There’s A Beauty

Chapter 29: Forty thousand

Youxi sweated nervously. He first sat side by side with the young man and slowly hooked his head. He suddenly felt that it was difficult to maintain balance in this posture and changed to lying on the pillow. His mouth was choked, and it was only a few inches to get closer. When he stepped forward, he would press the young man's shoulder again. In desperation, he changed position again and became prone on both sides of the other person's cheek.

"Master, master?" He didn't dare to move, and called tentatively.

Ji Changye slept quietly, but his hands hidden in the quilt were already clenched into fists. He was tossing and tossing, he was anxious for each other. He has never heard of the allusion to "two boots", otherwise he will definitely feel the same. If you want to kiss, kiss, call anything, wake someone up and see what you do.

Youyi waited for a while, seeing that the young man was still breathing long and his eyes were tightly closed. Then he pursed his mouth and slowly lowered his head, not forgetting to apologize.

Ji Changye involuntarily opened the teeth gap. The child is still the same as last time, with no tricks. He gently-licks and **** like a puppy, **** the Jin-liquid in his mouth, and pauses for a while, and then pauses for a while. As if endless.

However, it was such a clumsy kiss that made Ji Changye almost uncontrollable. I do not know when, he actually pierced his tongue.

When you sucked again, you bumped into a slippery soft object and suddenly made a "hum". He immediately stepped back a few feet, touched his mouth, and looked at the still-sleeping young man, his cheeks burning like a fire.

The boy's heavy breathing sound echoed in the tent, covering up the youth's heartbeat. At that moment, he was almost scared to open his eyes by this electric shock. How can this be? Why would you want to stick out the tip of your tongue to entangle the tip of your tongue? How could he want to hold him in his arms and put him under him? How could he want to hold his back and let these soft and sweet lips-flaps never leave? What are you thinking?

After years of bearing humiliation, Ji Changye developed the skill of "Taishan collapsed to the top without changing the color". At this moment, his mood was disturbed, but he still kept sleeping.

Youyu is very ill, not only the cheeks are flushed, but the smoke is almost on top of her head. He reached out his hand quiveringly, went to look at the young man's breath, and realized what he was doing. He quickly retracted his hand and patted it twice, annoyed.

He moved away little by little, and looked at the master's face by the moonlight outside the window, and saw his eyebrows stretched, his eyes closed, and he fell asleep.

"Huh ..." Youxi exhaled, sitting on the pillow while pressing-kneading her heartbeat. I thought sucking dragon gas was very simple, but I didn't expect it to be a technical job. Last time he didn't dare to touch the master's tongue. This time he was so embarrassed that he almost wrapped his mouth with saliva. Although it was only light-licking, the soft touch was really weird.

"How does it taste like steamed sausage?" After the nervousness subsided slowly, he couldn't help but sigh.

Ji Changye, who was also nervous, heard this sentence for a moment, and almost laughed. Sure enough, it's a snack, and you can think of food at this time. Steamed sausage powder, but he can figure it out!

There was a pout, and after a while, I got into the bed and lay down, and almost fell asleep as soon as the head stuck to the pillow.

Hearing the long and steady breathing of the teenager, Ji Changye opened her eyes and stared sideways. He knew his emotions were wrong. In fact, he was more frightened than he was. He didn't know when he opened his teeth and when he reached out the tip of his tongue. The person who responded to these reactions seemed to be another Ji Changye. But it is undeniable that his heart is not as repulsive as his reason. On the contrary, he longed for it, and at one moment, this longing was beyond his control.

Ji Changye has always been a person with a strong desire to control, especially to himself. He does not allow himself to act emotionally, or to show his excess emotions, and he is not allowed to be upset for a person. Even now, he doesn't know that this state is called "overheaded."

Tossing and turning to the other side, the moonlight outside the window has been replaced by the misty morning light, and then he got out of bed with blue eyes.


You simmered in the smell of soup buns. He dressed, washed his face, rinsed his mouth, and ran outside.

"Just jog, you are indispensable." Ji Changye opened the chair next to her, and talked about Yan Yan as if nothing had happened last night.

After you have settled, you will put a soup bag into a spoon, grab it on the lips and bite a small mouth, and **** the fresh and rich soup inside. His pink lips murmured, his tongue swiped, and his eyes glowed with joy, as if he were enjoying an agar-liquid.

This pair immediately made Ji Changye look dumbfounded. When Youshou kissed him secretly, his eyes were closed, and where did he know what the other side looked and did. But now, he knew it. It turned out to be so addictive, so confusing, and so upsetting.

He looked away horribly, adjusted his shortness of breath and heartbeat slowly before he said slowly, "Yes, have you planned for your future?"

