There’s A Beauty

Chapter 106: Lu Ju

The boy confessed that he was not the Ji clan and asked Liu Wen and others to be caught off guard.

"How is that possible? You have been growing up in the palace-inner courtyard. If it wasn't for the royal family, how would the queen mother and the emperor support you? You know, the confusion of the royal bloodline is the grand sin of the nine families." Son is Emperor Chun, this talent is the lone ghost and wild ghost who occupy the nest? Liu Wen was skeptical.

"No matter what you are pretending to be crazy, just go up and open the door!" Liu Chuanshan's tone was extremely impatient.

Seeing that the master nodded at himself as well, Yu had to step forward and put his palm on the groove. He raised his eyebrows slightly, and found that the door was really mysterious. The handprints on it were not too small and were in line with himself. It would be impossible to change people, as if the mold used in the construction was his right hand.

Shimen hadn't seen anything for a long time. He lifted it up, stabbed yesterday's knife, put a little blood on it and then stabbed, still motionless.

"No way?" Liu Wen and others were disappointed.

"Never mind, quickly bandage the wound." Meng Changye tried to pull away the boy, but he whispered, "Let me try again."

This door is too similar to a ghost door, and it cannot be opened with blood. How about using Ziwei emperor spirit and merit golden light? Anyway, there is no other way, but I try to give it a try. Thinking in this way, Youyi forced Ziwei's emperor's energy and merits Jinguang into the palm of his hand, and he stung.

Liu Wen and others saw his palm suddenly glowing with purple and gold, and they were immediately stunned. This, how is this? Become immortal?

The relief on the stone door absorbs the purple-golden light bit by bit, so that it becomes full of light, beautiful, small, and the creaking sound of the institution's startup came from the ground. The two doors that were still tightly closed finally slowly. Open it, exposing a dark, bottomless, downward-extending step, and a bleak and cold airflow rushing towards the face.

The crowd was snoring in the air, and they were throbbed for a while.

"Actually, it really turned on. What is the golden light?" Liu Chuanshan looked at the boy with a faint expression in his eyes. Such a scene was obviously beyond his scope of recognition, as if it was an unreliable rotten mud that he had previously rejected, and in a blink of an eye he turned into a bodhisattva in the temple. The others are also respectful and fearful, and the heart is truly the blood of the true dragon in the legend, and it really has a little difference.

Only Meng Changye, his expression remained the same, but just reached out and grabbed the dog's arm. This man is too mysterious and he is afraid he will run away.

Some stunners were a little surprised, but they calmed down quickly. When Liu Wen lit a candle to detect the air below, he summoned the horses without any suffocation, ready to take them as soon as possible, and stopped them quickly. The doors are very similar. I ’m afraid it ’s not a simple underground palace or an institution. You may encounter some dirt. You take everyone all down. If everyone is in danger together, who will take care of it? Miscellaneous, in case anyone touches the organs, everyone will die more quickly if they are huddled together. It is better to order a few strong players to explore. "

Liu Wen intends to use the violent dismantling method to obtain treasures, that is to say, no matter what the palace building is, it will be destroyed and a thousand people will be enough. But now he is quite a little ignorant of the boy, and he pays special attention to his words. He also saw that the palm print on the stone gate overlapped with the boy ’s right hand. The big one could n’t get in, and the small one filled the gap. That is to say, do n’t even think of anyone who comes here unless you find this person. When you open the underground palace, it's as if the things in this palace are specially prepared for him.

"Okay, then ask a few people to go and see." He nodded promised.

"I'll go." Several vice generals Yi Gao boldly raised their hands.

"I want to go too." Youxi looked down at the bottomless steps, and her eyes were confused and sad. He felt faintly that something below was calling to himself, which was important.

"What are you doing? Give me the truth to stay on top of it." Meng Changye was going to go and explore in person, but he would never take the dogs with him.

The two pulled for a while, but in the end Meng Changye compromised, and the ears were red and bloody, because the dog was so cowardly that he said, "Where I go, I ’ll go, and die with you." "Child", made him mad and pleased to maintain a majestic attitude in front of his subordinates.

"Why so entangled? Will you die without Lao Tzu? Just go and go, but you are not allowed to leave Lao Tzu on the way, can you hear it? Once you meet danger, you will go up to Lao Tzu!" In fact, flowers have bloomed in my heart.

Youyi nodded quickly and agreed.

Liu Wen has long been accustomed to the tiredness of the two regardless of the occasion, and took care of 18 martial arts high-ranking soldiers, and together they were exactly twenty, no more and no less. Before going down, Youyi distributed the pre-made messenger and told him, "There is a drop of my blood in this rune, and you can cut your fingers and drop it in, and you can talk to me." He folded it into The triangular rune sticked to your forehead, and demonstrated, "If you are separated from me, stick the rune stick to your brows like this, and then meditate on what you want to say, I can hear and communicate with you. If you enter the maze or something In the place where one person went out, the rest simply closed their eyes and walked according to Fu Yu's instructions.

