Things from Another World

Chapter 156: Don't explain, I understand

The small Warcraft offense on the Ladia hills is very weak, and there are guards who prepare the high-end Warcraft dung to disperse in advance, so it was smooth along the way.

Although Peren Nalli had a lot of breaking things, and it took a lot of time to stop and go, he arrived in the mountain city Bein three days later.

The team rested in Bein for one night, replenished supplies, and then Tang En smoothly joined with Hilton. Hilton, who got the news early, had prepared the caravan and waited for Tang En's arrival.

Because the Datang Chamber of Commerce has developed very well in Bein, Hilton has recruited a lot of people here. Now these employees have been working for some time. I heard that they will follow the big boss to open a branch in Yalinks. They are all excited.

"Lord Lord, what about our goods?"

After seeing Down, Hilton was very happy, but she didn't see the good goods, which made her very worried.

Is Ellington inadequate? Unavailable?

"It's all on me, rest assured."

Fiona has revealed to Hilton that Down has space equipment, so Hilton was not surprised, but showed a surprised expression.

With the support of Tang's space equipment, the efficiency of the caravan will definitely increase greatly, and there is no need to worry about cargo loss. Of course, Hilton will be happy.

Tang En pondered for a moment, and asked, "Do we have a stable private home in Bein now? Keep it safe and secure."


Hilton glanced at Elsa with a vague expression: "Master Lord, please come with me, rest assured, I will keep it secret from Miss Fiona."

"What's confidential?"

Tang En's look was inexplicable.

Hilton smiled and said, "Don't explain, I understand."

Tang En, Elsa, and Eliya followed Hilton to a mansion. Hilton opened the door and said a little embarrassedly: "Because I want to be part of the aristocratic circle here, after discussing with Miss Fiona, I bought a house here. This is the inner city of Bein, which belongs to the periphery of the aristocratic area. As a merchant, I can only buy real estate here. A total of 5,000 gold coins were spent ... "

"Five thousand gold coins?"

Tang En was startled, looking at this luxurious house with a garden and a lawn, suddenly there was a urge to burst into tears.

Hilton said a little slyly: "I know the price is a little bit, but the original owner didn't want to leave, so he raised a thousand gold coins to let him change hands. Sorry, we will pay attention to the expenses in the future ..."

"No, not much, don't save when it is necessary to spend money."

Tang En waved his hand: "Take us to the basement."

After entering the basement, Tang En waved his hands, and the debris piled up there was scattered around, leaving a large area vacant. Then Tang En took out the materials and began to make the teleportation array on the spot.

Elsa, they could n’t understand what Tang En was doing, they only saw that those things quickly formed a round platform in front of him, and Tang En also carved very complicated runes on it, Elsa Just after watching it for a while, I was dizzy, but Ilia watched Tang En's movement with interest, and the purple light flashed in her eyes.

Focused on working, Tang En didn't notice this.

Soon, the teleportation array was set up. After engraving the space coordinates of Ellington, Tang En activated the teleportation array and disappeared instantly.

"Well? Where has Lord Lord gone?"

Elsa asked a little confusingly, she hadn't recovered yet.

"This, this, this is--"

The well-informed Hilton has long heard that there was something in the world called the teleportation array, but this is the first time she has seen it with her own eyes!

Didn't you say that the teleportation technology has been lost? ?

How could Lord Lord! ?

Soon, the teleportation burst into light again, and smiling Tang En appeared again.

Hilton looked at Tang En with excitement: "Lord Lord! Isn't it-teleportation !?"

"Yes, have you heard of it?"

Tang En's face was unexpected.

"Of course! In the bards, and in the stories spread around the world, the teleportation team often appears, but I did not expect that the lost teleportation team, Lord Lord, you have control!"

Hilton didn't know what to say. With the teleportation team, where would the Datang Chamber of Commerce use a caravan? ? After Ellington produces the products, they can be transported directly through the conveyor array, and sold on the shelves!

Reduced transportation and time costs, even if the selling price is reduced, the profit will increase a lot!

This is simply a heavenly artifact!


Hilton's face suddenly changed, wandering a bit anxiously: "The transmission array is built here, but the anti-counterfeiting measures here are too weak. In case others discover our secrets, it will be too dangerous! From tomorrow- No, starting tonight, it must be guarded strictly! "

"No, rest assured, I'll take care of the work later."

Tang En waved his hand and took out an ordinary magic crystal. Under the burning of the transparent flame, the magic crystal quickly twisted into several thin crystal cards. An icon of the Datang Chamber of Commerce appeared on the crystal cards, and several In the lower left corner of the card, the names of Hilton and others appeared in turn.

