Things from Another World

Chapter 1377: Messy wedding (from)

No matter how awkward, the wedding still started as usual, all the staff in the palace have entered a busy state, and no one can be seen.

Although it is Princess Donna, Olena, as Tang's first wife, is still the queen of Illus, so of course she will also be present, and her presence means that Yebilny, who has already come to this world, will also Present ...

Pope Jessolini XXIII, as the host, had already taken his seat early. At this moment he was standing above the square in front of the palace, beside him were led by the Templars from the Holy See, and led by Illy. The nuns, the splendid hymns diffused out of the castle with the soft holy light, and the whole hymns can be heard here.

This is probably the wedding with the highest specifications and the most valued in history. It can be seen from the dress of the pope. He even put on the robe and the crown that were said to have been passed down from the age of creation. It shows how much attention is paid to this wedding.

And only the insider knew that the reason was entirely because of the little princess in Olina's arms who had not yet made her name public.

The Pope was also very nervous at this time. He hosted so many weddings, but this was the first time to host a wedding in front of the Father, and the wedding was still given to his father Nafei after his father came to Prandall ...

How should he ask him to pray to God the Father after this?

Looking back a distant glance, the Pope seemed to see the little princess in Queen Olina's arms showing a slight smile to him, and immediately filled his excited red face with energy!

Just when everything was on track, outside the Royal Palace, on the main road leading directly to the city gates, the sky in the distance suddenly sounded a "snoring" sound, and a bunch of colorful lights lit up in the sky.

"The Rennes Empire messenger is here!"

The pope's spirit refreshed, knowing that the wedding had officially begun.

The wedding process is simple, but full of ritual sense. After the messenger group of the Rennes Empire arrived in Yalinx from the teleportation team, they went out of the city from the side gate in the prepared special car fleet, and then entered the Yalin from the main gate after half a week around the city. Alex, accept the blessings of the residents along the way, and then enter the palace to hold a ceremony. After receiving the pope ’s blessing and completing the ceremony, arrange an orc messenger to dine in the palace. Tang En will once again be with Aimura, Orina, and the Pope, The maiden took the magic car together to form a convoy, circled the city along the main road of Yalinks, accepted the blessings of the residents along the way, blessed the residents at the same time, and then returned to the palace. This is the end.

Originally Tang En didn't want to be so cumbersome, but the pope looked at Yebilny in Olina's arms and cried to Tang En-he didn't want to be so cumbersome, but it wouldn't work!

This is the name of the father and his father.

If not worried that the princess could not bear it, the pope would also like to suggest that they take a teleportation round to each of the major cities and let all the residents come to bless them!

This kind of standard treatment is worthy of the father and god!

Although the Pope is still calm now, he is actually sweating with nervous palms, lest Jeff Ninety write down this time and find him later.

"Everyone is struggling. People have entered the inner city and will soon arrive in the palace! Be prepared for the welcome!"

In order to show that he paid enough attention to this matter, the pope personally held the ritual overall. Everyone acted in accordance with his instructions in an orderly manner. So far, no mistakes have occurred. He just hopes that everything will go smoothly now. Go ahead, don't go wrong.

But the problem in this world is that the more you worry about it, the more things will happen ...

After the seemingly smooth Rennes Empire messenger team arrived at the Royal Palace, Pope Jessolini XXIII, one of the two noblest members of the Holy See, walked slowly to the float and looked at the flower girl with a smile Opening the car door, and then ready to offer his blessing of the light, but the next moment, a smile froze on his face.

In the float, a few girls twisted together in an extremely embarrassing manner, looking like they had just fought, and one of them was still aggrieved by them. Under them, like a bullied child in school same. And where should the beautiful bride, who was supposed to be sitting behind the float, dressed in costume and holding flowers, waiting to appear at the wedding ceremony? where is it?

What the **** is this! ?

After seeing this scene, the pope's head was about to explode. He closed the door with a stun, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then gave himself a baptism of the Holy Light to calm down.

Well, what I just saw are hallucinations, it must be because the way of opening is wrong!

