Things from Another World

Chapter 511: Admissions

Down is very cunning.

If the admission notice is distributed separately, few people will notice, so he will place the distribution point of the admission notice in the place where the grains are collected. When each farmer comes here to collect the grains, he will compulsorily distribute an enrollment. Notice.

So within a day or two, the admissions news of Ellington College spread throughout Ellington.


"What? Go to school?"

A staff member with a gentle smile came to the house and suddenly noticed such a thing. Ross was suddenly at a loss. His son, Little Ross, was just six years old this year, and he was already able to help with some work. His pressure was finally relieved. Some, but Lord Lord sent someone to ask his son to report to school on the fifteenth month of revival on the 15th class of Ellington College ...

Rose was bewildered. "What does it mean to go to school? Can I eat?"

Jim couldn't laugh or cry, but he knew that many people must be experiencing the same problems as himself at the moment, so he was patient and explained: "You ca n’t eat at school. , Learn to do the math, and you'll keep an account in the future. "

"If you don't go, there are literacy tutorials in the newspaper. I have collected a whole set of literacy tutorials."

Rose shook his head and said, "Besides, spring planting has just begun. The family is busy. What school is he going to help me farm?"

Jim sighed, and as the Lord Lord said, he had to say, "Do you want your son to plant a field like yours forever?"

"Isn't there any other way?"

Rose laughed: "We are the lord lord's tenants. Farming for Lord Lord is a matter of course, and Lord Lord is much better than the previous Lord. It is my pleasure to farm for him."

"But are you willing to let your son live like you for a lifetime? Don't want him to be the director of the factory? A reporter in a newspaper? A member of the Datang Chamber of Commerce? A researcher at the institute? Or even ... Lord?"

"Honor, Lord !?"

Rose's breathing suddenly increased sharply. He blushed and waved his hands again and again, muttering, "What are you talking about?" We are tenants, how could we become a noble like Lord? "

Jim smiled and began to seduce Rose: "It was impossible before, but now it is possible, Lord Lord said, as long as you have completed the school courses, passed the exam and audit, you can get the status of Lord Honor, think about it Well, what a great glory! "

Rose glanced down at his still-snotty, dirty son. Such a son became the kind of lord who was dressed brightly and got in and out of the finest occasion? is it possible? Can he also be favored by Miss Noble, and lead a comfortable and superior life? No longer need to face the loess back to the sky like yourself?

is it possible?

Seeing that Rose did not seem to have made up his mind, Jim decided to make a big move, and he gave a small cough and said: "According to the new territorial laws promulgated by Lord Lord, school-age children are the obligation and power of the Ellington congregation. The corresponding families will cancel the tax reduction policy, and at the same time will increase the punishment such as mine service. In the future, they will not receive other benefits, and even more severe penalties, such as payment of education compensation. "

There is still punishment for not going to school! ?

Rose opened her mouth and looked at her son, eyes full of struggle.

The stick was beaten, and the sweet dates were next. Jim smiled and said, "Maybe you do n’t think literacy and math are useful, but I also want to tell you that there are more than two courses at Ellington College. , There are many other courses. After a solid grasp of Chinese and mathematics, the school arranges an introduction to basic magic and combat skills, and the teachers are scholars from the elves. "

"Think about it. Elf scholars come to teach magic and combat! There are several kingdoms of humanity, which country and territory can have this treatment? Only us Ellington! Lord Lord said, if you find students If he has a magical talent or a combat talent, he will reward the alchemy potion, helping students to awaken talents to become inspirers! "

"Even if you don't want him to become a scholar in the future, the opportunity to become an apocalypse is very rare. Do you just want to be lazy and let your son do the work for yourself, so you will delay his future and let him miss such an important thing? Opportunity? "

"Again, do you need him to help farming? It's completely unnecessary! This spring, Lord Lord will send a large number of magic energy tillers to help with farming. You only need to pay a small amount of silver coins to easily complete the farming work. How easy is it to just get fertilized and watered down? Why is this delaying his future? "

Although the big cakes that Tang En painted before are very beautiful, for the people of Prandall, it is obviously more attractive to become an apocalypse. After Jim said this, Rose, who has been hesitant, finally relented and said "Okay! I promised! Let him go to school!"

Jim breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, you won't regret the choice you made today. Please sign your name on this document."

