There Will Come a Day When You’ll Like Me

Chapter 936: I am used to it, do you have an opinion?

Damn man! In fact, she really wanted to beat him from three-dimensional to flat just now!

"Mommy, your expression is terrible." As soon as Xiaobai came back from school, he saw Xia Yuxun nestling on the bedside, holding a pillow in his arms, and ravaged with a vicious expression, and couldn't help but feel chills in his heart.

"Xiao Bai, come and hug Mommy!" Xia Yuxun immediately threw away the pillow and opened her hands to Xiao Bai.

Xiaobai obediently walked over to replace the pillow, "Mommy, is someone bullying you?"

"Yeah." Xia Yuxun nodded aggrievedly.

"Mummy, you don't actually like this kind of life, do you?"

The understanding Xiaobai discovered from the beginning that Mommy seemed to dislike her current life, and that Mommy’s condition was really bad recently. He tentatively asked Xiangruo, but she refused to say why. Ru's state seems to be worse.

Hey, these two people are really worrying...

"Yeah." Xia Yuxun nodded frankly, really didn't like it.

"Mommy, let's leave!" Xiaobai suggested to her with his little face up.

"Huh! Huh? No! We can't leave!" Xia Yuxun withdrew from inertia and changed his mind.

"Why?" Xiaobai puzzled.

Xia Yuxun raised her face and educates: "It's not a good habit to run away when you encounter difficulties. Now Mommy still has a lot of responsibilities on her shoulders, how can she leave?"

Xiaobai nodded helplessly: "Xiangru also said the same. Xiangru also said that blindly forbearance will not solve the problem, but will only make the enemy more arrogant."

Xia Yuxun snorted sullenly, wanting to say that what bullied your mommy was the "Xianghui" in your mouth.


In the car, Yan Zihua called Nangonglin.

"Chairman, have you had enough rest?"

"Yo, brat, I haven't seen you for a few days, I have a good temper, and dare to speak to me with this attitude!"

"Chairman..." Yan Zihua looked helpless, "Even if you don't care about the company, doesn't it matter if the lady is wronged by you?"

Nangonglin said in a deep voice on the other end of the phone, "You must tie the bell to untie the bell. There will be someone who should come forward in this matter..."

However, what Leng Sichen did this time was really not clean enough, and he hasn't done anything yet.

He will give the kid the last day. If he is still hesitant after looking forward and backward, don't blame him for not giving him a chance! My baby girl has suffered such a great grievance, and he has endured it to the extreme now!

The reason why he hasn't made any moves is that on the one hand, he restrained Linna, and Guangxiong Dong couldn't turn over any waves, so he simply practiced for Xiao Xun, and on the other hand, he hoped to bring the two children together.

After a few random heroes save the United States, isn't the intimacy brushed up?

However, I never expected that these two children did not follow the script he had planned, especially the stinky boy Leng Sichen, who had all the IQ in the dog's stomach, and he had done things in a mess!


After returning to the old house, Xia Yuxun has been lying in bed, not wanting to move or going anywhere.

However, XNE’s charity dinner was a well-booked itinerary in the evening, and the charity banquet also helped her restore a bit of her image in the public. Although it had little effect, it was better than nothing.

In the end, she got up from the bed with difficulty, picked a little dress and put it on, and then went out after explaining a few words to the child and the nanny.

In order to avoid Xiaobai's child insisting on waiting for her to come back before going to bed, Xia Yuxun had to tell him that after the party was over, he would go back to the company to deal with some things, and went back to sleep directly at the company, urging him to rest early.