There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 238: I'm downstairs

The phone on Ou Mingxuan's side was connected, and the woman's soft voice rang, "Luo Luo, don't make trouble, Mommy wants to answer the phone, go to bed obediently, hurry up! Hello, Mingxuan, what's the matter?"

"Not asleep?" Ou Mingxuan looked up at the beige window on the third floor.

"I just took a shower for Luo Luo, and I will put her to sleep later, I still have some cases to see, it may be late."

On the other end of the phone, Luo Luo seemed to be making a fool of himself. Ou Mingxuan heard Qin Mengying's scolding voice, "Luo Luo, put it down, Mommy taught you not to eat candy before going to bed, forget it?"

"Mommy, I'll take one, Mommy is okay..."

Listening to Luo Luo's voice, Ou Mingxuan was reluctant to hang up, "Your work has been arranged? Is there anything I can help?"

"Well, it's almost there. I can go to work formally tomorrow." After all, she chose to settle down in this city.

"Are you sure you don't go to Jinse Villa? The environment there is good, and the apartment may be a little noisy." Ou Mingxuan was not at ease, after all, she was alone with a child.

"The apartment is pretty good. I want Lolo to get in touch with different people. This is also a kind of exercise for her." Qin Mengying paused for a while, "What are you...what are you doing now?"

Ou Mingxuan chuckled, "Guess!"

Qin Mengying thoughtfully groaned, "It must be impossible to work overtime... in a bar? But your side is very quiet. Are you at home? You seem to rarely be at home this time. If you are with a lover, how could you still give it? I called. So, I can’t guess."

"You know me. I'm indeed not in the company, in the bar, or at home, let alone with a certain woman." Listening to Qin Mengying's logical and coherent words, Ou Mingxuan finally had the feeling of returning to the world. .

Seeing the silhouette of the woman walking back and forth on the third floor, Ou Mingxuan said in a dumb voice, "I'm downstairs."

On the other side of the phone, Qin Mengying gave a surprised "Ah", and then saw the window open. Qin Mengying appeared at the window holding Luo Luo.

Ou Mingxuan stood beside the street lamp downstairs and waved.

"Daddy! Daddy!" Luo Luo opened his hands excitedly all the way away. The little guy has good eyesight.

"Don't you ask me to go up and sit down?" Ou Mingxuan waved to Luo Luo.

Qin Mengying hesitated for a while, "The lamp on the second floor is broken. Be careful."

As soon as Ou Mingxuan walked into the house, Lolo children rushed forward enthusiastically, "Daddy, do you come to see Lolo, Daddy?"

"Yes!" Ou Mingxuan hugged Luo Luo and said to Qin Mengying, "I will leave the task of coaxing Luo Luo to sleep tonight. Go ahead and do your job!"

"Then I beg you." Qin Mengying was not polite to him, there were really too many things tonight.

Half an hour later, Qin Mengying watched the case absently, and suddenly a burning breath came from his ear.

"PostTraumaticStressDisorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, an abnormal mental response to trauma and other severe stress factors...How come there are so many weird mental illnesses?"

"Did Luo Luo fall asleep?" Qin Meng asked calmly after being slightly startled.

Ou Mingxuan's sudden approach did not make her speak out, after all, adjusting her psychology is her specialty.

Ou Mingxuan leaned on the desk and flipped through the cases boredly, "After reading "Snow White" three times, I finally fell asleep!"

Qin Mengying smiled, "I have to read it five or six times before she falls asleep. You should be content!"

"is it?"

Ou Mingxuan looked at her, her eyes turning deep suddenly made her a little uneasy, "I'll pour you a glass of water."

She had just taken a step when the man behind him suddenly pulled her into her arms, and put her head on her shoulders ambiguously, "No need."