They Are Not Human!

Chapter 113: Tak Chi Middle School 18

Wen raised his head slightly, looked at Song Xuan, and then looked at Jiang Yan.

Song Xuan and Jiang Yan were about the same height, one with stern features and sullen eyes, the other with curved eyebrows and a knife hidden in a smile.

In a trance, Wen Qing remembered the scene when Ye Ye and Sikong said something to me when they were at the zoo.

He was silent for a moment, ignored the two people, turned his head and walked into the classroom.

As soon as the protagonist left, Song Xuan and Jiang Yan were shocked.

Song Xuan said to Jiang Yan coldly, "Transfer student, be careful."

Jiang Yan chuckled: "I will take care of us Wen Meng carefully."

Song Xuan snorted: "You are taking care of him by staying away from him."

He looked at Jiang Yan with no emotion in his eyes, as if he was looking at something dead.

After speaking, Song Xuan turned around and walked into the classroom.

Jiang Yan looked at his back and narrowed his eyes.

This copy is quite troublesome.


Not long after Wen Qing sat down, she heard the sound of the chair feet rubbing against the ground behind him, and Song Xuan sat down.

He glanced at Jiang Yan from the corner of his eye, and returned to his seat.

Wen let out a sigh of relief, lowered his head to eat bread, and couldn't help but muttered to 001 in his heart: [Why do they all like bickering so much? 】

He thought to himself that Jiang Yan and Zhang Yang did not quarrel.

Song Xuan, on the other hand, quarreled with Fu Ranxiu first, and then with Jiang Yan. When he chatted with Huang Mao, his tone was not good. It should be a personality problem.

And Yeono...

Wen Qing took a sip of milk and heard 001 ask: [Don't you feel it? 】

Wen Qing wondered: [What do you feel? 】

How should he feel?

[They...] 001 paused, quieted for a while, and said lightly, [They are childish. 】

Wen Qing clearly heard 001's pause, and he asked in confusion: [Why did you stop halfway through? 】

001 does not change his face: [Search for suitable vocabulary. 】

For a very reasonable reason, Wen Qing continued to eat bread without doubt.

Suddenly, he felt someone kick his foot.

It wasn't even a kick, and it nudged his heel lightly.

Wen Qing lowered her head, saw Song Xuan's feet, stretched directly under his chair, and kicked gently from time to time.

He was silent for a moment, then turned to look at Song Xuan.

Song Xuan leaned against the back of the chair lazily, and swayed the chair sloppily, the chair swayed, and the toes tapped gently.

What didn't change was his eyes, looking straight at Wen Qing, as if waiting for Wen Qing to look back at him and say something.

Wen Qing looked at him and felt that he was like a primary school student who deliberately attracted the attention of others.

Similar to Ye Ye.

But worse than Ye Ye.

Wen Qing couldn't help but say, "don't kick me."

Song Xuan: "I didn't kick."

Wen Qing: "???"

Song Xuan said lightly, "I'm touching you with my feet."

Wen Qing: "…"

Seeing his displeasure, Song Xuan stopped shaking the chair, leaned forward, raised his hand and knocked on the table: "You touched Fu Ranxiu."

In other words, if you don't touch me, I will touch you.

Wen Qing was even more speechless, this neurotic version of the elementary school student!

He suddenly felt that Zhang Yang's analysis was a bit wrong. Would the younger brother want to be touched by the elder brother?

Wen Qing squeezed the bread in her hand: "You're affecting my breakfast."

Song Xuan glanced at the bread: "Then I'll wait for you to finish eating."

Wen Qing: "…"

He turned and sat down, pulled the chair forward, and continued to eat breakfast.

The next second, Song Xuan's feet came over again.

It's just that he didn't kick this time, just quietly pressed against his shoes.

Even if he sat at the empty table next to him, Song Xuan could sit behind him, so Wen Qing had to compromise.

He lowered his eyes to eat breakfast, and soon, the morning reading bell rang.

The teaching building seemed to explode, and a loud reading sounded instantly.

Wen Qing glanced around, but still no one touched the fish.

Everyone is very serious.

Wen Qing blinked, took out a pen and paper, and analyzed it while taking notes.

