There’s A Beauty

Chapter 54: Painted skin

The Nine Emperor and Emperor Zhongkang narrated a few words, and returned to the East Palace after receiving the imperative of transferring Zhao Zhizhou to the Hubu.

Before leaving, Emperor Zhongkang suddenly called him, "Huanger, did you find the man in your dream?"

"I've found it." The nine prince nodded resolutely, his handsome face with an unprecedented peaceful expression. He finally understood that no matter how much he resisted, fate was fate.

"There are so many people in Kyushu and the Five Kingdoms, are they actually Zhao Fusheng's son?" Emperor Zhongkang took an interest and asked, "How does he look? Sure enough, the country is peerless and peerless?" For the legendary period of sad love He was full of curiosity about the overbearing teenager of the emperor. The stroked and faded image naturally also contributed to him.

The ninth prince smiled frankly, "It would not be impossible to say that the country is all over the country, but in the minds of children, it is naturally unique."

The lover's eyes are out of Shih Tzu, and Emperor Zhongkang can understand and wave his hand, "Take him into the palace to let me see."

"You can see tomorrow, the son-in-law has withdrawn Zhao Yusong and replaced him as a companion to the son-in-law. The father was better for him, and he was somewhat courageous." The nine emperor confessed cautiously.

Emperor Zhongkang couldn't help crying, and said that his son had a daughter-in-law and forgot his father, and he took him away with anger. He had been mentally prepared for his son to fall in love with the same **** a long time ago. He had also secretly sought out a juvenile boy named Youyou in order to bring him into the palace to raise him. In this way, the son does not need to be tortured by nightmares every day, so that his temper becomes more and more strange.

Seeing that his son had reached the age of seventeen and eighteen years ago, Youyi hadn't fallen yet. He had thought that his son would be alone again in this life. Fortunately, God had eyes and brought people who had disappeared for more than 600 years to his side.

"Zhao Youyi? I will see this legendary big man tomorrow." Emperor Zhongkang smirked.

The ninth prince returned to the East Palace and immediately spread out the scrolls sent to him by himself on the table, looked down to appreciate, and ordered a moment later, "Painting in ink."

The eunuchs on both sides of the stand stood ready to write pen and paper. The ninth prince did not paint on the painting this time, but replaced a piece of pure white rice paper to restore the scenes of last night ’s dream scene. He already has a strong background and vividly remembers all the scenes. In just half an hour, he has drawn seven or eight vivid white strokes, and reconciled some color inks. The young man piled up clouds, jade white bodies, and spots. Traces, micro-powder eye corners and blood dripping lips are outlined one by one.

With the emotions in his heart in one go, he looked at the pictures on the desk, and suddenly his cheeks became red, his head smoked, and his lower body reacted violently. Immediately he stroked his clothes and tried to calm down the place, but suddenly found that the painting under his eyelids dripped red spots.

He was still in the midst of sacrifice, and the maiden on the side exclaimed, "Your Highness is not good, you have a nosebleed! Slave, please go to the elder doctor!" After she hastily left, several eunuchs came forward to clean up the Highness. nosebleed.

The ninth prince hurriedly covered the painting with blank rice paper, pinching his nose and snoring airways, "whatever, but the internal fire is heavy, and drinking a few nights of herbal tea will not be a problem. Go, call the palace lady back just now, Don't make the palace unquiet in the middle of the night. "

Do n’t you like to jump around in the palace? On weekdays, there are three things to do, so as to vent the depression in my heart, how is it changed today? Despite the doubts in his heart, the **** didn't dare to disobey him and hurried to chase people.

The ninth prince twisted a wet parcel by himself, cleaned his nose, and hurriedly took a bath. Then he was ready to go to bed. He rolled up the paintings one by one and shoved them into the tent curtain. He found a lot of clips and hung them on the top so that he could see them as soon as he lay down.