"Boy, are you pretending to be stupid and crazy? Are you tired?" A lieutenant mocked. This **** is so magical, he cut off his head and sat down as a stool for Chundi.

"It's better to be credible than to be credible, as Ji Gongzi said." Liu Wen pierced his fingertips, dripping a drop of blood. Fang Cai's Zijin Guangren saw it all, how to explain it? Perhaps the words "One Body, Two Souls, Taoism, and Ghost Fairy" that the man said before are all true. At this time, it is always right to have another layer of preparation.

In that compartment, Meng Changye has dripped his own blood, raised his eyebrows and watched the blood beads quickly flow into the yellow rune, forming a shimmering light on the surface.

"Good guy, it's glowing! Is it really useful?" Liu Chuanshan also dripped blood, and then he gave a grim expression. Everyone saw that they no longer hesitated and pierced their fingertips to bleed.

You also took out a human-shaped rune 箓 and gave it to the general who kept it out. "This is the general's destiny. If you find signs of horns, defects, and scorching, run hurriedly."

Although the general was doubtful, he did not dare to neglect, and nodded in agreement. The torches, weapons, dry food, etc. were prepared. Twenty people slowly descended the stairs. The back of the tunnel disappeared at the end of the tunnel, and the two stone gates closed with lightning. .

At this time, you and others did not know that the retreat had been cut off, and was walking step by step deep into the palace. This step is very long, as if there is no end. It took two hours to finally reach a gentle place. Meng Changye grabbed the boy tightly with one hand and raised the torch with one hand to look at the surrounding environment.

This is a stone cave with strangely shaped stalactites on the wall, and clumps of glowing mushrooms and ferns dotted the gap between the stones. If the torches are turned off, only the blue or green or The yellow light is enough to illuminate the surroundings.

"I don't know how big this palace is, but there are only a few torches. I will ignite it when I need to use it. Now let's extinguish it for now." You Qingyue's voice echoed inside the cave.

Meng Changye put out the torch without saying a word, and the rest felt reasonable and followed suit. Without the interference of flames, the plant's light is more soft and colorful, and at first glance it looks like a fairyland.

"What the **** is this? I have never seen glowing weeds in my lifetime." A vice general reached out to touch a bunch of ferns, and when his fingertips were only a few inches from the leaves, he heard the military division and Chundi Qi Qi warned, "Don't touch it, beware of poison."

He was frightened, and was about to retract his hand, but a rat-sized living creature jumped out of the grass, squeaked and rushed to his face, and quickly drilled into his mouth. The tweet seemed to open an institution, and the dense black shadows popped out of the grass and crawled towards the general.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-oohhhhhhhhh-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ... between the moment when the Lieutenant General ’s misery turned to suffocating, it turned into a dying blood cough and heavy breathing.

Before everyone could see what the shadow was, they raised their swords and drove forward. The blade cut through the shadows of the shadows and screamed scalply. Recently, the man cut a few knives and then screamed, "Ah, what the **** is this? What the **** is this **** '?"

Several more people surrounded and chopped in the past, and then their eyes were split, just because these shadows were not mice or beetles, but little men. Their bones were thin, their limbs were thin, but their heads were huge. With just one mouth, two rows of sharp teeth were exposed, biting the body of the lieutenant inch by inch. There were also several villains squatting on the vice-commissioner's face, pulling out the tongue in his mouth, and lengthening.

The lieutenant struggled back and forth, but could not even utter a bit of painful moaning. Ben also tried to rescue his companions, terrified, and retreated sharply while waving his sword. Meng Changye threw the dog cub to a vice general, ordered him to take him farther, and then rushed forward with a knife. His sword is very sharp, and the villain's life is seized like a blast, but for a moment, his path was covered with black and red blood and a small corpse.

The minions were inspired and rushed forward, but did not expect that the strong smell of fish attracted more villains, densely, layered on the wall of the cave, and then swarmed up. There were constant shadows around the crowd, biting a bit here, scratching there, it was impossible to prevent. They seem to have a soft spot for a person's tongue. There must be a few tossed on the face. Use sharp claws to pry open the gap between the person's teeth and pull the tongue out and stretch it until it is cut off.

But for a moment, all the human surfaces were covered with a dense layer of villains, how could they not be thrown away, and even a few of them were about to tear their tongues. Only a cricket formed a blank circle around it. When a little man approached, he screamed and fled, as if burned by fire.

The general in charge of protecting him was very surprised, and saw him fluttering on the general without notice, and scattered the villain.