This time I opened the door myself!

The pope took a deep breath, pushed the flower girl next to him, and then opened the door himself. After seeing what was inside, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Look, it turned out that it wasn't right.

The four girls sitting neatly in the float, although their clothes were a little messy, they were all decent. Their messy hair and sweat stains on their faces were all gone, all of them were sitting in dignity and dignity. Like every lady show.

The pope smiled satisfactorily, but immediately he froze there.

Which bride is going to be the princess today?

There should be only the driver, the bride, and the flower girl in the float, right?

But why not see the flower girl, but instead see the other three girls?

And—why is the driver driving a terrestrial monster! ? Not an orc of the Ursad Bear Clan, but really just a WoW Earth Bear! It just turned around and grinned and smiled at itself!

The Pope felt that his sanity had been severely impacted. He didn't even know how to face this scene, to face the countless people waiting to watch the live broadcast outside, and to face Tang En, who was waiting for his bride in the palace. His Majesty……

After a long silence, the Pope asked slowly: "... Can you tell me who the bride is?"

"I", "I'm", "She", "Not her!"

There were several different sounds in the car at once, and the pope's head exploded. The gods were on. Why did such a terrible thing happen on such an important day! ?

The pope glanced at his watch. Time was running out. He couldn't tell who the bride was, and he didn't even have time to ask Testero to confirm. After the float arrived, they had already gone to the venue behind. They didn't even know that such a weird thing happened in the float!

The pope has been standing in the camera for more than ten seconds. These ten seconds feel as long as he has for years. Finally, he suddenly came back.

Does it matter who the bride is?

It doesn't matter who the bride is anymore!

For him, it is most important to continue this **** ritual and get everything back on track!

As for the matter of the bride, I am afraid that they are fighting for the status of this identity. If this is the case, then you should be a good friend and let them all become brides!

Thinking of this, the Pope finally let go of the heavy pressure in his heart, exhaled a long breath, and then smiled kindly, saying, "Everyone has been waiting for a long time, please brides, please don't be shy anymore, come down together, I think everyone is looking forward to seeing you all. "


Several girls in the float looked at each other, and after a while, two of them seemed to be coming back, showing a surprised expression, while the other two, one was stunned and the other was at a loss.

But at this time, the pope who has already spoken will not give them a chance to choose. The huge power of the Holy Light descends from the sky. He is the center and covers the whole float. The magic around him is completely controlled by him and surrounds the float. Those four girls, then he smiled and said, "It's almost time, please ... get out of the car."


After being surrounded by the heavy power of the Holy Light, the girls in the float were suddenly embarrassed and did not dare to be extravagant. They looked at me and I looked at you, and finally got out of the car one by one ...

They just got out of the car, and suddenly they were all over the country. No, it should be said that all the audiences in Prandall were watching the live broadcast in an instant.

"What's the matter !? Didn't you say that it's okay to marry Princess Beamura Bloodeye of the Rennes Empire? Why are they four girls?"

"Will it be a custom to marry a girl from the Empire of Rennes and buy one, get three free? I have never heard of such a good thing!"

"Take a closer look, why is the earth bear driving !?"

"That seems to be an elf ... right! Look at that figure in that ear, it's definitely that the elf hasn't run away!"

"Why did the elves appear on the orcs' wedding car, and was still the time when the Rennes and Illus Empires were married?"

"Wait! The point of the question should be, the phrase" brides "said by the Pope !?"

"I'm not mistaken. The pope did say‘ brides ’just now. In other words, these four girls are the protagonists of today ’s wedding?”

"But which one is Bi Cun Ai? I can't see it at all! They look like humans, they are all super cute girls!"

"Gods are up! Her Majesty Tang En is too happy !? If it were me, I would be willing to die!"

"However, you are not Her Majesty Tang En. If you were him, there would not be such a small and ridiculous wish. Her Majesty Tang En's wish will lead the entire Prandall to glory!"

Not only on the Internet, the audience in front of the magic projection receiver is also dumbfounded. How is this different from what was said at the beginning?