Last night, he still slept very restlessly, but not because of the disturbing nightmares, but because of the tides that followed. For the first time in his life, he hoped that he would never be awake in the dream, and it was also the first time. After waking up, he didn't feel the fear, but the feeling that he hadn't exhausted and nostalgia.

If one day this dream can become a reality, don't say that he can't sleep every night, that is, to die in the body of death is also a kind of enjoyment. Thinking of this, the Prince Nine covered her flushed cheek and smiled stupidly. Now, where is the noble heaven and the noble, but the young onion who is bothered by love, his life, which was originally shaped like a wither, is now full of light, heat and sweetness.

Tonight, he didn't grind any more and refused to stay, but he hid in his account before he arrived, preparing to create a beautiful dream. However, the more he stared at the painting, the hotter his body became. He couldn't dissolve in that place, so he had to cover his face and think about it, accidentally remembering the kiss stolen by the uncle, and the feelings were immense and uneasy.

At the same time, a cricket is catching fireflies in the yard with a few crickets. A glass bottle tied around his waist, flashing little by little, looked like a strange lantern. Wang's son was fun and did not stop. He stood under the cloister and pointed his son. "Hey, look at the end of the osmanthus tree, there are many."

There was a bow, walking over and tapping between the treetops with a bamboo pole, and it really frightened a lot of green fireflies, extinguished clearly, glamorous, and beautiful.

Both the Wang family and the servants were stunned, but Youyi was suddenly alert. He felt that a dozen strange strands suddenly appeared in the yard, one by one guarding the main points, this feeling, much like the dark guards who followed the master in the last life.

Is it sent by the master? He secretly guessed that he would catch fireflies again. The little ghost he gathered also immediately responded to the news of a stranger invasion, and added, "Sir, there is a well-known woman in the Eastern Hospital. She is weird, so please be careful."

Is it the "zombie" in the day that the woman with a good name is called? There was a moment of nervousness. He knew that there should be no zombies in this world, and the woman Jo Mo was a monster. Monsters are ten times more difficult to deal with than ghosts. What's more, there are no encounters with crickets, and there is no experience.

The paper came to a light end. Although he read many books about catching monsters and ghosts, he didn't have much confidence to really implement them. The important thing is that he hasn't figured out the original shape of the woman till now, and he doesn't know her weakness.

"What do you know about her?" He used spirit to communicate with the devil.

"I don't know. She is very suffocated and can see the ghost, even if she is a few feet away from her, and she can feel the great threat. He has been doing it for nearly a century, but he is still afraid of a woman, which shows that women are not easy.

Someone waved her hands silently, indicating that she knew. Zombies, mutated plants, mutated insects and beasts were everywhere in the last days. He had been used to seeing them, but an unknown monster could not scare him. Come and come, he just follows.

Thinking about it this way, he continued to catch fireflies with pleasure, collected two large jars, and then took them back to the house. He waved to the house beam, "Come down."

There was no movement on the beam for a long time. He took out a piece of rice paper and wrote a few words slowly, saying, "Come down, I have something I want to give to your master overnight." These people's hiding methods are familiar and familiar. As if it came from 600 years ago, I don't know how the masters kept these forces.

A little dust fell on the beam, and a man in black appeared in the room in a blink, kneeling and saluting, but not speaking.

Sure enough, it is the master's hand. He thought it was surveillance six hundred years ago, but now he understands that it is actually a protection. Habara thought that no one would love himself, but suddenly realized that he had been loved so deeply and so deeply. There was a small tingling in the heart, and he rubbed his chest, rubbed his sore nose, and muffled, "Tell you master, let him sleep well."

The man in black responded hastily, and brought a jar and a note into the night. Youyi stood by the window and looked at it for a long time. Then she went out, and placed several protective law arrays at the door of Wang's and Zhao Zhizhou's rooms, and a warning law array at the door of her room. wait.

