Things from Another World

Chapter 413: Early Snow in Ellington

After returning to Salhera, Tang En and Lola and others celebrated a little, on the one hand to celebrate the future cooperation relationship, and on the other hand to celebrate the resolution of the big problem of Moyuan.

Lola sat on behalf of Lorraine and Barod and renegotiated. Lola, who had abdicated power, once again angered Lorraine-although she was her daughter, she was robbed of her speech three or four times Power, so that her veritable queen has no status at all.

Fortunately, Hailie comforted her, and Luo Lin could barely take this breath.

What if you do n’t fret? Now she's still young, she can't beat her on strength, she can't compare with her figure, and she doesn't have rich experience in bed skills--


Luo Lin firmly remembered Tang En's words.

A silver lollipop with unlimited potential is an extremely rare treasure!

Although Luo Lin doesn't know what silver-haired legal loli means, he absolutely loves him!

This means that she will definitely be more attractive than her mother in the future!

With Tang En's help in the future, can her queen's position still be unstable?

Luo Lin knew how much Tang En was valued by the goddess!

Luo Lin sneered in her heart. When she had the power of her palm, she must let her taste the humiliation she had suffered—by then, let Tang En tie her up and abuse her thousands of times!

Lola, who has always been an arbitrary and hegemonic power, certainly does not know that she has been remembered by her daughter. She is now discussing with Barod the issue of site division.

Since the trade has been negotiated with Ellington, there is no need for both sides to continue the dispute over the poor mushroom caves, and instead to continue to develop the existing trade resources, the benefits are even greater. Therefore, at the end of the negotiations, in Tang En At the suggestion, Barrod and Lola reached a new agreement.

The two sides divided their territories with the existing actual control area, and the neutral zone was near the Black Stone Cave.

The Mochibuchi race that has lasted for hundreds of years will continue, but it will only serve as a communication activity between the two parties, and there will no longer be any disputes of interest.

The two sides jointly develop mushroom caves and water sources, and the harvested food is distributed according to the proportion of labor output-but Tang En feels that after they taste the food from the surface world, they will soon hate the mushrooms and lizard meat.

In addition, given that both parties have trade relations with Ellington, Tang En will build a transit station in the underground world.

The neutral black stone cave was prepared by Tang En for this purpose.

After talking about these things, the soldiers of Ellington activated the return crystals one by one under Down's orders, returned to Ellington, and witnessed all the adventurers, dark elves, and dwarves underground. Up.

Because Tang En just put it out, as long as the technology is mature, Homecoming Crystal will become the signature product of Ellington's export-at that time everyone can buy this very useful treasure with some gold coins.

After saying goodbye to Lola and Barod, Tang also left Shalhera, but instead of returning directly to Ellington, he first returned to the Blackrock Caverns.

This place has been leveled and strengthened by him once since the last war, so it is very strong, so don't worry about collapse.

Tang En floated in the air, observed the structure of the cave, and began to operate.

He first smoothed out the uneven ground of the cave and the buildings that had been left behind. The power of the powerful caster allowed him to easily shape and transform the cave according to his own intentions.

Soon, he made the black stone caves neat and tidy, and the surrounding stone walls were inlaid with a lot of light crystals, and the whole cave became bright.

"Well, first of all is the central area. Set a square with the teleportation array as the center."

Tang En flew to the center of the cave, looking down at the ground under his feet, thinking for a moment, and patted a palm downward. With a sound of "bang" below, several ring gullies appeared on the ground, and the center was circled for about several thousand. Square meters.

Tang En lifted his fingers again, the solid rock slowly rose under the action of magic, so a square platform slightly higher than the surrounding appeared in the black stone cave.

Later, Tang En began to arrange a teleportation array in the center of this square. The size of this teleportion array is not small, and it is larger than that of Yalinks. On the one hand, it will become a distribution center for underground world trade in the future. On the other hand, It is because Tang En intends to build the Datang Maneng Army Factory here.

Not all the things produced by the magic can factory ...

The Magic Energy Factory will be the most important industrial building in Ellington. There will be a large number of core competitive technologies here. Many of the magical modified products that Tang En conceived will be produced here. In order to ensure that Ellington's external image of peace must be kept secret here.

