There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 366: Imprisoned

Leng Sichen stiffened, his fists on both sides gradually clenched.

Xia Yuxun covered her mouth and coughed a few times, and hugged Luo Luo to Qin Mengying, "Sister Mengying, hold Luo Luo farther, the child's resistance is not good, I have a fever and will infect her."

Qin Meng hugged Xia Yuxun's shoulders, "Stupid girl, why are you so stupid..."

Seeing such a scene, several men on the court realized that Xia Yuxun seemed to only reject men's approach, but not women.

"How can you live here alone? Go live with me! It is convenient for me to take care of you too!" Qin Meng persuaded.

Xia Yuxun shook his head, "I don't want to trouble you."

Qin Mengying showed an angry look, "How can it be said that it is trouble? Who said that we were good sisters that day? We are about to draw a line with me so soon?"


"You don't believe those stinky men, you should believe me? Get up, the ground is so cold, don't ruin your body!"

Qin Mengying helped Xia Yuxun up, "I know you must be very sad if you don't have a baby, but it doesn't matter. Three-legged toads are hard to find. There are many two-legged men. If you want children in the future, who can't you find? "

Unexpectedly, Qin Mengying would laugh, and even so angry that Leng Sichen and Ou Mingxuan's faces were as black as the bottom of the pot, Xia Yuxun's mouth finally rose slightly.

"Sister Mengying, thank you...thank you..."

"Be polite to me again, I'm going to be angry!"

"Lolo is going to be angry too!" Baby Lolo also scowled.

Xia Yuxun was finally willing to leave, Leng Siche and Ou Mingxuan both breathed a sigh of relief.


Jinyuan Apartment.

Xia Yuxun temporarily lived in Qin Mengying's place, and moved all the salutes.

The whole building is filled with the sound of moving things.

Leng Sichen actually drove all the residents out of this building. Of course, the money given would certainly not be less, otherwise their speed would not be so fast.

After just an hour, the whole apartment was empty.

Immediately afterwards, countless bodyguards were stationed, there were people guarding each floor, and all the monitoring equipment was replaced with the most advanced.

Xia Yuxun stood by the window, watching the black-clad bodyguards coming down to guard and the strange gazes of passing pedestrians when they stopped.

Then, she saw a car approaching, and she knew the person who came out of the car, and it was Nangonglin's scar.

Scar seemed to want to rush, but was stopped by Leng Sichen's people.

Qin Mengying knocked on the door and walked in with water and medicine. "What are you looking at? Go to the bed and lie down."

"Sister Mengying, I'm sorry to cause you trouble!" Xia Yuxun said apologetically.

Qin Mengying helped her to lie down and said, "Don't be stupid! I want you to bother me! I didn't have many friends since I was a kid, and I am very happy to be able to help you."

Xia Yuxun let out a weak sigh, "What on earth does he want to do? This way I am imprisoned..."

"Perhaps I am afraid that you will leave, dare you say that you have never thought about leaving him?" Qin Mengying asked in a certain tone.

"Thinking about it all the time." Xia Yuxun said frankly.

The door bell rang.

Qin Mengying glanced out from the cat's eyes and saw Leng Sichen standing outside the door with a tired look, hesitating to open the door.

"How is she?" Leng Sichen asked.

"The mood has become more stable, so you'd better not let her see you at this time." Qin Mengying replied.

"I have something to tell her!" Leng Sichen didn't listen to Qin Mengying's words, but went straight in.