In the East Palace, the nine emperor was still staring at several paintings and couldn't sleep. When he heard the slight footsteps from outside, he immediately opened the curtain and sat up halfway.

"How come back?" He asked in a deep voice.

"Master Qi, my little son ordered you to give you something." The man in black handed the things in his hand respectfully, looking up, but listening to the lazy whisper from above, "The most you should not see Don't look at it. "

The man in black froze in his heart, hurriedly lowered his head, and did not notice that there were many intersecting-neck-winding scrolls affixed to the tent curtain.

The ninth prince was still a little surprised and unhappy. After looking at the contents of the jar and the contents of the note, I was filled with joy. Like a child, he wouldn't let go, holding the jar, and looking at the note, he was quite hopeful.

"I have limited abilities. I ca n’t pick the stars in the sky. I can only give you the fireflies on the ground. I hope that you will sleep peacefully and be healthy in the future. In addition, fireflies only have five days to live. Come on, there will be a more beautiful scenery in the coming year-there is a trance. "

Only three or two sentences were written on the note, and the wording was very common, but it made the nine emperor's eyes warm and his heart warmed. He folded the note thinly and stuffed it into a purse, pressing it under the pillow, and his voice softened unconsciously, "Just these two things? No more?"

The man in black thought about it, and whispered, "Little boy let you sleep well."

"Okay, this king is going to sleep. When you go back, tell him that the king is already lying down and let him go to bed earlier." The ninth prince immediately turned around and settled on the bed, even in front of Emperor Zhongkang. The man wanted to go, and said, "How did he find you? Has he ever expressed dissatisfaction?"

The man in black arched his hand. "I don't know how the little boy found us, and I don't see dissatisfaction."

Never dissatisfied, good. The ninth prince then completely relieved his mind and waved people to retreat. As for how the dark guards you found, it was not important. He carefully covered the curtains, opened the jar, and let out fireflies. Yingying green and dappled, time flies and swirls in the bright yellow tent curtains, and suddenly falls in the hair, suddenly stops in the picture scroll, setting off the sultry and unbearable night like a fantasy.

The ninth prince always thought that last night was the most beautiful scene he had ever experienced, and until now he realized that there were more beautiful ones waiting in the back. As you said in the letter-there will be more beautiful scenery in the coming year. As long as he stays with him, there will always be more beautiful and magnificent scenery.

The restless mind and the surging emotions calmed down slowly in the streamers, and he closed the eyelid unconsciously, fell into a deep sleep, and there was an extremely rare smile on the corner of his mouth.

The man in black returned to Zhao's house, and brought the words of the master to the room. Only then did he blow out the candles and go to bed. The man in black was still a little hesitant. Seeing him pointing upwards, he seemed to be asking why he hadn't returned, so he jumped lightly on the beam.

At midnight, a dark shadow rushed into the mortuary room, using the sharp and sharp claws to pinch the curtain. There were more than a dozen dark guards outside the courtyard, but none of them noticed it, and even the one on the beam of the room didn't move, as if nothing had been seen.

The crimson tent curtain lifted a corner slightly, and the black shadow was about to penetrate, but saw many bright green dots rushing towards him, and he evaded sideways as he was terrified. It was said that it was fast and fast. After the light spot, a cold mang appeared, piercing the black shadow's head. Between the light and the flint, the black shadow finally saw. The light spot was originally a lot of fireflies, but the cold mang was held by the young man. Dagger.

How did he know that I would come and was already ready to fight back? Heiyin was suspicious. He avoided a knife on his head and flickered behind the boy. He was caught by the tail and slammed on the wall. His abdomen hit him immediately, followed by another stroke in his head, and then a knife after knife. Lightning, endless.

Heiying didn't know that the weapons of the world could pierce his own flesh, and he didn't know what was wrong with the teenager. Where he didn't pierce, he only liked to pierce his head. It was as hard as digging its brain. It was terribly painful, evading madly, and finally broke free at the moment when the boy raised his hand, hit the window and quickly walked away.

