scorned him, "It's all to blame you!"

Leng Sichen stroked his forehead painfully and helplessly, then glanced at his son who was crying miserably.

Who is more miserable now?

"Xun'er, are you sure he's stupid? This kid doesn't know how good he is! He knows what he is protecting at such a young age, and no one else can touch it!"

Xia Yuxun was speechless, how did these words sound sour?

Leng Zining slowly closed his eyes again with Mommy's gentle coax.

Leng Sichen can see the nature of this child at a glance. Although he is always lazy and indifferent to everything, his principle is the strongest. As long as he cares about things, he will be extremely strong. Land possession guardian.

[Today has been updated, continue tomorrow~]