There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 1696: Medicine can't stop: Triplets full moon

For the first time in such a long time, Ou Mingxuan did not return home at night, and it seemed that he was very angry this time.

"Mommy, why isn't Daddy coming back?" The girl yawned, her little hand picking at the quilt, looking to see through.

"Daddy is busy at work, go to bed quickly and go to school tomorrow."

"Then can I call Daddy and say good night?"

Qin Mengying hesitated for a while, facing her daughter's expectant expression, dialed the phone.

The phone rang many times before being connected.

"Hey, who is it?"

But what came from the other end was the voice of a woman, and the background seemed to be in a bar...

Familiar but unfamiliar scene.

However, before Qin Meng lingered, a noisy voice suddenly came from the other end of the phone, followed by Ou Mingxuan's roar, "Who allows you to answer my phone casually?"

After the roar, Ou Mingxuan's voice narrowed, "Hey, what's the matter?"

The voice is softer, but it sounds obviously stiff.

"My daughter is talking to you." Qin Mengying passed the phone to his daughter.

囡囡 immediately took over happily, "Daddy~"

After switching her daughter, Ou Mingxuan's voice on the phone has completely softened.

The girl lingered around Ou Mingxuan for a long time and then gave Qin Mengying the phone reluctantly.

"Mummy, you can say goodnight to dad too!"

When Qin Mengying took the phone, the background on the other end of the phone was quiet. It should be him who was out to answer the phone.

"Good night." Qin Mengying said two words at the urging of her daughter.

Ou Mingxuan let out a dull mumble, then hung up the phone.

It feels like a punch on the cotton.

good night! An ass! He is almost exploded!

"Ou Shao, what's the matter? I haven't seen you in such a bad mood for a long time!" Ye Hang teased and asked.

Just now he saw Ou Mingxuan drinking alcohol alone in the bar, and the beauties around him ignored no one, so he walked over curiously.

Ou Mingxuan drank the wine in the cup, "I always hope that women can be gentle, considerate and sensible, and don't always stick to me. Don't quarrel with me all day long because of little things..."

Ye Hang raised his eyebrows, "This is every man's hope, why?"

"But I only know now that if a woman is always gentle, considerate and sensible, obedient, not quarrelsome, not jealous, and not quarreling with you..."

Ou Mingxuan paused, his face full of bitterness, "That's just because she doesn't love you."

Ye Hang became more interested when he heard that, "I didn't expect that Ou Shao had a day of quarreling with Dr. Qin because of love? Well, well, it seems that she would not fight with you because of her personality... So you think she is too You are too obedient so you are in a bad mood?"

Ou Mingxuan felt worse when she heard it, and muttered to herself, "I just hope she can scold me, quarrel with me, even if she throws things and smashes the pot and beats me... Is it difficult?"

"Uh..." Ye Hang showed an indescribable expression, "Ou Shao's requirements for women are really...ingenious..."


The next night.

The full moon banquet for the triplets was held in the villas of Leng Sichen and Xia Yuxun. This was also the first time the couple opened the legendary King's Palace Yunjian Water Villa.

The top celebrities in the row of City A were all present. The banquet hall was adorned with clothes and temples, and the parking lot outside was like a luxury car show.

The three babies are undoubtedly the focus of the audience tonight. Sisters Leng Zijin and Leng Zipei are lively, happily being hugged, giggling without crying or making trouble.