Youyou drank the soup and stuffed the dried buns into her mouth, vaguely, "Think about it."

"What do you want to do?" Ji Changye followed the temptation.

"Do nothing, just follow the master." You swallowed the food, took the bowl and drank the soup.

Ji Changye was silent, suddenly feeling joy and worry, and mixed feelings for a while. But he couldn't let Yuzhang indulge in any way, it would not do any good to him or himself, so he continued, "You can't follow me all your life. You are neither my slave nor my subordinate. You are an independent People should have their own lives. In the future, you will marry a wife, have children, and start a family ... "

Yes, I promised, and then picked up a bun again, and carefully open the skin with the incisors. First, I took out the powder-I tried the temperature of the soup, and then I opened my mouth, and slowly sucked. .

How is this action different from kissing yourself? The deliberately forgotten memories raged, making Ji Changye's ears hot, and her abdomen swollen. He stared at the boy, his eyes already crawling into bloodshot, and he sternly reprimanded, "Yeah, I'm talking to you, put down the bun and listen carefully."

Frightened, Ben's eyes were wide and bright.

This extremely innocent look made Ji Changye immediately relented. He held his heart full of fretfulness, and said softly, "Yes, you are already sixteen years old, and it's time to stand on your own."

Only then did you understand that the master is driving himself away. He lost all his appetite, and said, "But Ada and Aer are already twenty-seven, aren't they independent?"

"They are my subordinates, and the self-reliance portal is equivalent to betraying the owner." Ji Changye was also angry and funny, and did not wait for the teenager to refute, and continued, "You are different from them. I don't need you to do anything for me, only I want you to be healthy and live in peace. In my heart, you are equivalent to my loved ones, not vassals. You should try to do what you want to do and live the life you want. You are very smart, You can go to the imperial examinations, gain fame, and make a career. Do n’t forget that you still have a mother to take care of, and I, and I ... "

Speaking of this, Ji Changye didn't know why, but he felt a little guilty. He took a sip of herbal tea and said, "I will marry every day, and I will be stationed in Jingzhou one month after the marriage." This is what he wants. As soon as possible, the biggest reason to drive away the crickets is the frequent chaos in Jingzhou. This is a struggle. He has no certainty of winning, so he must keep the most unwilling person in the safest place.

Youyi was stunned, and her mouth opened and closed for a long while before she made a sound, "Are you going to get married? With whom?" As long as he thought of another person lying beside his master, he felt extremely uncomfortable. However, he quickly put aside the weirdness and continued, "Yes, I have a mother to take care of. I should have gone to see her."

After experiencing all kinds of changes, you have to believe that there are mysterious things such as heaven, reincarnation, and cause and effect in this world. Isn't the debt collector the best example? So he tried hard not to owe others, nor let others owe himself. Of course, this was originally his code of conduct. The opportunity for a freshman was given by Song, and he owed the cause and effect of Song, so he must return it.

When Ji Changye saw him, his attention was quickly drawn away by Song's, and he felt relaxed and a little bit sour. He patted the boy who was anxious to stand up and comforted, "I have sent someone to settle your mother and two house servants. You want to go and see it after breakfast. In addition, I bought a five for you. Enter the house, and when you see Geely, take them with you. You can rest assured that the Wang family can't make any moths. "

I drank a bite of porridge without knowing it, and said, "Thank you, my master. It is inconvenient for me to be with my master again, isn't it?" such.

Ji Changye originally wanted to shake her head, as if thinking of something, she nodded. He was sent to Jingzhou, both in the queen queen line and in the Xiao Guifei line, and he was wary of him. Seeing that he was still alone, he selected his mother's suitable age women and stuffed them into the house as spies. Yesterday, the imperial edict had been issued. He was sealed by King Jingzhou, and his concubine was a distant niece of Xiao Guifei, and five concubines from the queen mother will enter the house half a month later. Putting these people around will not hinder him. On the contrary, he will be able to do whatever he wants. Besides, he didn't intend to touch any of them. Why is it "inconvenient"?

However, if he was informed of the inside story, he probably didn't want to leave, so let him misunderstand.

A stubborn stalk waited around his neck, and when he saw the young man nodded, he suddenly looked like a deflated ball, with his hands and feet lying softly on the table. He's not the kind of stubborn person, just go, but you have to get the dragon-hand, otherwise you won't be able to survive. The urgency of life threatening greatly dilutes the grievances and sadness hidden in the bottom of his heart, which made him quickly shake his spirits, clamp a soup bag, and stuff it into his mouth without chewing the soup.

Ji Changye saw him startled at first glance, sad and happy, and for a moment Kung Fu was just like nothing, and his eyes were dim. 2k novel reading network