There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 257: It is difficult for a healer to heal him

"What's wrong?" Qin Mengying asked worriedly.

"There is something wrong with Yu Xun!" Ou Mingxuan picked up his coat, hurriedly opened the door and went out.

He left, and the empty room became quiet in an instant.

Qin Mengying looked at the caterpillars on his body, picked them one by one, and sighed softly, "I hope she won't be okay..."

That girl, she always feels like herself.

I fell in love with someone I shouldn’t love.

Obviously knowing that it is impossible, he still fell into it without hesitation.

But she was braver than herself, she did everything she wanted to do but didn't dare to do.

To love someone so passionately and desperately, even if the whole body is cut and bruised, you can still bloom the brightest smile, like a flower in full bloom after wind and rain.

Even standing by her side can be infected by her vitality and enthusiasm.

Envy her passion and impulse, envy her daring to love and hate, and envy her courage even more.

I remember the day before yesterday, they took Lolo to the park together.

Lolo was most afraid of riding on the slide, always worried that she would fall. She told Lolo many times, told her a lot of truths, and enlightened her, but Lolo was still afraid, so she only dared to hide from the side and watch other children play .

However, Xia Yuxun directly hugged Lolo in his arms at the time and took her down the slide. After playing a few times, Lolo started clamoring to play by himself.

When you get along with Xia Yuxun, you will find that she is an activist. She is not just thinking about anything or talking about it. If she does not try it herself, she will never give up until the end.

If she told her that Leng Sichen liked Xia Yuxun at first, she would definitely think that Leng Sichen had ulterior motives or had other intentions.

However, after learning about Xia Yuxun, she felt that such a girl, even as a woman, could not help but love her, let alone a man.

What about yourself? Only knowing to avoid and give up blindly, even the existence of Luo Luo dare not tell that person. Just because I was afraid that it was disappointed in the end.

She is a psychologist, but it is difficult for a healer to treat herself. She can't even solve her own problems.

Why does she blame Ou Mingxuan for being unfeeling?

She didn't make any efforts at all during the interactions during that time, and she didn't even dare to invest too much in her feelings. Why would she like her like this.

For what reason, Qin Mengying started self-examination for the first time.


Nangong was helpless, and Ou Mingxuan finally arrived.

"Make it clear, what's going on? How did you know that Yu Xun was kidnapped?" Ou Mingxuan asked breathlessly.

Nangong hesitated for a moment and did not say that he knew that Nangonglin attached great importance to Xia Yuxun. Once the news leaks, let him know about this matter. Even if it fails, Linna has absolutely no room to stand up.

"Don't ask so many questions, okay? I overheard it when I was drinking in the bar!" Nangong urged casually, "Hurry up, do you have Leng Sichen's number? I called Xia Yuxun , Always turn off the phone, call her home, and her father said that he was out on a date with his blind date!"

"Nonsense, the kidnapper can still make her turn on the phone? What kind of blind date is clearly Leng Sichen!" Ou Mingxuan did not ask any more, pressing Leng Sichen's number fiercely.

In the hospital.

As soon as Leng Sichen sent Bai Qianning to the emergency room, he heard the ringing of his cell phone and hurriedly answered, "Xiaoxun, how many times have I said not to turn off the phone! Where are you now?"

Listening to Leng Sichen's words, Ou Mingxuan's heart fell to the bottom, she was not with Leng Sichen.