Things from Another World

Chapter 1231: Devil's Lair

Since the history of human beings, demons are the shadows that pervade human heads.

No one has ever known why these demons are so keen on destruction and killing. They only know that once someone summons the demons, it will be a disaster for the entire Prandall.

There are so many types of demons. After experiencing countless pains, humans have concluded a lot of experience and divided them into different types according to the characteristics and characteristics of demons.

Yuboris demons, who are good at spells and have relatively weak bodies, their evil flame spells can easily burn everything in sight.

Nazula demons, who are good at using their bodies to fight and mostly have sharp bone spurs, are also the largest in number. On the front battlefield, they are indestructible and extremely fierce.

Kemala demons, who are good at manipulating the mind, but have very vague physical characteristics and almost no physical morphological characteristics. Although this type of demons are not strong, they appear to be the most harmful when they appear.

Often an ordinary Komala demon can cause a huge chaos, and therefore, humans are also the most vigilant of the Komala demon.

But ... Why has there ever been such a huge Komala demon in history?

This can no longer be described by its hugeness. The body of the dead Ambrobas fell down there like a huge mountain, and humans were as inconspicuous as little ants beside it.

Such a legendary demon lord could not have appeared in the main material world, because once its ability is fully exerted, it can even easily destroy the entire Prandall civilization-this is not an exaggeration, no matter how many troops and The apocalypse attacked it, and in the end it would be controlled by his mind, killing his own people in turn, so that the war will be supported by war, or it will not be long before the entire Prandall becomes a world of death.

But now, such a powerful legendary demon lord, it fell before the crowd, exuding the rancidity of death.

The Red Lotus Knights looked at the huge corpse of Ambrosius, all staying there. On the sky next to them, the demons that had not hatched for a long time were burned to death by the golden light, and fell in black smoke , Has completely turned to ashes before landing.

All of this was done by the normally smiling Tang En.

How powerful is he?


Looking down at the corpse below, Tang En exhaled slowly, not so much that he was strong, but rather the weapon in his hands.

World will ...

When in his hands, he represents the entire world.

Originally, Tang En thought that the world here was referring to Plantar under his feet. Now it seems that this so-called world ... may refer to the universe in which he is now?

"Ahhhh ... Dad ..."

Seeing that the battle was over, Vinnet in Vanilla's arms immediately stretched out his chubby arms and asked Tang En to hug him.

Tang En frowned, and took Winnet back into her arms with a smile, and tapped her head gently: "My good daughter ... what are you doing here, what is your mission?"

Winnett: "?"

"Come on, you can't let this corpse continue to corrupt the environment here."

Tang En fell down, and Cocoa and Vanilla hurried to follow, and then a flower bloomed in front of them, and the huge demon corpse disappeared from their eyes.

"Lord Down."

Ulduar came to Tang En with a more respectful attitude: "The demons here have all died just now. Do we need to re-examine them?"

"Okay, I'll give you an hour, and everyone will meet here after making sure there are no enemies. Let's go back to Blood Shadow Town together."


When the Red Lotus Knights went to check around, Tang En's eyes fell on the cave that had collapsed before. After thinking for a moment, he came to the ruins.

"What do you want to run here?"

Coco looked at Tang En with curiosity. Could it be that he planned to dig up the ruins and then whip the corpse?

"I want to go down and see if there is any clue left here."

After Tang En finished, the huge magic force came out, shaking the mountain for a while, the collapsed boulders were all resuspended, and then one by one fell to the side in an orderly manner, and the collapsed caves were exposed again. .

After seeing this shocking scene, the Knights of Red Lotus not far away worshiped Tang En even more. They were too far away in the previous battles. Although they knew Tang En was powerful, they did not have such a strong visual impact.

"What to see! Act fast! Don't waste time!"

Uldulla took his eyes off and shouted, "Take your time, and when you rise to the legend, you can do it!"

Promotion legend? This is exciting, but if it was so easy to promote the legend, how could Prandall be such a legendary powerhouse now?

After the cave was re-exposed, Tang En walked in holding Vinnet, and cocoa and vanilla, who were left and right, followed.