"These things are hungry ghosts! Hungry ghosts in Hell Six Road!" He explained as he took out a few runes from his sleeve, and urged with Ziwei imperialism. Fu Xun burned instantly, emitting a dazzling purple light, and the hungry ghosts screamed together, and finally disappeared into the flying ash in the light. A few hungry ghosts hid in the cracks of the stone that they couldn't shine, and then they escaped, but they never dared to go forward and drilled deep into the cave-cave.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, didn't care to check their injuries, and hurried to help the lieutenant who was the first to suffer.

"Lao Li, Lao Li, how are you?" Liu Wen struck the other person hard. Seeing that his tongue was still hanging outside, many vague wounds had been cut out by the evil spirit.

"Here, where is this place, and how can there be ghosts?" Liu Chuanshan's voice was shaking. He had never believed in ghosts and gods, but he had to believe it several times. The rest of them also showed a fearful expression, and then Qi Qi looked towards Chundi. Previously, they had always thought that this man was pretending to be stupid, but until now he realized that he was really clumsy, and he didn't even distinguish such a true god.

How many fools have burnt a few falcons to death?

"I didn't think about it." Youxi took out twenty yellow symbols from the parcel and distributed them one by one. "When I saw the door, I should understand that there is no earth palace here, but a land palace. The earth palace goes in. It ’s easy to go out, but the door is now closed. We are afraid that there is no retreat and we can only move forward. This is an amulet that can dispel evil spirits, but there is a certain time limit. When the charms are burnt, you can come here again Zhang Xin. "

No one satirized him this time, and immediately took Fu Yan's personal collection. Meng Changye put the previous messenger on his brain and called silently, "Dog?"

"Why?" Youyi turned out the medicine powder he had prepared earlier and evenly sprinkled it on his wound. Then he took out the sterile cloth and bandaged it.

"It's okay, I just want to call you." Meng Changye touched-touched-his cheek, his heart settled. Those hungry ghosts are obviously afraid of having a cricket and dare not hurt him. If this place is really a land mansion, even if he penetrates the earth's heart, he will have to send the uncles safely.

The rest saw that the general had used the messenger, and then they felt it afterwards, one after the other, shouting against the eyebrows, "Jigongzi? General? Military division? Old Liu ......" Everyone's mind was mixed, whose voice was actually Both can be seen, as long as the amulet is attached to the eyebrow at the same time, unimpeded communication can be made, this method is so strange!

When Liu Wen saw that he didn't wake up Li, he quickly took out his amulet and stuck it on his brain, calling anxiously, "Lao Li, wake up soon!"

Ben also called me, I called you, the crowds playing together together to summon the soul to Lao Li, and finally woke him up. A cricket burned a piece of rune paper, threw it into the kettle and smashed the rune water, and fed him to drink. This time, no one suspected that he was poisoning, but instead looked forward to it.

Lao Li was still a little groggy, so he immediately awakened after drinking Fushui, and the pain in his body was halved, and he slowly leaned on with the help of Liu Wen and others.

"Mother, what the **** is that?" He retracted his elongated tongue, vaguely.

Everyone was silent and couldn't bear to tell him the truth. Ji Gongzi's magical method has completely convinced them. Since he said that this is the land government, it must be right. The living man actually entered the prefecture, and he did not know whether he would go out.

"What's discouraged? The road comes out of people, but there is no way, Lao Tzu must also cut a path to heaven!" Meng Changye held the dog's paw with a firm voice.

"Yes, don't be discouraged, there may not be a way forward." Youzhen tried to wrap around the master's wide shoulders, but he could only hold it half-length because of short hands, and instead patted and comforted him. "Don't be afraid, general, I must treat you in peace Take it out. But it ’s just Yincao Difu, I ’m not here. ”

"Have you been here?" Liu Wen grabbed and held the point.

"It's not the Yin Cao Di Mansion here, but it's also inseparable. We only need to enter the Yan Luo Temple and find the door of the Six Ways to escape from the humane." The master is no longer King Yan Luo, but it does not mean that there is no way to get out of trouble. He thought for a moment, adding, "Only those hungry ghosts like to pull their tongues out. It seems that the structure of this underground palace is arranged according to eighteen layers of hell. That is to say, here is the first layer of hell, and tongue pulling **** If you go down, there will be scissors hell, iron tree hell, evil mirror hell, and so on. "

Liu Wen horrified, "You mean, we have to go through eighteen layers of **** to enter the Yanluo Temple?"

Eighteen stories of hell, what a terrible place? Not even evil spirits, let alone humans? Everyone was silent for a moment, then all looked desperate.

"Afraid of everything, come here, just go down!" Meng Changye pulled the boy up and ordered, "Are you well rested? Continue to walk after rest, these eighteen floors of hell, I really want to see and see ! "

"Walk around, afraid of an egg!" Liu Chuanshan immediately followed, but consciously or unconsciously next to Emperor Chun, but this true immortal can only leave him alive. Everyone saw that they were robbed of their good position, so they quickly caught up.

