There’s A Beauty

Chapter 43: Painted skin

Someone was lying in a straw-lined cell bored with boredom. Several jailers gathered in the outer hall to drink and have fun, and frequently taunted him with words. What ’s "a phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken?" Generation "," pull out and behead, no one is wronged "and so on.

One of them was extremely extreme, saying that the body had been found, the evidence was conclusive, and people would be sentenced to prison and exile. It was better for them to beat people first and taste the insults of the officials' children. As soon as these words came out, everyone was eager to try, and we can see that the mentality was already distorted, and they were discussing with each other where to hit the hardest, but they could not see the wound.

Seeing a group of people carrying a jug around their own cell, the prisoners in the next few cells also urged them to try to get joy from the pain of others, only then changed his face. He frowned and closed his mouth, and his two dimples were exposed uncontrollably, looking pitiful instead of deterrent.

The jailers became more and more interested, and their mouths were very unclean.

"Cangtian has eyes, but it's better to do something less ambiguous." There is no anger, pointing at the footguard who walked in the head, "Do you ever know why your legs and feet are so painful?"

The jailer usually walked without any abnormalities, but his calf and stomach became painful, and it only relieved a little after drinking. The doctor who searched for Lin'anfu couldn't diagnose the cause, and it became an incurable disease over time. Youyi has never known him, and his network of contacts is even more disjointed. It is impossible to hear about it from other people.

In other words, he saw it for himself. The jailer's heart moved so much that he couldn't let down his face when he wanted to question.

Some people have deliberately deterred everyone without waiting for them to respond, and they continued, "You have the habit of killing cats and dogs. You can kill cats and dogs with a breath and crush their heads with one foot to get pleasure. However, But you forget that cats and dogs also have souls, and they also know resentment. They turn into tiny ants-like black gas that creeps in and out of your legs and feet, slowly gnawing your essence. How can you not hurt? The pain is second, If you don't get rid of the old-fashioned problem, you will be good at it from now on, and you will die of the disease within three or five years. "

The jailer's forehead fell into cold sweat, and Gein had such indulgences. He said that his colleagues did not even know his wife and his wife. In other words, this kid can really see ghosts.

The temperature in the cell suddenly dropped, and more overcast winds were blown across the hem and skin, which was creepy. Even the youngster's voice was pleasantly beautiful and could not erase the growing sense of fear. The leading jailer squatted down unconsciously, shaking with painful legs and feet.

"Well! Nonsense, alarmist!" Someone said bravely.

"Oh, let me be alarmist. I wanted to tell you why I always feel bloated in the stomach." Youyi carelessly plucked the stained straw from his hair one by one.

The man quickly covered his stomach, cold sweat like a waterfall. He has been very uncomfortable lately. He didn't keep up with leave for the sake of earning money. But listening to the boy's tone, it seems that the lesion is not easy. If you get involved in things, you will be in trouble. The longer you drag on, the more you can't imagine.

A few jailers next to him saw the dramatic changes in the appearance of the two of them, and they knew that the boy wasn't Hu Yan. They looked at the belly of the head and the belly of their colleagues. The prisoners in other cells were also trembling, and a few timid and even rattled teeth, which looked very strange in the rendering of the empty corridor.

"It's all **** quiet to Lao Tzu! You say, why do you swell in my belly! If I can't say a word today, Lao Tzu will kill you!" The jailer's eyes were red, trying to cover up the fear in his heart with rage.

"One two three four five six seven, there are seven fetuses in the abdomen, who will not swell if you swell? If you don't hurry up to accumulate virtue, the death will be very ugly." You yawned a round-rolling belly, tone Slightly ridiculous, "When she dies, she will look like an eight- to nine-month-old pregnant woman. It is spectacular!"

The jailer was frightened suddenly. I don't know, but he knew it best. The five daughters brought by his step-wife became his imprisonment. He was kept in the cellar every day for his pleasure, but it was always bad. Once any daughter was pregnant, he ordered his step-wife to irrigate him, and now he counts them, no more, no less, just seven. And recently, his belly has become bigger every day, and his pants can no longer be worn half a month ago.

The more he thought about it, the more fear he felt in his heart. He leaned into the hem of the clothes, and touched a baby-face across his belly, and the crotch swelled and the stench filled.

"Immortal help! Please give me a clear way for the little finger!" He didn't care about shame, and banged his head to the jail door. His facial features had been distorted by deep fear, and his tears kept flowing. See Go up trembling.

You have a natural way to save him, but why? He shook his head and murmured, "You can't live by yourself.

"No, you must have a way to save the little ones. The little ones will let you go, don't worry." The jailer said as he unlocked the keys and planned to release the boy from prison.