You are not a mutant of strength and speed. When you are naturally exhausted, stabbing hundreds of knives continuously is the limit, and you can no longer stick to it. He pressed-rubbed his sore wrist and paced slowly in the room. The walls, floor tiles, tent curtains, desks are covered with black and red stains everywhere, and a stench is permeated. There is also an invisible gas field floating in the air, which is very similar to the ghost's blinding method.

It's no wonder that the dark guards have nothing to do, they want to be confused. He lit the candlelight, carefully wiped the blood on the dagger with silk cloth, and then tied it back to his stomach. This is not an ordinary dagger, but a life-saving weapon that the old man gave him when he went down the mountain. The knife handle and the blade body are full of attack runes, which can destroy most of the demons and ghosts in the world.

Only then did the demon look like a fox rat and look like a calf, but his body was not covered with fur, but a layer of rotten flesh that had already been rotten, and looked very embarrassing. Youyi tried hard to recall the contents of "Xie Xie Zhi" in his mind, but he could not find any species similar to it.

What exactly is it? Where is the weakness? The brain is covered by myself, and there is still room to escape the birth! A cricket stepped on a puddle of flesh on the ground, his expression was very dignified, and he thought that it had escaped, maybe he would die in the middle of the road, so he was slightly relieved.

He quickly drew a few cleaning symbols and posted them around the room. The little purple fire burned all the blood, rotten meat, and stench before, as if nothing had happened.

Waking up the next day, two of his uncles were called to Zhengtang by Old Lady Zhao for questioning. Mrs. Zhao looked very gloomy, and sat next to Mrs. Zhao and the second family. Zhao Yusong's eyes were red and described as stingy, as if he had not slept all night.

"Come and sit down." After the father and son were done, Grandpa Zhao slowly said, "Recently you have been transferred?"

Zhao Zhizhou arched his hands, just wanting to say that he didn't bother his father, and he told him to say, "No need to jump up and down to attract people's attention, because the father has found the errand of Yunzhou Zhizhou for you, you can leave in a few days. These days you feel at ease Stay home and teach your son. "

Yunzhou Zhizhou, that's the hardship behind only Shuzhou Zhizhou! Old lady, can't wait to distribute the big house! Zhao Zhizhou looked at the elated old lady, and looked at the second brother who was indifferent.

He was trying to refute a few words, and there were a few official posts outside, saying that Zhao Zhizhou's transfer document had been down, and the emperor ordered him to immediately go to the office. Mrs. Zhao took the official document in suspicion, but saw that she had written four big characters—Hubu Shi Lang.

It is not an exaggeration to say that he was transferred from the five-state Zhizhou to the minister of the third-class household. Owing to the frequent urgency of the official difference, Grandma Zhao could not vomit when she was full of words in her throat, so she had to watch the boss go out with her head raised. Then a few eunuchs came outside the house, saying that His Highness Nine sent them to invite Zhao Xiaogongzi. From now on, Zhao Xiaogong is a companion to His Highness Nine, and he must enter the palace every day.

This time, Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Zhao were speechless. Can't they always disobey His Majesty and His Royal Highness? These two are the masters of Xia Qiguo.

Regardless of how ugly the faces of the people in the hall are, there is a box cage that has been prepared to go out, but was stopped by the excited Zhao Yusong and cursed in a low voice, "His Royal Highness is not a good waiter, Zhao Youyi, I wait Watch your end. "

There was a slight glance at him, and he continued to move forward. He never paid attention to such cats and dogs biting indiscriminately.

If the juvenile scolds himself, Zhao Yusong may feel better, but the juvenile turns a blind eye to himself, causing him to go mad, chasing after him hurriedly, "Do you think you are me and Xue Wangjing? Serve His Highness for more than ten years Nothing? Let me tell you, Xue Wangjing had a life-saving favor for His Royal Highness when I was young. I am the future husband of Princess Pearl, so we can sit firmly in the position of reading together. Do you know Princess Pearl? My dear sister, as long as she is there, Your Highness will not dislike me! "

The more he talked about it, the more he felt that, and his anxious complexion could not help but relax.

