There’s A Beauty

Chapter 33: Forty thousand

Wang Tianyou's body was placed at the gate of Wang's house, which once again attracted many passersby to watch. Before leaving, he also shouted that he had cut off the official post, but his face was dark and green, and his breath was cut off within two hours.

"Retribution, this is it!" Someone sighed.

After hearing the news, Mrs. Wang and Mr. Xiangxiang rushed to the place, and while holding the official chase, they ordered people to cover the body with a white cloth and carry it into the house.

"Why is this so? My child is just fine, how could he suddenly die?" Wang Xiang looked blankly and his voice was thick.

"How do we know? The last moment he shouted to drink water, the next moment he closed his eyes." Guancha felt very wronged.

"The doctor said that although my child was seriously injured, he would not be able to bear the bumps a few times. Was anyone buying you and demanding my child's life? Is it the three kings? Is it that evil animal?" sign.

The more old Wang Wang saw him, the less ridiculous he was, and he dragged on to the third king. Although they ca n’t be favored, now they are princes and they have a lot of land, which means that the royal family in the heyday had to weigh them, let alone now? He struck his son on the back with a cane, snapping sharply, "Sin son, isn't it shameful enough? Get me back!"

The blow was not heavy at this time, but unexpectedly Wang Xianggan fell down while covering his head, his limbs began to twitch and twitch violently, and white foam was also spit in his mouth.

"Oh, was this killed or crazy?" Someone exclaimed.

"It looks like she's crazy."

"I didn't expect that Dangshang Bingshang got this kind of madness. I heard that the sheep's horn madness will be passed on to the next generation. Is that how Wang Tianyou twitched to death?"

"Come forward, I can't see clearly!"

Passers-by stepped forward and surrounded the gate of the Wang family.

Mrs. Wang was startled, and hurried forward to check on her son's condition, but saw that his naked-exposed skin began to emit huge blisters, which broke and ulcerated within a few breaths, forming a grim face. It looks terrible.

"Here, what's the disease?" The old woman softened her legs and legs and sat on the ground.

"No, it's a ghost sore!" The official who had been drenched by Wang Xiang glanced at it before, taking a few steps back immediately, showing a look of horror and contempt.

"Oh, good guy, it's a ghost sore!" A few passers-by also had a wide range of insights, and they pushed people around to drill out.

"What is Ghost Facial Sore? Let me see." The people in the unknown were more curious and moved forward again.

"Don't go! The so-called ghost face sores is a causal disease. Legend has it that if a person is too malicious, the person killed by him will turn into a ghost and form a ghost face sore. There is no cure for this sore. The person above must bear the pain of scraping the bones every day, and the gas will not be cut off until the pus has spread. Five years ago, I saw a person with a ghost face sore who had rotted into a skeleton and was still moaning and groaning. No. In the end, his family could not see it. He was found by a pig killer and sheep killer. The scene was called tragic! "

"I've heard of this. Ghost facial sores are not simple. They need to be turned into resentment by the ghost, and fully integrated with the enemy to promote it. When the enemy dies, the ghost can also lose his soul, which is the method of losing both. Think, how much resentment and resentment will make him suffer from this disease? "

Passers-by were upset, and they quickly reversed, fearing that they would get dark. A few retreats in a hurry, and the scenes are chaotic again.

But there are also bold, not only did not retreat, but also took a few steps forward, counted on Wang Xianggan, exclaimed, "good guy, one two three four five six seven ... there are dozens of people exposed outside , Not to mention the place covered by clothes. How many people did this elephant kill?

"It's said that the upper beam is not right and the lower beam is crooked. No wonder Wang Tianyou is so desperate. It turned out that I got the true story of Lao Tzu! So many ghost sores can't last for about a day."

Passers-by both wanted to see the liveliness, but also afraid of being caught by Li Gui. Eventually, Ming Zhe ’s idea of ​​protecting himself prevailed, and he left with a pinch of nose.

From this day on, the reputation of the Wang family was completely corrupted, and Wang Xianggan was also awarded the title of "The First Wicked Man in the World". The children of the Wang family were scolded and scolded wherever they went. They could not participate in the Imperial Examination to obtain their names, and there was no place for them to stand up. Eventually, they had to sneak away from Shangjing. Of course, these are the last words, not to mention here.

The old lady Wang didn't know what was happening to her son. When she heard the crowd's discussion, she immediately became anxious and anxious, and quickly ordered her servants to blast away the strangers and wait, and then carried the son and grandson in. Everyone rushed to do the shit, and when it was their turn to lift people, they shrank back, and they didn't even touch it.

The old lady gave a reward to get things done, and waited for the doctor, the first sentence completely cooled his heart.

"Father, this is a ghost sore! If you find Master Xuanming or the living Buddha of Wu Sizang, you may still be saved. I can't get back to heaven by leaving me here." The doctor said with a stick and opened the clothes of the elephant elephant, then immediately Shocked, "Why did you grow so much? Here, here, this ... Master forgive me, I ca n’t cure people, so I'm leaving. Please, please, please ..."