A few people finally recovered, and quickly grabbed him, but didn't dare to touch his stomach, and had to tie him with a belt, lifted his hands and feet away, never to mention the torture of the boy again. The lead jailer still had severe pain in his legs and feet, and gave the boy a deep look when he went out.

The cell finally quieted down, and all the criminals who had been scolded and condemned were hiding in the farthest corner from him, with their necks hanging and their heads hanging like scared quails. A cricket was going to lie back to the grassy nest to sleep. A passing wind came in from the other side of the corridor, and the candlelights were blown out along the road, leaving only one outside the cricket door.

"People found it?" Yuji immediately turned over and sat up, eyes as if torches. He usually does not use mental power when communicating with imps, so he forgot to cover it for a while. The perpetrators were scared to death by the sudden vision, and saw him talking to himself as if he were communicating with a ghost, and he couldn't help it.

Mother, are you always endless? What god-man like you are still in jail, and just a few words casually save you! Please stop for a while! Several people had risen to scratch his head.

The little ghost led a man, a woman and two new ghosts into the cell, and falsely said, "People have found them, and the little ones have implemented blinding methods to help your servants bring them to the court. The two are the ones found by the government Master of the two bodies, listen to them. "

The two ghosts were very angry, but because of the new loss, there was nothing to do, and they had to pin their hopes on the newly identified brother. The eldest brother was only six years old when he died, seemingly immature-tender, but has been doing it for nearly a century, and he also knows such amazing people. They hadn't approached, and they felt the coercion emanating from the crickets, as if the dragons were flying, suffocating the sky, and they would be killed by others with little attention.

"Sit down." Youyi pointed to the grassy nest beside him.

The two ghosts sat down in horror, describing in detail why they were killed and how their bodies were ruined by others. When it comes to the sadness, they can't help coming out of it, weeping. When the two ghosts cried, the cold air filled the house, the wind was fluttering, and the candlelight on the head was swaying frantically, and the whole cell was suddenly illuminated, and suddenly dark, like a hell.

No one said that the prisoner had been fainted. The jailer who ran to hear the sound of the wind, but also fled and escaped, and never dared to enter. When such a deity is turned off, he will really die for several years. I do n’t know if the Taishou adults know the difference between the other gods. Don't you know? Otherwise dare to catch people!

You have a calm face, and after listening to the words of the two ghosts, you bow your head and say, "Killing a man's life is a matter of heaven. If you want revenge, I can help you, but you ca n’t stay in the Yangshi after revenge. Resentment blinds the mind and commits arrogant killings. I can find you and destroy them in heaven and on earth. "But these words used spiritual power, and no one else heard them.

The second ghost nodded frequently, thanking gratitude.

After they left, Wang came, and the candlesticks mounted on the wall spontaneously ignited, lighting up the original ghostly cell, and the screaming wind came to an abrupt end, and a few rays of heat came slowly from the corridor. Infiltrate and thoroughly dispel cold. The prisoner was completely obedient, and the jailer had nothing to say. He respectfully and sincerely invited Wang to come in.

"Mother, what good thing did you bring me?" Youshou rushed to the cell door, her eyes shining. After only one day of acquaintance, he seemed to get along for half of his life. He didn't feel reluctant to call "Mother". People's feelings are mutual. Song's guilty guilty and afraid to get close to his son. He usually speaks politely, tremblingly, and can only keep a distance with her. Wang's is very different. I can't help but rub it into my arms as dough. I don't know how to hurt.

She grabbed her son, barked her heart and heart, and then opened the huge seven-story food box, set out her favorite food one by one, fed chopsticks and spoon, and fed Crying and saying "My child is thin, my child is suffering" and so on.

Sitting on the opposite side of her with her arms around her knees, her heart warming, she couldn't help but comfort, "Mother, don't worry, I can go out soon."

Wang focused his head, but his eyes faded for a moment. She has just received an urgent letter from the old lady saying that she will not protect the sage, let alone her son, and let them live and die in a big room. Now Xiangxi is ready to change the relationship between the seller and the property, so as to save his son, but I wonder if he can do it.

After thinking for a moment, he reminded, "Go back and tell Dad so that he doesn't need to plan for me, lest someone catch and hold the handle, and even a crime of 'being in prison'."

"What we sold was our own belongings, not from people's raids." Wang's mouth retorted, but he was told by his son.

Someone really thought that was the case, and he tirelessly told Wang to never change the property of the seller, let alone pay a bribe. The two have already found it and will soon be brought to the court. The Wang family didn't get any news from the servants, but when they were still wandering in Yaoling, they saw their son so determined and nodded doubtfully.

Before she returned home, Zhao Zhizhou had received the exact news. The two really found out and were still alive.


The next day, the **** personally tried the suspects and ordered the officials to be released soon, so that the people could watch.

Youyi was carefully invited to the court by two jailers. When they saw the deceased's parents kneeling on the ground, their expressions turned pale. They did not dare to kneel this god, and they forgot the stubble and went straight.

