There’s A Beauty

Chapter 23: Forty thousand

Because the Lord Anwar led the various noble girls back to Bodhi Temple earlier, the women's relatives in the temple had heard about what happened in the mountain more or less. Owing to his reputation, the mother of the Lord Anwar did not dare to speak up and gave gifts to the families, implying that they did not have to speak loudly and immediately returned home.

This time, the old lady of the King of Ceremony and Buddha was the host. Everyone was invited by her. When she saw Xiao Gui's uncle's uncle rushed away without even saying hello, she could not help but wonder and immediately sent someone out to inquire. It's okay not to inquire, just to inquire, it feels like a landslide.

"This thing is impossible! Is my beloved grandson such a savage!" Although the old lady refused to admit it, she was disturbed inside, and rushed to the temple gate with a pale face and the emperor Lin, Want to see if my good grandson is back.

As soon as the party arrived, they saw the convoy rushing over, and a group of young men jumped out of the car one after another, and saw the Wang family neither politely nor nodding, as if avoiding the scorpion far away. There was also a crowd in the crowd, looking at Lin Lin's eyes, and seeing a black mist attached to her back, a man's face suddenly appeared, and a woman's head suddenly came out, but his breath changed five or six. Ghosts show how many sins have been created in life.

She walked past her without squinting, causing her to look around frequently, her eyes resentful. The black mist behind her disappeared instantly under the intimidation of the two ghost boys, waiting for the teenager to go away and reuniting.

Seeing his own carriage, Lin couldn't afford to explore the strange performance of the crowd, and quickly took a few steps to lift the car curtain. When he saw his son was thrown into the corner by various flowers, his daughter kept crying, as if being wronged by Heaven. A pair of children is Lin's inverse scale. While letting the servant take the brother and sister down, she took the last step while holding her sister Fang Yi, and said, "You are so brave, how dare you Bind me! "

"What about bundling him? I still want to kill him! If you look for my stubble, think about how to calm down the anger of the concubine and His Royal Highness!" Fang Yi was young and vigorous, and immediately hit back, while Lin He broke away under the horror and hurried away. He also has a grievance to go back to say. Can the sister of Anwar County trample at will if he cannot touch him? What does the Wang family think of his other family? Pig and dog?

When the old lady saw everyone avoiding the king's family like a scorpion, and saw her granddaughter crying and scolding her brother, she became more and more uncomfortable. Is it possible that Sun Er really insulted the Lord Anwar? How did it happen?

She didn't get any specific details, but she still had some luck, letting the servant girl bring her granddaughter into the room and secretly interrogate, so she could think of some countermeasures. Wang Junxi knew that his mother was humble and short-sighted. She only knew how to fight and be jealous. When she encountered major events, she could not rely on her. Her reputation was damaged and her marriage might be canceled. Ten said.

The old lady was like the thunder of five thunders, splitting her liver and gall, poking her granddaughter forehead and cursing the evil animal. What a peerless child prodigy and three young men in the capital turned out to be a hungry ghost in the color, but now he has been stripped of human skin to reveal his original shape and bullied the royal head. How to be good? How to be good?

Mrs. Wang held her forehead slowly and fell down, and fainted before he fainted, "Hurry up, send a letter to the old lady and the old man!"


The Wang family was in a state of tragedy for a while, but some of them ran to the kitchen and asked for two hot buns.

He only cares about eating here, and Ji Changye, who is playing against Wei Shizi, feels uneasy from time to time. Although Ada handed a letter saying that a potential uncle went to Houshan by his side, he would never let him go. When Wang Tianyou stayed in one place, various kinds of thrilling pictures would appear in his mind.

With a snapping sound, he tossed away the chess pieces in his hand, and asked in a deep voice, "Houshan seems to have a cliff called Tiger Leap Cliff. The terrain is very dangerous?"

"Exactly, I heard that several people are killed every year." Wei Shizi was unknown.

Ji Changye's heart trembled fiercely, suddenly stood up and walked out, because the action was too urgent, and overturned the chessboard. Wei Shizi, who was covered with black and white pawns, quickly chased after him and asked him what happened.

Ji Changye didn't answer, just called A Erbei Ma. As soon as he walked to the gate of the courtyard, he saw a rushed walk.

"Master ..." The boy was expressionless, but two small dimples appeared on the cheek, looking very cute and cute. He walked two steps, spread his arms, like a nestling.

Ji Changye's heart slammed into the ground, and his movements were slightly rough-Lu pulled him to his side, fumbled up and down, and saw his chest look like a girl tall and bulging up, and his expression changed again. Wei Shizi was also very surprised. She quickly set aside her eyes and was embarrassed. "It turned out that there was a woman who was dressed as a man. Before this child had a lot of abruptness, please forgive me." It ’s no wonder that the name always looks feminine and looks It's too beautiful.

There was a twitch in the forehead slightly twitching, digging into the placket, and taking out the two big white buns hidden in her arms. The two little ghosts who accompanied him fell to the ground with laughter, Wei Shizi's complexion changed, and finally he hit his lip with a fist, so as not to be rude, but there was still a squeaking sound from the corner of his mouth.

