There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1484: Acquaintance: Little Us 6

It turns out that the infectious power of this little girl is not only affecting him. When he saw Xia Yuxun chased by Pudding in the backyard, Leng Siche actually laughed.

Then, the girl slammed into Leng Siche's body recklessly. How could the weak Leng Siche withstand such a collision, so the two fell to the ground together.

"Bad pudding! Bad pudding! You...Don't come over! If you come again, I will cut all your remaining hair..."

Seeing Samoyed with pitted hair and Xia Yuxun who shrank in his arms and swelled like a small pine tree, Leng Siche laughed uncontrollably, panting for breath.

Not only Guo Chunya, but Leng Sichen was also stunned.

Leng Siche had been autistic since he was a child because of his illness. Since he was sensible, he has rarely smiled, let alone laughed so happily as he is now.

At this moment, Leng Siche didn't know what he thought of, suddenly withdrew his smile, changed his face, and pushed Xia Yuxun away.

"Gege, I'm sorry, Xun'er didn't hit you on purpose..." Xia Yuxun kindly took Leng Sche's hand.

Leng Siche stared blankly at the hand held by Xia Yuxun, with a stern face and a cold tone, "I have a heart attack, are you afraid of being infected by me?"

Hearing this, Guo Chunya suddenly changed her face, and for a while, she felt sad, distressed, and broken.

The children are ignorant, knowing that Leng Sche will not play with him after he is ill, and they say they will be infected. This incident has always been a shadow of Leng Sche's psychology, and it has directly led to his autism.

"What is a heart attack? What does infection mean?" Xia Yuxun looked puzzled, and then her face became anxious and panicked, "Gege, your hands are bleeding!"

After speaking, he moved his little mouth over and blew, "Mom said it won't hurt to blow!"

"What's your name?" Leng Sche asked.

"Xia Yuxun." When people asked this question in the past, Xia Yuxun would always answer Xun'er, because her mother called her that. Since Leng Sichen asked her to read, she would always say her full name proudly.

Leng Sche summoned up a lot of courage, "My name is Leng Sche, can I play with you?"

play! She likes playing best! Xia Yuxun nodded without hesitation, "Okay!"

The two brothers were both carved and jade carved and looked very beautiful, but although Leng Sichen's facial features were very delicate and beautiful, they looked deserted, as if they were not close. However, Leng Siche's appearance was very soft, and he felt like the warm sun in the autumn afternoon.

Xia Yuxun has always had no immunity to the little handsome guy. What's more, it was not her stalking that was unprecedented this time, but people actively wanted to play with her. She naturally had no reason to refuse.

Seeing that the autistic Leng Siche took the initiative to communicate with others, Guo Chunya was so excited that her hands were shaking. She enthusiastically took out the new toy she had just bought, and let Leng Siche and Xia Yuxun go to the house to play together.

Seeing Xia Yuxun and Leng Siche walking into the room holding hands, not far away, Leng Sichen's small figure was a little stiff, after a while, he slowly turned and left.

Just after taking a step, a soft body leaped forward, and the breath of milk and grass rushed towards him, "Brother, play together!"

"I'm not going anymore, go and play!" Leng Sichen pulled Xia Yuxun away and took his hand.

On the one hand, the attraction of toys, on the other hand, Leng Sichen, Xia Yuxun was very entangled.

In the end, Xia Yuxun chose to trot a few steps to follow, "Brother won't play, and Xun'er won't play either!"

[Today is over, will we continue tomorrow~]