He backed up while arching his hand, and ran out of the threshold, then ran away, and for a moment the effort was gone. It's enough to grow a ghost face sore, I've never seen anyone with a full body. How many evils did Master Wang do in this life? There was a word he didn't dare to mention to the old man. Such a demon, Master Xuanming and Wu Sizang Living Buddha would never save him, and he directly read the scriptures to overdo it.

The old lady was equally worried: Grandson killed Xuanming Master's lover, would he come? Uzang is thousands of miles away from Shangjingyuan, and it takes several years to go back and forth. How can his son afford to delay? But he was reluctant to tell his fate, so he invited several doctors for consultation.

With only a quick glance, the doctors waved their hands back and forth, saying that they couldn't cure them, and that they even pointed out that the elephant was working for only one hour, and the old man hurriedly arranged for the funeral.

"Put you-mother's fart! Get out! Give me all and ask for someone!" The old man waved a cane and scolded.

How many doctors are invited for nothing, just tossing for half an hour, Wang Xianggan has been rotten, and died in great pain. The mattress on which he was lying was soaked with pus, and it smelled bad. The servants didn't want to help him care for the remains, but he was unwilling to be close to three feet.

The old lady was paralyzed sitting next to the bed, her old face was like dried rock, stiff and grey. Mrs. Wang stood outside the door, weeping with her **** full of feet, and the cry came straight two miles. Lin's awakening from the coma heard that Xianggong had gone, but he couldn't even drop a half of tears, and he was so stupid that he had fallen into a fool.

In the second half of her life, she relied on her husband and her son. Overnight, the two were gone, how could she survive? I also want to know that it is impossible to live, but it is better to die! As soon as she was woken up by her daughter, she slammed into the door post, but was pulled by the grandmother, only hurting her forehead.

Thinking of Song ’s being arrested on the same day, he also hit the doorpost, leaving a few inches of ugly scars on his forehead, Lin whispered to his wound and muttered, “Retribution, this is all retribution! I knew today that I would I wo n’t make so many sins! I regret it, I regret it ... "

Equally regrettable is Mrs. Wang. It was only at noon that you could not tolerate such unsuccessful offspring as you, and the king ’s family would be gone within two hours. This is the legendary "Buddhism industry". Too fast!

Mrs. Wang is a sister-in-law, killing your brothers and sisters and taking away a few brothers to win this family business. If his family has no heir, what is the meaning of a hard life? In the end, not only are the brothers who have already torn their faces divided up their family property, they will also be ridiculed.

Thinking of the consequences, the old lady Wang felt tossed inside and out of her mind. He barely swallowed the sweetness of his throat, and said dumbly, "Hang the white urn, buy the coffin urn, and post a mourning post."

The servants who crowded at the door and did not dare to come in like an amnesty, ran away in a hurry, for fear that they would be caught and cleaned up.

The old man paused for a moment, and then said, "Slow! Send a funeral post to the Three Kings' Mansion, and let the sinner come back to Xianggan Pima Daixiao. If he asks, you say this is what I said, he said It's my grandson, grand and grand, and I admit it. "

The servant who fell to the end was shocked. He was relieved when he heard this. He was about to go on a business trip and was stopped. "Also, if he refuses, you can tell him that his mother's letter of resignation is my royal family. Abolish it and take it back to support him. If he is not filial again, can he still ignore Song's? The abandoned woman can only be buried in the mass grave post and becomes a lonely ghost, you ask Ask him if he has been patient. "

"Well, little remembered." The servant agreed and left in a hurry.

Mrs. Wang also did not dare to enter the house and choked, leaning on the door frame, "Will he come back? If I had known this, I would have stopped Xiangxiang anyhow. The Taoist was clearly deceiving, saying that the child was a debt collector, and the four Twelve silvers will die after they are spent. As a result, fifteen or six years later, forty-two silvers are broken and the flowers should have been spent, but he is still alive. Look at his character, looks, style, Possessing style and literary talents, and going to Beijing several times, no one can win more than half. Only the three princes who were still the princes of the year can compete with one of them. "

Speaking of this, she became more regretful, and chattered nonstop, "If he didn't abandon him at the beginning, Lin wouldn't have the evil thoughts that framed Song's attempt to win the position of rightful wife; Lin wouldn't be righted, and his son wouldn't leave him alone.妾; If you do not leave the waiter, you will have more children in your family; if you have more children, you wo n’t just spoil Tianyou; if you do n’t just spoil Tianyou, you wo n’t develop him like that; That way, he will not create evil; if he does not, he will not be exiled, and he will not be dismissed. The Wang family is fine now, and there is nothing ... "

The old lady heard a headache and yelled, "Shut up! What's the use of talking about it now? You were also moved by Lin's, and you frequently came to persuade me. If you praise her for being outstanding, Wangfuwangjia, Can I agree to let a low-grade wife take the position of a right wife? You still praise God for being so clever and valuable, and what is the result? If you return to me to dress up and dress, if the evil barrier is unwilling to come back, you will go and invite yourself! "

Mrs. Wang did not dare to delay, and quickly returned to the room to freshen up, thinking of the culprit, Lin, and asked people to tie her together. If the grandson is unwilling to recognize his ancestors, she will dispose of Lin's in his presence, so he can give him a step down. 2k novel reading network