In the future, even the employees here will need to hire the redstone dwarves and dark elves in the underground world. It happens that they have strong magic talents and are very suitable for these tasks.

In order to ensure the stability and power of the transmission array, Tang En finally used the top material of his own hand this time-the astral cube.

As the name suggests, the Astral Crystal is a crystal born in the astral world. It is a very stable space material. It is the best material for making space equipment or the core of the teleport array. Of course, this rare material is extremely rare in Prendall. In fact, even Tang En didn't have much on hand.

"I don't know if I can apply for supplies after the materials are used up ..."

Dunn muttered as he set up the teleportation array. If he could, he wanted to ask Niscle Claire for supplies.

He soon dismissed the idea himself, and just talking with Niscle Claire before, caused a change in the chaotic gate of the Emerald Forest. If they were to supply themselves with goods, it would have a greater impact on Plantar.

"Get it!"

No one bothered himself, Tang En's efficiency was very high, and he quickly set up a huge teleportation array, and then carefully adjusted the coordinates of several other teleportation arrays.

After he was sure that the teleportation team was okay, he blocked the Blackrock Caves again, then set foot on the teleportation team and returned to Ellington.


As soon as he stepped out of the teleportation array, Tang En froze.

The gloomy sky was low pressure, as if it was about to be covered on the head, the cold air rolled the white elves into Tang En's neck, cold.


There was no change when I came back obviously, and only two days later, the whole of Ellington was covered with a layer of white snowflakes, pedestrian footprints, bicycle prints, wheel hub prints, horseshoe prints, all mixed together. The trampled was dirty, and soon it was covered again by falling snow.

It's snowing a lot.

Pedestrians hurriedly walking in the cold air, some were locals who had lived in Ellington for many years, and some were new occupants who had recently moved in. Their attitudes were obviously not in the face of the sleeping moon when the cold was coming same.

Residents of Ellington have long been blindly trusted in Tang En ’s leadership in these months of life. Although the cold is irresistible, their faces are full of positive fighting spirit, and their daily work attitude is still very high. Hot-after issuing a stop to expand and turning to internal construction, they are closer to work and more enthusiastic.

However, those newcomers are obviously not very confident in Tang En, especially now that they are entering the end of the sleeping month. Once it begins to snow, it means that the trade routes to other towns have been blocked and resources have been replenished. It will be extremely difficult.

Some even began to worry about Ellington's famine.

The heart of the Oak Pub, the cold outside and the white snow couldn't stop the heat in the pub. Due to the heavy snow, recently stopped work and rested recently. Many workers have been paid in the past few months. People with small savings have gathered in Old Tom's. In the tavern, his hot cider and ale are unique in Ellington.

A strong man pushed open the door and walked into the tavern with a cold air. The warm wind suddenly made him moan and walked to the table and took ten copper coins: "Hey! Old Tom, Hurry up and get me a cup of hot cider! This is the ghost weather! It's almost freezing my nose! "

Old Tom, who was chatting with a few customers next to him, smiled, put away the copper coins, and poured him a glass of hot apple cider. He said casually: "If you are content, the Lord Lord gave you a job, Can you pay off the debt and have money to drink? "

A group of people laughed and laughed: "Yes, who can think of the laziest drunk Henry, who can find a job with Lord Lord? It can only be said that Lord Lord is still too kind."

"Huh! You are jealous. I found a good job!"

Drunk Henry snorted and said proudly: "Now I can make a full ten gold coins every month at the charcoal factory! What qualifications do you have to laugh at me?"

A few people were immediately embarrassed, and most of them stayed at the level of five gold coins a month.

Old Tom knocked on the table and warned: "Don't be too proud, Lord Lord gives you such a high salary, not to show you off, but to let you all live a better life."

"Old Tom said yes, if it is not Lord Lord, if it snows this winter, it should be **** again ..."

A man glanced at the snow outside the window and could not help but stunned: "Damn, you remind me of the time when I was hungry in the winter."

The other person shook his head, sipped his drink, and said, "If it is still the same as before, how can we still have the mood to sit here drinking and chatting to enjoy the snow scene."

His words resonated with others, and a group of people stared at the snowflakes outside, seemingly thinking of their dead friends, sighing in a sigh of relief, and continued to drink.