Facts soon proved that the inferior inference was correct. After walking through the cave-cavity with gentle terrain, there was a long, downward step in front of it, and there was another cave-cave at the bottom of the step, as usual. Glowing plants and weird stalactites. Several hungry ghosts rushed out like lightning. As soon as they touched the robes of the people, they were burned into coke by the exorcism charms, and a pair of rusty scissors were pinched in their black claws.

"Amitabha! Fortunately, with the amulet of Ji Gongzi on his body, otherwise his fingers would have to be cut off one by one." Liu Chuanshan folded his hands and was afraid. He has completely transformed from an atheist to a Buddhist believer, ready to go to the temple as soon as he leaves the prefecture, and then sincerely copy a few scriptures. Of course, he had to grind Ji Gongzi and ask him to accept himself as an apprentice.

The others also dismissed the previous contempt and suspicion, and moved closer to Ji Jizi, always feeling that there was a sense of security when they walked around him. There were rumblings around the wall of the cave, but the beard was full of a hungry head with a round belly and thin limbs. He held a pair of scissors in his hands and opened and closed.

But afraid of someone ’s Emperor Ziwei's ambition, they did not dare to move, they were all looking for opportunities. You Zhishen first started off as a strong truth, ignited a few exorcism symbols, burned them to death, and quickly ran across the ashes, and finally came out of the second layer of hell.

The underground palace is not bottomed out, but after two floors, it has taken a full twelve hours. Everyone was tired and hungry. They ate some dry food and lay down in the defense array of Ji Gongzi's cloth. They were ready to replenish their strength.

Liu Wen-I always felt that I had forgotten something. When I saw the general habitually throwing out the person in his arms, he was shocked. "No! Ji Jizi has fallen asleep, who will lead the team? Does it depend on Chun? emperor?"

"Fuck-damn! I forgot this! The emperor Chundi's eggs are fart!" Liu Chuanshan screamed angrily.

Meng Changye was already so pale that he took the parcel brought by the dog into his arms and opened it to look carefully. However, the handwriting on Fu Yi was too scribbled, and I didn't see it clearly yesterday. I didn't even know what he was burning and what effect it had. Moreover, he inspires Fu Yu not to rely on open flames at all, and only needs to pinch his fingertips to ignite, who has such effort? If it is replaced by a flame, it can still work?

The scorching problems surfaced one by one. Not only was Meng Changye's mood very strange, but the rest of the people were also panicked. Unconsciously, Ji Gongzi has become the backbone of everyone, and after him, he seems to be chasing the light beam, and sooner or later can escape from the sky. But if the core in the skin bag is replaced by Chundi, the terrible situation is hard to imagine.

Until this time, they were convinced by Ji Gongzi's "One Body and Two Souls", secretly admiring him for his ingenious means, and hating the Emperor Chun who occupied him. When Cao Cao Cao Cao was said, he could hear only a shrill scream in the cave. You do n’t need to look to know that it was the emperor Chun that was awake.

"Ahhhhh! What the **** is this place? When did you get me in? It smells bad! It's so dark! It's cold! I want to go out!" Chundi jumped and called again, one foot just stepped out of the defense At the front, a hungry ghost came over. Fortunately, Meng Changye pulled it in time, so he didn't let his fingers fall.

"Have you be honest with me!" Meng Changye took out his sweatshirt, stuffed it into Chundi's mouth, and skillfully tied him all over, and the world was clean. When Emperor Chun saw a dense crowd of hungry ghosts on his head, he was frightened and moved to General Huwei like a worm in an attempt to seek protection.

"Without Ji Gongzi, we had better not casually go to the third hell." Liu Wenshen said.

"Yes, the third floor is Iron Tree Hell, saying that there must be no Shura, and then we caught and hung on the Iron Tree and peeled." Another vice general was worried.

"Stun the stunner and return for Ji Jizi?" Liu Chuanshan gave the Emperor Chun a slight kick.

"Stunned? Isn't it right? Let's start with nothing serious, what if Ji Jizi gets hurt?" Lao Li quickly vetoed. He didn't dare to hurt Ji Gongzi now, not because he was looking at the general's face, but because he was in awe of his heart.

"The dog has a way to deal with it." Meng Changye pulled out a futon from the parcel, and the outer paper was written with the three characters "Drowsiness Charm", and the use of huahua in lower case was used to describe the purpose in detail. Putting Fu Fu on his forehead and removing it can make people drowsy and awake.

Auntie was worried that the body's dominance would be replaced by Chundi, so he left it behind. He wanted to explain why he was so tired that he unknowingly fell asleep, so that he completely forgot about it.

The crowd was overjoyed, and they quickly took out a sleepy amulet and put it on Chundi's forehead, and tore it off with his eyes closed, and then waited with burning eyes. 2k novel reading network