There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1499: Acquaintance: Little Us 21

At this moment, the people all over the yard looked at Xia Yuxun who suddenly broke in, discussing her identity curiously, and a few sharp-eyed recognized her as the little girl who walked with Leng Sichen yesterday.

Leng Sichen was thinking about going over to rescue him, but found that someone was already faster than him.

Just when Xia Yuxun was extremely embarrassed and almost wanted to escape from the dog hole, Leng Siche came over and held her chubby little hand very naturally, with a familiar and affectionate tone, "Xiaoxun, come here, I I left you delicious!"

what! delicious! She was punished by her father on her knees, and she hasn't eaten since last night! This temptation is too great.

"Follow me upstairs." Seeing her eyes gleaming, Leng Sche's eyes became more gentle.

Xia Yuxun nodded in a hurry, and was tempted upstairs without any strength, forgetting the original purpose of coming here.

Huh? Original purpose? Wasn't her original purpose to see them, and mix something to eat?

Thinking about it this way, Xia Yuxun followed the "food" more comfortably.

Leng Sichen looked at the back of the two leaving thoughtfully. Although Leng Siche likes Xiaoxun very much, he usually doesn't walk close to her. He always keeps a distance between them, as if deliberately suppressing them. Something, but today it seems very enthusiastic and a desperate attitude.

Looking at his son's attitude, Guo Chunya sighed helplessly and compromised. Anyway, he was about to leave, so let him go this time. Why doesn't she want her son to be happy!

For this son who may leave her at any time, her tolerance is always unlimited.

Two sons, one is her favorite, the other is what she expects the most.


The round table in Leng Siche's room was full of colors and filled with Xia Yuxun's favorite food.

Seeing her feasting, Leng Siche, who had always had a bad appetite, also felt appetite.

"Ache, don't you want to eat it?" Xia Yuxun wrapped the pastry in his mouth, swallowed hard, and then unceremoniously picked up another piece.

After she learned Pinyin, she changed the name "Ge Ge".

However, whether it is "Ge Ge" or "Ache", it is the warmest language in the world.

"Hmm...Which one is better?" Leng Sche asked earnestly and expectantly.

Xia Yuxun hurriedly cut a piece of delicate cherry mousse cake and handed it to his mouth, "This is delicious!"

Leng Siche hesitated and took a bite with her hand, and saw that she smiled and said to herself, "It's delicious, right?"

Leng Sche nodded, took the cake and bit gently.

Xia Yuxun looked a little tangled in that slow way, and suddenly remembered something, "It's over...I was going to lose weight. It's really bad, I can't help it when I see something delicious..."

Leng Siche asked in confusion, "Lose weight? Why do you suddenly want to lose weight?"

"Of course it's because of being too fat! ugly..." Xia Yuxun poked the cake with a bleak expression.

Leng Siche's expression was startled, and then he realized that there was a bit of sorrow between his brows, "Xiao Xun is a boy I like..."

"The boy you like?" Question mark.

The reason why he was puzzled was because in Xia Yuxun's eyes, Leng Sichen was completely independent, not among those boys at all.

Outside the door, Leng Sichen, who was about to step in, suddenly stopped after hearing these words.