Seeing you stand upright, Taishou raised his gavel and knocked hard, "Zhao Youzhen, you haven't got a name, why didn't you kneel when you saw the official? Come on, teach Zhao Gongzi the rules!"

The general head of Lin'an Prefecture was the prince, who immediately went out and crowded the young man who was still wandering on the ground. The crisp sound of the knee hitting the bluestone brick caused a toothache. He closed his eyes, closed his nose, and almost burst into tears. It's been a long time since he was so embarrassed.

Zhao Zhizhou sat and watched under the eunuch, seeing his son showing pain, he felt the same. He quickly pulled out the fart-the cushion under the thigh-and placed it under his son's lap. He would kneel with his son unless he was scolded sharply.

The people also frequently booed, apparently not familiar with Zhao's family's behavior of helping others. The **** didn't stop drinking, so they scolded them for more than a quarter of an hour, and raised the atmosphere to the extent of the sword before they ordered the deceased's family to present confessions and physical evidence.

There are seventeen or eight families of the men and women together. You cry sobbing, I shed tears silently, and there are people who are bare-chested, looking for life, looking very pathetic. Not only did the people watch their eyes wet, but Taishou also showed sorrow. At the same time, their resentment towards the killer reached its peak.

The **** crackled the gavel and yelled, "Zhao Youzhen, can you plead guilty?"

Youyi was expressionless from beginning to end, saying flatly, "I don't confess."

"No tears without seeing the coffin! This man is so hard!"

"Sentenced to exile is not enough for civilian indignation, it needs to be sentenced to beheading!"

"His father committed murder, and he must be dismissed!"

The people clamored, and several women smashed the egg and vegetable leaves in the basket towards the court. The fast guards on both sides and the **** on the seat looked very excited, but the jailer waiting at the door covered his face and couldn't bear to look directly. Don't smash it, watch out for this power!

Youyi avoided the eggs and vegetables, and slowly said, "I don't have enough evidence to plead guilty."

The **** put out the evidence one by one, and asked him how the evidence could be conclusive.

"I will not plead guilty unless I show my body with my own eyes. These testimonies written by He are also likely to be false." You He waved.

Zhao Zhizhou immediately stepped forward and said, "If we can't prove that the body is Sun Xizhen and Fang Sheng, we refuse to plead guilty. My official can go to court and send another **** for inspection."

"It's the same for a few more checks! Come here, bring the body!" Tai Shou was able to signal to his head, and now it is necessary to nail the father and son of the Zhao family. With a few flicks of his sleeves, several arresters hurried to carry the corpses. The people had always enjoyed the fun, instead of being scared away, they surrounded them more and more. Only two jailers ran away, as if ghosts were chasing behind.

The body, covered with white cloth, was taken to the public hall, where it was slightly smelly due to the hot weather. There are 18 martial arts proficient, and naturally understand autopsy. He opened the white cloth without changing his face and looked carefully, and asked, "What evidence can prove that they are Sun Xiyu and Fang Sheng?" Both faces were torn by rubble in the river, but they could not see the shape.

The mother of the deceased immediately came forward to give evidence. There is a cinnabar mole behind Sun Xi's ears, and a triangular arrangement of moles on the sole of Fang Sheng's feet is an extremely obvious feature.

Have a look at each one, can not help but sneer. He took the testimony made by him and asked for a writing brush from his father, and said, while crossing the paper, "One, the mark proving the identity of the two was stabbed after death, not born; second, The time of death was not eight days, but one day. The reason why the body was swollen and swollen was that it was soaked in hot water for one day and one night. Third, the age was not right. Sun Xizhen was 15 years old, Fang Sheng 18, The two corpses are eighteen and one twenty. Fourth, their occupations are not suitable. Fang Sheng is a scholar and never worked. This male corpse is covered with thick cocoons with both hands and feet. It is five , The cause of death is not right. Both were blocked by muzzle with a soft object, and then thrown into the river, not drowning. "

After that, he threw his testimony on the ground, and the people stomped and saw that the paper was full of big forks, green and green. Some people shook their heads and didn't believe, but others also looked down and thought deeply.

Whether the two bodies were Sun Fang or not, not only their family members clearly understood, but even Taishou and his subordinates knew well. After listening to the young man's words, some people were sweating and beating in their hearts. Didn't you say that Zhao Youzheng has no skills? How can the postmortem be more accurate than the oldest postulate?

