Things from Another World

Chapter 51: There is kind and I just face it!

Rex was one of Baron Duvieux's close friends, so Baron Duvieux gave him the Brussels mine to manage. Under his management, the mine continued to supply iron ore to Kasparmi. Bring a large amount of gold coins to Baron Duvieux.

Due to the absence of mines in the territory of Castle Casparmi, Baron DeVieux's personal soldiers could not even wear armor, but after occupying the Brussels iron ore mine, not only did Baron DeVieue earn a lot His soldiers were also replaced with brand-new iron armor, the combat effectiveness has increased significantly, and there are already signs of rising in several nearby territories.

Because of this, he is now the celebrity in front of Baron De Vieue, and by looking at his fat body, he knows that he has done very well.

"What's the matter !? Why are people gathered here !? No work !?"

Rex growled: "Believe it or not, I deduct your salary !?"

****! You are not deducting our salary on the first day!

The soldiers kneeling on the ground were a little reluctant, but after hearing Rex's words, they all knelt down one by one and became more practical.

Tang En suddenly laughed, so-called pig teammates are referring to this kind of person.

"Huh !? Who are you, don't you know it's private territory !? Hurry-Rogers !?"

Rex suddenly saw Rogers next to Tang En, and laughed, "I'm wondering where you're going. You turned out to be a rescuer! But just because of these people, you want to make a difference!"

Even Rogers is speechless now, is this guy blind? Didn't see all these soldiers surrender? Feeling so good?

"Hey big brother," Brian patted Down's leg. "Is this guy blind? Is he right?"

"What are you still doing ?! Why are you all lying on the ground !? Get them all up soon!"

Rex changed his face instantly after smirking, and growled, and then the chief supervisor Durum leaned over and whispered, "Master, these soldiers seem to have ... surrendered?"


Rex growled: "More than 150 soldiers actually surrendered to more than 50 people !? Are you insulting my IQ !?"

Not adults, they really surrendered ...

Durum wiped the cold sweat on his head. He had already seen the situation around him. There was definitely a big war just now. There were still so many blood and corpses on the ground.

And it is clear that the soldiers at the mine are not their opponents at all!

Although it is not known what the situation is, it is clear that they are in a dangerous situation now.

But Durum quickly calmed down. Although these soldiers are useless, they still have masters!

Tang En stepped forward: "You are Rex, now the principal of the Brussels mine?"

Rex was furious: "Bold! My lord's name can also be called directly by a pariah like you !?"

Elsa immediately became angry: "Stop! Standing in front of you is Lord Lord of Ellington, Lord Don! Quickly put away your arrogant arrogance and kneel down to Lord Lord!"

"Lord of Ellington? Down?"

Rex sneered: "I only know that the lord of Ellington is Hogg, and even if that waste is not dare to be arrogant in front of me, Lord Baron will let that idiot know what the true nobility is!"

Tang En said lightly, "Hog has been killed by me."

Rex snapped: "It's impossible! He's the empire-chosen Lord Ellington!"

Elsa said proudly: "Hogg colluded with the pirates, intending to assassinate the new Lord of Ellington, has been killed on the spot! Now Ellington is the domain of Lord Down's!"

Rex and Durum were holding back, and after a while Rex laughed, "So what !?"

Tang En said lightly: "The Brussels Iron Mine is the property of Ellington, and I ask you to return the mine immediately, release all the enslaved Ellington residents at the same time, and demand that the Baron Duvieux compensate for the illegal income.

"Hahaha, aren't you awake yet?"

Rex laughed wildly: "Do you think you can recapture the mines by defeating these soldiers? Boy, you're too tender!"

Tang En raised an eyebrow: "In other words, aren't you going to let go?"

Rex sneered. "Boy, it's too late to kneel down and ask me for mercy, otherwise I'll make you regret coming here! Eddie!"

"Did I finally use it?"

A voice came from behind Rex, and Tang En froze, only to find that there was still another person there-just blocked by Rex's huge body.

Eddie stepped out, pulled out his sword, and said disdainfully, "Who is clamoring? Come and die."