"Hold it."

Tang En also handed Thomas the crystal card to Hilton: "Thomas card turned back to him, you drop a drop of blood on your card, this teleportation array requires me to hold the crystal card to teleport With the distance between Bayne and Ellington, the energy of a poor-quality magic crystal is enough to transmit ten people. "

"I see! I will protect the card!"

Hilton stole the crystal card solemnly, and Tang En was willing to give it to her to prove her trust in her, and she wouldn't be stupid talking around.

"Lord Lord ..."

Elsa looked at Tang En suddenly with a grudge.

"what happened?"

"I can't break my fingers, I can't bleed ..."

Don En was immediately stunned, Elsa still had such happy troubles, it was almost!

Tang En took out a dagger to help Elsa puncture her fingers. As a result, Elsa squeezed out a drop of blood, and the wound healed in a blink of an eye. This powerful physique made Tang En jealous.

"Big Brother Big Brother!"

Elijah pulled Tang En's hand vigorously: "What about Elijah !?"

"Ah? You want it too?"

Tang En was dumbfounded, he didn't prepare for Elias at all.

Seeing that Tang En froze, Elijah stayed, a layer of mist quickly appeared in her eyes, and she cried as she narrowed her eyes. Fortunately, Tang En was anxious, and instantly gave her a crystal card. In addition to the patterns of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, a very beautiful cartoon pattern was also made.

After receiving this card, Elijah smiled and proudly showed off her crystal card to Nora, unfortunately, Nora dismissed it and Hilton was still here, so she did n’t even show interest.

"Master Lord is really good at dealing with children."

Hilton looked at Tang En meaningfully.

Tang En smiled: "Don't you think Elijah is cute?"

Hilton nodded. "Of course."

Tang En looked back and said, "I will put a compound magic array here. People without crystal cards will not be able to see the teleport array. Even if there is an abnormality here, it is not so easy to break through here, so you can do it. rest assured."

Hilton was relieved: "That would be great!"

They didn't leave the basement until after Tang Enbu's complicated magic formation.

After leaving the basement, Hilton was very clever and didn't mention anything about the Magic Circle. He left with an excuse and left "private space" for Tang and Elsa or Elijah.

Of course, even though Tang En and Elsa talked about the middle of the night, although Ilya sneaked into Tang En's quilt in the middle of the night, even though Tang En finally slept with Ilya for another night, it was very exciting. Unfortunately, what happened to Hilton did not happen that night.

Of course, Hilton will not know if it happened. Although the private life of the Lord Lord is very interesting, as an employee, the private life of the gossip boss is obviously not a good habit.

She just needs to do what she should do to satisfy the boss, and that's right.

The next morning, after having breakfast, Hilton gathered with people.

Hilton whispered to Down's ear and whispered, "I have already told Thomas about the teleportation, and the crystal card was also handed to him, and then Bein will be responsible for him here."

Tang En nodded slightly, and after chatting with Thomas for a few words, he led someone to meet with Pelen at the gate.

After the two teams joined together, the team left Bein, bypassed the mountain road, and continued to drive east.

A few days after leaving Bein, the villages on the road gradually increased, often passing a village after a few tens of kilometers, no longer seen as crowded as the dozens of kilometers in the hills of Ladia, and there were more convoys. For example, from the last village, there is a very luxurious convoy going along with Tang En. They roughly observe that the convoy has at least hundreds of people, and most of them are fully armed guards.

However, the two sides are not too close, just to say hello to each other. It is good for both sides to maintain relative vigilance, because no one can guarantee whether the other party is good or malicious.

Along with Ellington, Elsa and Elijah were astounded and amazed. Even Tang En, who has been tested in the game, immersed himself in the scenery.

That evening, the two teams stopped in a small town.

Due to the ruggedness of the previous journey, everyone was very tired in the carriage, so instead of continuing to hurry, they decided to spend the night here.

"My **** is cracking ... I hate the road around Chenwu Town!"

From Ellington to the present, Pelen's **** is not good, especially the bump of the carriage made his **** so painful that he sometimes had to lie on his seat on the road.

Peren viciously cursed the road outside: "This **** way, never leave Yalinks again!"

With a corner of his mouth, Tang En said lightly, "Viscount Narry, please pay attention to your manners."


Peren snorted.

At this time, Tang En noticed that the team that had traveled with them actually took one step ahead of them and also stopped in this town.