1. Everything is done by Fu Ranxiu.

2. Students in the first class will get better grades if they bully the transfer students.

3. Song Xuan and others will no longer bully ordinary classmates.

Looking at the second and third points, Wen Qing paused.

The students in the first class were recruited by the school in order to restore their reputation. They were poor students with excellent grades, and they were good students.

Students of this type, generally speaking, are busy studying and have nothing to do with school violence.

If it is really related, it is also a victim.

But they are now the perpetrators.

Wen Qing's eyelids jumped, and she glanced at Huang Mao and the other younger brothers.

They are studying at the moment, and compared to the others, they are extraordinarily rambunctious, like little rascals who are reluctant to learn.

Stop bullying ordinary classmates...

Maybe a good thing for the rest of the school...

But they still participated in school violence within the class and were rewarded.

Wen Qing pursed her lips and looked at Fu Ranxiu's tall and straight back.

Once again, I felt a strong sense of malice.

Fu Ranxiu didn't show any special affection for him, he was a human being.

This is another weird copy...

Was it Fu Ranxiu who came up with this "good" solution? Or the mysterious power behind him?

Wen Qing lowered his eyes, if this was a god-level copy, he would think it had something to do with Ji Yu.

But it happened to be a strange copy.

Shouldn't it have something to do with Ji Yu's believers?


Wen Qing pondered for the whole morning, but had no thoughts, nor did she find a chance to be alone with Fu Ranxiu.

All day on Thursday, the class was calm, and no students bullied the players.

Wen Qing's nerves gradually began to tense, and it always felt like the calm before the storm.

The only thing that is fortunate is that Song Xuan returned to the classroom and became normal. He didn't follow his **** anymore as a stalker, and he disappeared when he ate dinner.

After dinner, the players decided to observe a night of evening self-study.

Wen Qing first went back to the bedroom to take a shower, then went to the classroom with Zhang Yang.

The two walked up to the fourth floor and saw Xu Yuan and Chen Jing standing in the corridor from a distance, looking at something.

Wen Qing walked over and asked, "What's wrong?"

Xu Yuan's face was not very good, and she whispered, "Jiang Yan hasn't come back yet."

Wen Qing was stunned.

Xu Yuan said truthfully: "When we walked into the teaching building, we saw the monitor, and she said to find the monitor to use the props, but now the monitor has been back for a while, and she hasn't come back yet."

"Chen Jing and I came up the other stairs."

Wen Qing tilted her head to look at the classroom, and Fu Ranxiu sat in the seat, looking down at the book.

He didn't think anything would happen to Jiang Yan, but now that Xu Yuan and Chen Jing were worried, he was a little unsure.

Wen Qing comforted: "Jiang Yan may have found something downstairs."

He suggested: "We are looking for each floor one by one, she should not leave the teaching building."

Several people nodded, those who went downstairs went downstairs, those who went upstairs went upstairs.

Wen Qing walked to the third floor and looked at each classroom one by one. The lights in some classrooms started to turn on. There were still a few students studying in the classroom, and Jiang Yan was in sight.

When passing by the men's toilet, there was a faint movement inside.

Wen Qing walked for a while, thinking, Jiang Yan shouldn't be locked in the men's toilet, right?

He hurried in, just in time to see Jiang Yan open the compartment door and walk out intact.

Seeing Wen Qing standing outside the door, he paused.

Wen Qing looked at Jiang Yan blankly: "Are you okay?"

Jiang Yan nodded and looked at him with a smile: "Are you so worried about me?"

Wen Qing didn't answer his question, glanced at the compartment door, nothing was blocking it, Jiang Yan didn't seem to be locked by someone.

He asked in confusion, "Why are you in the men's room?"

Jiang Yan smiled and said nonchalantly, "Go to the toilet in a man's way."

Wen Qing: "…"

Jiang Yan blinked: "Don't you like men?"

Wen Qing: "…"

"Don't pay attention to Song Xuan."

He said helplessly: "Come upstairs, Xu Yuan and the others thought you had an accident."

Jiang Yan responded and walked out of the men's room.

He said: "By the way, it is also invalid for Fu Ranxiu's props."

Wen frowned slightly and said in a low voice, "I'll try it out when I get a chance."

Jiang Yan glanced at him and reminded: "Be careful when trying."