Youyi has walked outside the second door and pointed out without looking back, "Strange, haven't you been disgusted now?"

Zhao Yusong jumped angrily, but was not good at yelling in front of the servants of the East Palace. Over the years, he has relied on his outstanding looks, slightly talented, and possesses the dual status of His Highness Nine Companions and Princess Pearl of the Pearl. He has not been sought after by many people, and his heart has been habitually spoiled. He is not allowed to pass over half of himself. No frustration.

Once such a person falls, it may be difficult to get up again. For this reason, there is no way to look at him at all.

A group of people walked around the corridor and across the garden, and they saw a lot of servant women surrounded by them. Zhao Zhizhou glanced far away and found that the second nephew was beating his wife-in-law and wanted to avoid it. Although Zhao Yulin ranks second in the family, it is earlier than Zhao Yusong's family. Gein Zhao Yusong has been fancy by Princess Pearl, and she has to wait for her and grandma to get married.

Seeing the second nephew's daughter-in-law's ears and smashing the hair of a beautiful woman, the curse in his mouth was very fierce. Zhao Zhizhou already understood what was going on, so he took his son to take a few steps quickly, so as not to get caught. Youyou walked and looked back, her expression was so solemn.

Based on the smell, he already knew that the monster last night was the woman named You. She thought that she had hurt her head. She must have died a lifetime, but she didn't expect to see it today. She was not only living well but also unscathed. , Full of energy. What a horrible resilience this is? What kind of profound conduct?

Some eyes flickered, and the corners of the lips were slightly raised. Instead of feeling scared, she was a little excited. The first time I met a monster is this special breed, and I can definitely use it to practice well. Right now, the monster doesn't know that he can distinguish its human form, but it can be said that the enemy is brighter and darker, which is more interesting.


Today's North Korea meeting is very unusual. His Royal Highness Nine is standing in a row and listening to his prince, his expression is very peaceful. He never satirically or teased which courtier, nor was he inexplicably angry, nor left halfway. At the end of the chapel, he even stood at the door of the palace, talked to Xue Shizi for a while, and laughed lowly.

Seeing his gentle smile, the courtiers shook like they saw a ghost.

"What elixir did His Highness Nine take today? He had stood there for an hour?" Someone asked secretly.

"How do I know? Master Zhu and Master Li are both up in the hall. He doesn't think they are noisy, but he also helps to say a few words. It's strange, really rare."

"If this is the case every day, Xia Qiguo will be saved!"

"Yeah, yeah." This sentence was immediately recognized by many people.

Xue Wangjing followed His Highness Nine and walked up to the study, his mood was quite complicated. He had thought that it was a calamity for His Royal Highness to fall in love with You. In order to please the beauty, he would probably do something faint. Now when he looks at it, he suddenly realizes that this was a great blessing. Her Royal Highness has a sorrow, she can sleep peacefully at night, and she can open her arms during the day, and she can calm down without even realizing it. Now he is calm and restrained, modest and modest, but he really has some shadow of the Emperor Zong.

Thinking wildly, he tripped over the steps and looked up. His Highness Nine had gone far, and his steps seemed fast and messy. Today, a concubine will come to accompany him. No wonder he ca n’t wait. If he did n’t want you to have a good night's sleep, maybe he would send an attendant to Zhaofu to pick up people before the Chao Dynasty.

In the study room, the seventh and eighth princes had already endorsed in their positions, and when they heard the footsteps, they looked back, almost scared to jump. What's wrong with Jiu Huang? The number of times he has entered the study in these years can be counted with a slap. The main task of Zhao Yusong and Xue Wangjing is just to look at him. Don't let him hurt himself, but never accompany him in class.

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