Things from Another World

Chapter 1411: Are you afraid of 600 legendary mages?

No matter how you look at it, what appears to Tang En is indeed the dwarf gravity well they are familiar with.

Dobbin shook his head and said, "Although the Psionic Reactor does work when local gravity disappears ... but it is not a gravity well."

Dunn growled: "Clotto!"

Clotto hurriedly shouted, "This is not the first thing I discovered! It was registered by my predecessors before, so I am very wronged!"

With that said, Klotto thought about it and said, "And ... haven't we been using it right now?"

"Crap! You're called survivor deviation! If something goes wrong, it's finished now!"

Tang En rubbed his head and felt his head hurt. "Fortunately, it was discovered early, otherwise the problem would be serious."

"No, actually, strictly speaking, the psionic reactor can be used as an anti-gravity engine, of course, it is only auxiliary."

Dobin spread his hands and said, "After all, this thing doesn't have too strong power output. As long as it is well protected, it is actually very convenient."

"However, those so-called dwarf gravity wells were dug up and restored from the ruins of 10,000 years ago. Do you think the quality can be guaranteed?"

Tang En sighed: "Let's finish the work at hand first, next step is to recall all the equipment currently equipped with the dwarf gravity well."

So the work continued, and at the same time, the Datang Chamber of Commerce was actively collecting raw materials for Anas alloys.

After Dobin assembled a batch of Pycnogenetic Reactors, they immediately began to find equipment in those relics for testing to confirm that the Pyramid Reactors could work normally and began to use.It was half a month later, completely It's time to enter Fushu.

The number of phantom reactors is too small, so most of the time they can only use the various equipment provided by Tang En for maintenance work-in order to make these equipment, they also provide Tang En with a lot of core technology.

After absorbing these technologies, the Datang Chamber of Commerce has improved a lot.

Subsequently, Dobin led a large army to carry out simple repair and maintenance work on Lolita to restore the condition of the base to a normal state as much as possible. Since they did not know the current damage status, they had not yet completed a complete inspection. Therefore, They did not dare to restart the core large psionic reactor, and the entire Lolita was still in an energy outage.

During this period, for Tang En, the biggest gain was that they mastered the method of stably outputting the energy in the Pycnogenetic Reactor. Thanks to the technology provided by Dobin, most of their prehistoric equipment was intact. Now it's finally reactivated and comes in handy.

Most of these devices are auxiliary devices with simple functions such as measurement and calculation, and those high-end sophisticated weapons and equipment that Tang En imagines can be used against chaotic creatures.

However, it is worth mentioning that during the repair process, they restored the normal operation of a medical center and restored all the internal medical equipment. With these equipments, these survivors can finally make a full body of themselves. Scan to analyze what happened to yourself.

When the scan analysis results came out, everyone who saw the results was at a loss.

Because judging from the results of the instrument scans, these survivors can no longer be regarded as normal life forms. They are between organic and inorganic substances and possess both the characteristics of organic and inorganic substances.

Their brains are still alive and their bodies can move normally, but some of their bodies have "dead" and somehow turned into an inorganic substance like psionic crystals, which coexist with their current bodies. Now, they are now living fossils.

After scanning their genetic material with advanced equipment that they had not successfully launched, they were even more alarmed to find that under the irradiation of psionic radiation, their own genetic material had also undergone strange changes, and a large number of key genetics Information is lost, but many strange combinations are added. Since there has never been a precedent, the significance of these gene combinations is completely unknown ...

The report saw that in the end, the survivors of these prehistoric civilizations did not know that they were still an original race.

Down did not know what kind of policy should be implemented on them now.

Until now, they still haven't found the cause of their crystallization after psionic radiation.

But there is another discovery-not only are these survivors immune to psionic radiation, they have shown amazing magic potential after receiving simple meditation training taught by Jean!

That's right, their control of magic is just like the arm pointing, and the free-casting feeling can almost catch up with Tang En, and it seems that the psionic crystal on their body has replaced the magic pool. The magic is almost inexhaustible, larger than the legendary powerhouse, which made Jean Angus all shocked and completely shocked.