No special place in front of this cave has been transformed into small caves for those devout believers to come close to their prophets to pray. In the investigation, Anelin asked the members of the Alliance of Glory and Recovery to pray five times a day. , Especially these believers living around him.

It now appears that the so-called prayer five times is likely that Anelin, while they were praying, deepened their mind control, strengthened their spiritual cues, and reached a means of strengthening control.

There is nothing special in these small rooms, but the distribution is all around the rooms owned by Anelin. I am afraid that those who can enter these small rooms to pray are the most favored believers in the Alliance of Glory and Recovery. Right.

However, this is not what Tang En wants to find. Now that Annelin and Ambros are dead, everything they do will be cleared up soon. What Tang An cares about most is actually how Anelin took the devil. Parasitic in the orc.

He can't summon the juvenile demon every time a new believer arrives, right? The efficiency is really too low.

Therefore, there must be a place dedicated to hatching demonic eggs here.

A moment later, Tang En suddenly stood still in front of a wall, and Coco, who followed the steps, hit his back.

Coco asked, holding her head, "What's wrong?"

Tang En lightly pressed on the wall, and then they found that a large amount of green flames suddenly burst out on the wall, and a weird array of magical patterns appeared on the wall.

Tang En smiled, and then punched the wall with a punch: "Here it is!"

There was a loud noise, a huge cave burst into the wall, an extremely pungent breath rushed towards the face, and the sense of smell was very sensitive. Cocoa and vanilla covered their noses immediately: "Smelly!"

"It's not so smelly ... it's too rich ..."

Tang En watched the scene in the cave and muttered to himself: "These demons ... really want to make big news ..."

The cave in front of it is very wide, and at least several gymnasiums are visually observed. On the walls of the cave, a very large number of magic crystals are grown-here is a magic crystal vein!

In this cave, there are many magical runes on the ground. The power of the magic crystal veins is used to maintain the operation, and the atmosphere here is completely enclosed in the cave.

The point is that the distant ground is covered with demon eggs of various shapes. These demon eggs are vibrating at a certain frequency, and they are clearly alive.

All the demon eggs are connected through a umbilical-like tube and a huge altar in the center of the cave. On that altar, there is a huge cylindrical container with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The transparent container is a mountain-like body. Orcs and humans were all immersed in thick blood, and the corpses became the nourishment to maintain these demonic eggs, and the power of the magic crystal veins can keep them alive in this place for a long time.

"This is really ... wonderful!"

Vanilla was pale and terrified by all this. In a glance, the number of demon eggs in this cave is only hundreds of thousands. If all the demon eggs here have hatched, or if they are placed in Anelin After getting into the body of the orc believer, and mingling into the society, I don't know how many people will suffer as a result of the outbreak.

"Clean up here."

Down glanced at Vanilla and said, "This is your sacred mission."


Vanilla covered her chest and nodded, glanced at Coco next to them, the two hands clasped together, and began to chant prayers at the same time. Soon, the holy flame came, and the soft but sacred white holy flame was under their control. Then, they started sweeping from the vicinity and burned down all those demonic eggs.

Tang En stood in deep thought.

To be fair, demons are crazy creatures that tend to use their power to solve all problems. Their brains are very chaotic, their speech is often upside down, and it is difficult to communicate normally.

Now you tell him that it was the demon who developed this lurking in Prendall, while using religion to attract believers, using mind control to control them, using demonic eggs to hide identity, and then creating chaos and disrupting order on the feeding machine, and finally controlling Plan Dahl ... ask yourself, would you believe it?

Don't say that Tang En didn't believe it. I am afraid that the demons themselves will not believe it. They do not have such good patience to make such a plan. Compared to such a slow and stable plan, they are more likely to choose to use force to be clever. positive.

So the question comes ... who helped them make and implement the current plan?

Tang En always felt that the situation in Purgatory Abyss seemed to have changed, and it was this change that caused the current demon's behavior to change.

In deep thought, Don En didn't notice, and Vinnet in his arms looked at Coco and Vanilla's complicated eyes when they burned the demonic eggs.