Judging age, identity, cause of death and time of death with one glance, smart, really smart! The **** had to praise him secretly, but made up his mind to put him to death, picked up the gavel to knock, but heard the young man in the hall say, "It's strange, Caomin had a man and a woman in his dream last night. , Said that they died extremely wronged, begged me to plead for them. The woman's name is Miao Ling, and the man's name is Guo Da, who is a Jiaxing person, who fled to Lin'an, and was arrested by several people as soon as they entered the city. The cloth was suffocated, and a few moles were stabbed behind the ears and the soles of the feet. They were thrown into a wooden bucket filled with hot water and soaked for a day and night. On the shore. "

Such a strange thing, the people have already listened, they all raised their ears and tiptoes, eagerly waiting for follow-up.

The eunuch's eyes flashed continuously, and the total capture standing in the hall was almost sweating. Zhao Youzhen was detained in his cell day and night, he could not know these things! Besides, they are very secretive. Is it really the dream of the wrongdoer?

Youyi also said that the **** had picked up the gavel and was about to interrupt him. What kind of gavel was taken on the table as if it was on cotton, but there was no sound at all. He didn't believe in evil, and he took several photos to show Fang's horror, and shouted dryly, "Stop, stop and stop! Let's deceive the public above the public hall!"

"Why not let him say this? This is a trial, and any inside story will naturally be revealed!" The people refused to respond, and they all supported. At this time, most people were convinced about the ghosts and gods, and did not think that the boy was deceiving the people, but he was impressed and sympathized with him.

If there is a blind request for Taishou to change to another prince for autopsy, and the Zhao family's contacts can also ensure that the prince is judged impartially, but the people will still believe their own speculation: it is the Zhao family covering the sky with their hands and buying the official difference. This pot of dirty water cannot be washed away anyway. But sacrificing ghosts and gods is very different, and no one's testimony is more powerful than the dead.

Among the clamors between Taishou and the people, some slowly said, "The chief catcher threw away the corpse and stood up and sighed: 'Don't blame us for being ruthless, blame only your own bad luck. Master Taishou is looking for I ca n’t find a suitable candidate, but you hit the muzzle, and I ’ll burn some paper money for you. ”Then the group walked away quickly, bought a prodigal son to find the corpse, and then they came out. The total arrested head and Sun Fang two The signing of the agreement is that their height and posture are not correct, and they are required to identify the corpse with their mouths. After the event, each family will receive one hundred and two silver. It turns out that the two Sun Fang did not die, but they got their consent to hide in Kiln Ridge. They originally I was planning to kill these two people directly, and the crime of killing me was really helpless, but the two of them were hiding so much that they couldn't find them for a while, so they found two dead ghosts. "

There was a pause, and Zhao Zhizhou rushed forward holding the tea cup and gave him a thoughtful and thoughtful sip. Lips and tongues became moisturized, and Youyi continued, "This matter is actually very simple. On that day, Sun Xilian and Fang Sheng had a good relationship. Someone deliberately tempted me to see him, so that the two of them were with me. Jumping in the middle of a fight, swindling to death. Then his mother came to sue me, Taishou pretended to be a guilty conviction, one for extortion of money, and one for power struggle. As the so-called heavenly principles are obvious, you think you are perfect and seamless. , But can't hide the ghosts and gods. Those who died unjustly are watching you. "

As soon as his voice fell, a gust of wind blew for no reason in the public hall, and the white cloth covering the body was lifted by the wind, revealing the festering face of the deceased. The face suddenly shifted towards the direction of the general head, and the eyes that had been closed suddenly opened, revealing-bloody, hateful pupils. The head and legs were so soft that he went down on his knees and shouted, "I don't blame me, I'm the leader of the Taishou! You have revenge, you should find revenge. He is! "

"Dead, the deceased manifested himself! The deceased really did catch the head! He acknowledged himself!" One of the people yelled, and the others waited for the moment to get into trouble.

The **** stood up and was about to escape. Another gust of wind suddenly rushed at him, blowing off the official hat he had just put on for a long time.

The meaning here is self-explanatory, and there are indeed grievances above the public hall, and they are vindicating themselves. Not only did Tai Shou stand on the spot, but the spirits flew away, but the people outside were also shocked to say nothing. Without any evidence, they already believed the words of the teenager. He didn't kill, everything was a scam!

Only then did Shi Shiran stand up, arching, "Cao Min begged the adult to confront the arrested Kuai Dang Tang, in order to return the Cao Ming innocence, but also to prove the innocence of the adult himself."

Zhao Zhizhou also raised his sleeves and said angrily, "All things in the court, my official will write a memorial to the emperor in fifteen and ten. The injustice is not scattered, and the law is unfair. You must send another official to investigate the matter thoroughly! My colleague, Zhao asks you to help as a side tester, so that you can give an explanation to the dead soul. "

Those who can appear in the hall are all confidantes, and naturally they would not care about Zhao Zhizhou before. But an innocent soul hovered and cried above his head. If he did not want to provoke resentment, this request could not be refused, and he knew that everything was inexhaustible. They quickly got up and arched their hands, and promised, their forehead and spine were already wet with sweat. 2k novel reading network