But Ji Changye couldn't laugh any more, and forced the young man into his arms, reprimanding, "Well knowing that Wang Tianyou has no good intentions for you, why go out with him? When did my uncle become so dumb?"

"I ..." As soon as he got up, he realized that he couldn't leak out the existence of the two little ghosts, so he had to admit his mistakes honestly and promise not to be listed.

Ji Changye was so relieved that he saw the teenager comfortably nestled in his arms, rubbing his chest with a furry head, and his face was full of nostalgia, and he began to regret it again. He finally made up his mind to be alienated and let him learn to be independent, but why did he often feel like sitting in a needle and having thorns in his back in the short time he left? If he blindly spoils, protects him, and puts him under the wings to protect him from the wind and rain, his feelings for himself will not only pass away, but will only deepen. Then, when he leaves, how should he be with himself? How to get married and have children?

Therefore, in order to have a happy and healthy life, you should let go! If he warned himself, then he pushed the boy lightly, pretending indifferently, "Well, if you know that you are wrong, you should avoid the speculative person next time. If you do n’t stand under the wall, how can you collapse? disaster?"

One side promised to put the steamed bun into his arms again, so that the heat would not dissipate.

Wei Shizi also only asked the teenager for his grudge with Wang Tianyou, and only looked at him and smiled. Youth is sometimes spiritual, sometimes well-behaved, and sometimes stupid, but no matter what the appearance is, it is so fascinating. No wonder the coldness such as Ji Changye is willing to break his heart.

Ji Changye glanced at her friend's spoiled expression, and the suffocation struck again. He settled down, and was about to send you away, but Youyou left before being encouraged by two little ghosts.

"Master, I went out to play, and come back for dinner. If you do n’t see me after dinner, you can eat it by yourself. I have grain reserves here." The teenager patted the drum-his swollen chest did not return. Leave.

Seeing his back moving away, Ji Changye's face turned pale and pale, and finally he looked at Wei Shizi and smiled strongly, "When the child grows up, his playfulness is heavy."

"This is the case for children of this age. If they are kept in custody for a long time, once they are released, they will look like a disconnected kite, and they will look like Ruyan Tuolin. They will never return. You, you should let him loose and let go too fast. Strict. "Wei Shizi warned his friends.

Ji Changye repeatedly chewed the words "Never Go Back", unable to wear even the strongest mild mask, her dark eyes were full of bitterness, and the corners of her mouth were drawn into a harsh straight line. If you let it go completely, would anyone really leave? Thinking of the child who always loved Lai, he shook his head ... and then shook his head again.

Under the guidance of two little ghosts, Youyi climbed up a large tree growing on the wall of the courtyard, and looked out of the wall through the dense foliage. It was the courtyard where the Wang family lived. There were crowds in the hospital, crowds of people, and scolding from time to time, it seemed that a conflict was erupting.

You pushed me for a long time, and you saw Mrs. Wang slowly walking out with the help of Lin's help, holding two strings of charred black beads in your hand and saying, "If you do n’t believe it, This bead was checked to Master Xuanming to see if the old man was lying. My grandson went crazy not because he did it deliberately, but because of evil! I have negotiated with Master Xuanming to chant the scriptures at noon tomorrow. Noble concubine With His Royal Highness Prince, my son has also gone to ask sins and explain why. If you have doubts, you can go and watch the Dojo tomorrow. "

The middle-aged woman who has been swearing all the time came out and took the two beads to see and smell. The beads have been burnt black and accompanied by a foul odor. In their hands, they only felt a ray of cold air and drilled into the body along the acupuncture-channel of the palm, which seemed to encroach. Middle-aged women, the mothers of Fang Yi and Fang Fang, thought that the Wang family was in Hu Yan. They were shocked when they saw this situation, and they could not believe it.

She threw away the beads as if she had been burned, and sneered. "Then I will come back tomorrow and see what Master Xuanming said."

Mrs. Wang personally sent her to the door, waited for the party to walk away before looking at Lin, and instructed, "A string of beads left the practice, and a string of beads was sent to the Prince's House, and His Royal Highness invited a senior to have a look. This proves that my grandson and granddaughter are innocent. ”Fortunately, there are ghosts and gods carrying pots, and the Wang family will never hurt their bones this time.

"Mage Xuanming is very powerful?" Seeing here, Youyu communicated with the ghosts in his mind.

"Very terrific, not worse than the living Tibetan Buddha in northern Tibet." The ghost boy looked terrified and continued, "Following the resentment on the beads, he can easily find us."

Some uncle thought about it, took a **** from his arms, pinched it in half, bite a drop of blood through his fingertips, and comforted, "Don't be afraid, eat something and be shocked."

The two little devils immediately rejoiced, took a **** and chewed, murmuring, "Mage Xuanming is no better than an adult, more than an adult's master."

"Well, the master is invincible in the world." Youyi deeply felt the same, and couldn't help squeezing the small dimple beside his cheek. 2k novel reading network