Rogers said nervously: "Master Lord, that guy is Eddie and Rex's bodyguard. Everyone who opposes Rex on the mine has been killed by him. His strength is very powerful! I saw it before He split such a large ore in half with one sword! "

"Rogers," Eddie looked at Rogers with a sloppy smile. "It was a shame that I let you escape last time I killed you. It's a shame for you to come back this time. It's good to see Death Are you ready? "


Rogers clenched his fists: "You are arrogant, Lord Lord is here, and it is not your turn to speak!"

"Hum, one waste."

Eddie said disdainfully, "In my eyes, there is only one lord, and that is Baron Duvieux. As for the others ... miscellaneous fish."


Eddie stood in front of him, and Rex calmed a lot, sneer: "Eddie is a powerful master of Baron. At 30 years old, he is already a master of bronze fourth-tier. Just you? These are not talent Awakening waste? Not much of Eddie's opponent!

"The apocalypse's opponent can only be the apocalypse, you? It's just a victim of my active body."

Eddie sneered and took a step forward: "So, who's going to die first?"

Elsa replied indignantly, "Master Lord, this guy is too arrogant. Let me teach him."

"No no no! Let me come Let me come!"

Brian jumped anxiously: "I haven't had fun just now! What to do if you slap yourself to death!"

"Okay," Tang En sighed, these militants, "Go ahead, Brian, regardless of life or death."


Brian got excited and shouted, "—you two, come and die!"

Eddie sneered: "I have never seen anyone so anxious to die, even if you are a dwarf, I will not be merciless."

"The people of the earth, never disdain to let their enemies show mercy!"

Brian spit, pointed at Eddie with a warhammer: "Boy, you have to stay a little longer, don't die in two or three! You know I'm never going to kill the unknown, you can die It's your pleasure under my hammer! "

Never kill an unknown person? Deceive the undead!

A few soldiers kneeling on the ground slandered from the belly, this dwarf just killed a lot!

"Why so much **** !? Come to death!"

Eddie was impatient, and Brian talked so much that it bothered him.

"Dare you dare to say that I have a lot of nonsense? You human kid who doesn't know how to deal with it, I just watch you are going to die soon, so I will show you off with special mercy. You don't have to thank me, I dare-I will fight! !!! "

Brian was talking, Leng Buding plucked the hammer and smashed it!

Eddie pulled back abruptly, avoiding Bryan's hammer, and was furious: "You lied! Are you still a dwarf !?"

Today, Brian opened up Eddie.

Do n’t we all say that dwarves do n’t like to talk nonsense? Do n’t you say that dwarves are very honest?

This guy is not only a taciturn, but also a liar!

Is there such a sinister dwarf! ?

"Well! I actually dodged!"

Brian took a sip, stopped talking nonsense, and rushed directly to it!

"go to hell!"

Angry Eddie struck Brian's neck with a sword, but Brian just flinched, rolled over under Eddie's crotch, and then punched Eddie's leg with a backhand punch!

Eddie almost fell and became even more angry, this guy actually escaped from his Majesty! ?

"Don't you have any sense of shame !?"

"Shame?" Brian dug into his nostrils, disdainful. "For the loser, shame cannot escape. For the winner, shame has no effect. Why care about that kind of thing? Don't talk nonsense, eat me a hammer! "


There was a touch of brilliance on Eddie's body. Brian felt that this hammer was a must, but at the last moment, Eddie avoided it like a ghost, even tearing a hole on his shoulder!

Brian was furious: "Sly human! There is a kind of confrontation with me!"

"You have the right to say that I am cunning !? Everyone knows that Dwarves are very powerful, why should I use my weaknesses to fight your strengths?"

Eddie sneered: "Just at your speed, never hit me!"

As Eddy said, Brian is powerful and his weapon is the most precious warhammer that no one else can imagine. As long as he hits Eddie, he will be able to solve the battle with only one hammer. However, Brian has a unique Weaknesses.

His speed.

Eddie's speed suddenly became abnormally fast at this moment, Brian could only chase his shadow in vain.

The martial arts in the world is not broken, but it is not broken.

"After your physical energy is exhausted, I can take your life with just one sword."

Eddie's abacus was also very good, but he didn't know it at all, delusion against Brian was exhausting physical strength, and it was only him who was unlucky in the end.

One of the special effects of Brian ’s Arcana Warhammer is the King of the Mountains: holding this weapon and being sheltered by the power of the earth, standing on the earth will never run out of energy! === PS: At the request of a book friend, today ’s update time is early, please vote after reading ~