Wen Qing nodded, thinking that Fu Ranxiu wouldn't notice anything abnormal with the victim's halo.

Seeing what he was thinking, Jiang Yan said again: "Not only to be careful of Fu Ranxiu, but also to be careful of other players."

Wen Qing was stunned.

Jiang Yan said slowly: "Every man is innocent and guilty."

Wen Qing pursed her lips and said slowly, "It's not a powerful tool either."

Jiang Yan chuckled: "More players have no props."

The two walked up to the fourth floor, and a student rushed straight over and bumped into Jiang Yan, he quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, sorry."

"I'm sorry, I have something to do at home, I'll go first."

As he said it, he hurried down the stairs.

Jiang Yan was fine, but Wen Qing was hit by Jiang Yan and staggered and almost fell. Fortunately, Jiang Yan hugged his waist in time.

Jiang Yan touched his waist and couldn't help pinching.

Wen Qing quickly broke his hand.

Jiang Yan blinked: "Wen Meng, your waist is so thin."

Wen Qing's cheeks flushed, and she raised her feet to move forward.

The next second, he noticed that his collar was being pulled.

He looked down and saw Jiang Yan's hair tangled in the buttons of his shirt.

Wen Qing quickly stopped and lowered her head to understand.

Jiang Yan lowered his eyes, looking at Wen Qing's fingertips wrapped around his jet-black hair.

He tilted his head, resting his head lazily on Wen Qing's shoulder: "hurry up."

Jiang Yan deliberately spoke to Wen Qing's neck.

Warm breaths passed through his neck, and Wen Qing blushed: "Don't blow at me."

"I didn't," Jiang Yan sighed again, "I'm just breathing normally."

Wen Qing's neck was numb and itchy, and his cheeks became more and more red.

Fortunately, there was no one in the corridor at this time, and Zhang Yang and the others did not come back. No one noticed their ambiguous actions.

Wen Qing tried to untie it several times, but failed to untie the strands of hair.

He couldn't help saying to Jiang Yan, "Then... do you want to cut it?"

"No," Jiang Yan rejected and said casually, "I quite like this hair."

Wen Qing's face was hot, and it was a bit strange to hear Jiang Yan's words.

Before he could figure it out, he saw that Jiang Yan raised his hand and touched his hair, and in the blink of an eye, he took off the entire top of his hair.

Wen Qing opened her eyes wide and stared blankly at the hair net on Jiang Yan's head, and then at the long curly hair in his hand.

Fake, wig?

Jiang Yan tore off the hair net, revealing his short hair.

He ruffled his hair at will, lowered his head and undid the wig wrapped around Wen Qing's buttons.

Wen Qing looked at Jiang Yan blankly.

I don't know if it was because of the short hair, but he felt that the gorgeous makeup on Jiang Yan's face inexplicably brought Si Ying aura.

Jiang Yan's aura changed somewhat.

Feeling Wen Qing's gaze, Jiang Yan raised his red lips, lifted his eyelids, and asked with a half-smile, "So you like short hair?"

Wen Qing regained her senses and stammered, "No, no..."

Jiang Yan chuckled lightly, leaned in front of him, and asked with a smile, "Does this look more like a man?"

"Doesn't look like what you like..." He deliberately lengthened his tone and said slowly, "Men?"

Wen Qing silently pushed his face away: "I'm back in the classroom."

"There are other places where I look like a man," Jiang Yan took out his cigarette and lighter, and raised his eyebrows with a cigarette in his mouth, "Would you like to take a look?"

Wen Qing didn't know what he was referring to, but his intuition told him that it was not a good thing.

"…don't want!"

Jiang Yan lit the cigarette and slowly exhaled a smoke ring: "You will like it very much."

Wen lightly turned his head and left, thinking to himself, he would like a fart!

The breeze blew, but did not drop the heat on his face.

Wen briskly walked into the men's toilet and lowered his head to wash his face.

Suddenly, there were footsteps behind him.

A hairy head was suddenly buried between his neck and he sniffed.

Wen Qing abruptly opened her eyes, only to see Song Xuan in the mirror looking at him solemnly: "You have the smell of that woman on you."

Wen Qing: "Are you a dog?!"