"I, I don't know how to write yet ..."

Rose blushed. Although he had learned literacy according to the literacy tutorial in the Datang Daily, he still couldn't write well now. After signing his name crookedly on the document, he felt inexplicably awkward.

In the future, at least the son will write beautiful text, right? Even if you ca n’t become an apocalypse, it ’s a great thing to become a clerk in the house of the Lord or other nobles ...


"Please think about your daughter. There is definitely no harm in going to school."

"But, but ... Nicole, you ..."

"Dad, I want to go to school!"

Nicole said aloud: "I heard from Elijah yesterday, she said that there will be a lot of children in the school, there will be a lot of interesting things, a good story, I am going to school!"

"But Dad goes to work during the day and needs you at home ..."


"I think you still ..."


"Alright alright!"

It was a headache for Bonny to stare at his daughter, and with the new law and penalties, he could only agree.

"Very well, please sign your name here, Nicole, remember to report to the school on the morning of the 15th."

"That's great! Third is my father!"

The signing of Bonnie's face collapsed instantly: "I'm the third? Who is the first and second?"

Nicole said with a smile: "The second is of course mom, the first ..."

Nicole grimaced: "I won't tell you."

"You girl ..."

"I'm going to report the good news to Betty, Gillian and Elijah!"

Nicole ran out of the house and couldn't wait to share his good news with other friends.

This kind of thing is happening in various families in Ellington at the same time, the problems encountered by the admissions staff are similar. It is nothing more than worrying that the children will go to school to reduce the labor force at home, and never heard of school. So things are very worrying, but in the end, those admissions personnel who have been carefully trained by Tang En to deal with various situations have taken down these difficulties.

Enrollment work is proceeding smoothly.

On the other side, Yalinks, the Cathedral of Light, and Pope Jessolini XXIII have received the feedback from Illy. He prayed under the idol for a day and a night, and finally made up his mind.

"Notify Lyon that from now on, the Templars are in combat readiness."

The pope said to the sacrifice next to him: "At the same time, inform the church clerics, monks, and combatants of all places and search the whereabouts of the dark snake. If there is any news, report immediately."

"From today on, the First and Second Knights will patrol in Yalinks, pay close attention to the breath of dark power, and if you find any, don't act lightly, notify me immediately."

"Additionally tell them that the war against the cultists has begun."

The Pope's order was immediately transmitted to the churches of the Holy See through special channels. At almost the same time, the entire human kingdom found that the Holy See had entered a very sensitive period.

"The great Jabilni ... hope that the evil dark forces will be exposed to the light as soon as possible ..."

The Pope looked at the direction of the palace castle, held the shining ring symbolizing the Holy See, and exuded a soft light in his hands, bringing warmth to the people around him.

After receiving feedback from Illuli, he had fully believed in what Tang En posted, so he decided to cooperate with Ellington's work.

In the face of dark forces, the Holy See ’s divine magic has a natural advantage, so they must join it in this war. More importantly, after the war, it will soothe the hearts of the people. In this respect, the king ’s power is never better than the divine power. The power of faith is very powerful.

Palace castle, throne room.

"Your Majesty Gillard has received the exact news that General Marshall and that 10,000 black armored troops have been completely destroyed ... they have not even been able to break through the gates of Fort Casparmi."

On the throne, Girard, who heard the report, was sinking in water. He stared coldly at the intelligence officer below: "Ellington, how many people were sent?"

"According to the eyeliner report, 4,000 people, Your Majesty, a whole army of 4,000 Apocalypse."

"Four thousand people ... that's four thousand apocalypse ..."

Gillard smirked angrily: "A whole 4,000 people appeared silently and silently from Fort Casparmi in Ellington, and they also wiped out 10,000 of my Black Armor, and even General Marshall died. There-then, my intelligence officer, can you tell me how did Tang En do this? "

The intelligence officer, who had completely lost his normal reason, shrank, but didn't have any sense of fear. He said calmly, "Sorry, Your Majesty, we don't have any in this regard--"

A gleam of light flashed, and a bang, the intelligence officer's body became a pile of minced meat.

"I don't need waste ... come."

Girard said coldly, "I need someone to figure out how Down got the 4,000 soldiers to Fort Kasparmi silently!"

"Leave it to me, Your Majesty."

The one who stood out was Frank!