This means that they only need to undergo simple mental training to directly become legendary magicians!

You know that in the past, gnomes and goblins could not use magic at all!

This sudden discovery is really shocking-more than 600 extra irons can be entered into the legendary magician in an instant, such a huge power makes Tang En have a sense of fear.

If the psychic crystals of these people are out of control, Plantar is completely done.

What made him secretly relieved was that when Dobin tried to use a test-tube baby to try to make a fertilized egg, they failed.

Yes, no matter what method, no matter how it is combined, it fails.

Although these survivors who have been mutated by the psionic energy survive, they have lost the ability to reproduce, regardless of their age, sex, or gender.

This means that their terrible spell-casting talents transformed by psionic radiation cannot be increased by breeding offspring. Although cruel, it does not make Tang En worry.

After the psionic reactor was repaired, the repair work on Lolita was carried out almost day and night. Every day, new discoveries were made. A large number of equipment and parts were transferred from Lolita to Ellington, and then Ellington Those engineers have reversely analyzed, and through continuous disassembly, learning, and research, their technical level is also rapidly improving.

With the reference of samples and the guidance of professional technicians, it is actually a good way to develop industry through the method of copycat production to produce some imitations within its ability.

Only in the actual production process can they find potential defects and shortcomings and find ways to make up for them.

In fact, as Tang En expected, those technicians with low eyes and high eyes saw the parts, but felt that when they did not, they found that the parts they imitated could not fit together at all, and they were particularly worn when they worked. Because the machining accuracy cannot keep up.

And this is still good. What's more serious is those things that can't be produced at all. Even if they put in front of the clear sample that has been disassembled and analyzed, they can only stare at it because any basic condition can't be reached. If this happens, the corresponding products may not be produced.

These are the problems hidden after Tang Enbaomiao's facilitation. Now with these survivors of prehistoric civilizations, they finally have a chance to make up a little bit.

In the process of learning and practicing in this way, the basic industrial levels of the entire Prandall began to make rapid progress. The most obvious performance is that the indicators of the latest batch of listed products have been greatly improved, and the quality has also made considerable progress. , Won the praise of the vast number of consumers.

After the basic industrial processing level goes up, related majors in physics, chemistry, metallurgy, materials science, etc. must also follow closely and go hand in hand, so as to form a steady development.

In order to achieve this goal, another part of the prehistoric civilization survivors who are rich in theoretical knowledge is now split in two ways. Some of them are responsible for imparting systemic knowledge from shallow to deep in the virtual classroom on the Magic Network, while others are The knowledge is converted day and night into data stored in the artificial soul quantum computer. After the knowledge is informatized, it can be printed not only as textbooks, but also widely disseminated through the magic energy network, which is of great significance.

In addition to using the knowledge in these survivors' heads, Croto continued to read the data storage in the ruins, extract the information from it, and analyze the information that is useful for the current Prandall.

With the concerted efforts of many parties, Prendall's science and technology level is almost changing. Every day, new formulas are published, new laws are taught, and new elements are re-translated and registered in the database ... ...

All the existing products have been improved again by absorbing these new knowledge. In this process, Tang En, who dominated the power of magic energy and the technology of magic modification, gained many praises, but was also survived by those who survived. The well-thought-out scholars criticized it.

In their eyes, too many products produced by the Datang Chamber of Commerce are simply rough and cannot be regarded as products-they are basically children's toys.

Tang En didn't say anything, and he was very clear about his own level, so he accepted their criticism with an open mind, and then asked them to make an improvement plan, and then took it back to improve it, and the performance of various products was Is rampantly rising.

The car ran faster and more balanced, the bullet quality was better and more durable, the missile flew farther and more powerfully, and the hope of completing the task was increasing, and the smile on Tang En ’s face increased even more until purgatory There was news from the abyss that I didn't know if it was good or bad ...

The advancing front has stopped.

Depp they found an "something".