Things from Another World

Chapter 518: I want to fly higher ~ (for a monthly pa

Although it is necessary to design two wind-powered magic energy engines for two motorcycles, this magic energy engine is originally a magic modification technology, and the requirements for materials and processing technology are not high, so the difficulty is not great. Don't care.

The main change is the rotor-a floor-mounted motorcycle must use a rotor to drive the tires, while a floating motorcycle must use a downward-fired engine.

This is not a problem.

Tang En shrugged, pointing to a floating motorcycle with seven or eight buttons crooked in the air. "The real problem is how to maintain balance in the air. I considered for a long time that adding a wing propeller would destroy the beauty. Think about it. I still think it is better to use your gyroscope technology, but this requires you to provide the gyroscope and provide the corresponding technology. I do n’t have that technology. "

Seeing that Tang En easily designed two new wind-powered magic engines, and even made two prototypes in less than one afternoon, Croto was already amazed. In the process, He also learned a lot of fresh and practical design concepts. If integrated into gnome engineering, he can go a step further.

After hearing Down's request, Croto agreed quickly: "No problem at all, we have already mastered the gyroscope balance technology, as long as we design a solution for this motorcycle, but the automatic adjustment device must be connected with Combining the magic input of the magic array, you still have to solve this technical difficulty. "

The gyro self-balancing device is a very common device in pygmy engineering, and the related technology has also been perfected, which can completely solve the needs of Tang En.

However, the balance adjustment of this floating motorcycle still needs to be achieved through the power of magic. The principle is very simple. The gyro self-balancing device detects the tilt angle while giving feedback adjustment, and then quantifies the detected data. Act on the magic array, adjust the bottom and side jet power to achieve the balance of the motorcycle.

It's more troublesome to make it in detail. Croto immediately got busy, but Tang En was busy now.

Two prototypes have been designed. He has even tested a floor-mounted motorcycle. The current performance has made Tang En very satisfied. As for the durability, it will not be considered for the time being. After all, the machining accuracy is placed there, the rotor and the chain. , Bearing wear is inevitable.

Recalling the production process of a fallen motorcycle, Tang En was sure that this motorcycle could be mass-produced, but now this motorcycle is still a bit defective.

There is no perfect damping device.

Considering the road conditions other than asphalt roads, good shock absorption methods are indispensable. Spring Ellington is capable of producing, but telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers are okay. Tang En knew there was such a thing, but he made Not coming out-he doesn't understand what's going on inside.

But this is not a big problem, because there are telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers in gnome engineering, which Tang En has seen on their steam combat tanks.

Tang En said: "Cluoto, in addition to the gyroscope, by the way help me get some telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers, floor-mounted motorcycles need suspension damping devices."

"Come on."

Klotto snapped his fingers, and the group of assistants outside the door swarmed in: "Go back and get a few sets of gyro self-balancing devices and telescopic hydraulic shock absorbers. Large, medium and small models are required."

The assistants fled.

Before Croto's design was finished, the assistants had already picked up the things and returned, so Tang En joined them, and the two discussed and improved the design.

What I have to say is that despite the era of a great destruction, the gnome technology is still there, and Klotto ’s knowledge reserve far exceeds that of Dunn. Many key issues are pointed out by Klotto. In front of the siege master, Tang En can only give inspiration and general direction.

It is precisely that Clotto lacks inspiration and direction, and the cooperation between the two is very close.

At the beginning of the lantern, soft street lamps were already lit on the streets of Ellington, while Clotto and Down were still busy in the research room. They have completed the final design plan and are now doing the final step-assembly A good prototype is dismantled and rebuilt, and then reinstalled according to the design drawing.

In this process, Tang En dismantled a hydraulic rod and gyroscope and studied it. He roughly understood the internal structure and principle, and also successfully copied it through alchemy. The fine adjustment of the parts was finally achieved through alchemy of.


After assembling the two motorcycles, Croto and Down were relieved and looked at the two ugly prototypes in front of them. They were like looking at the most beautiful women. Eyes shine.

Klotto couldn't help but say, "It's so beautiful! They are the perfect masterpiece of science and magic!"

The core technology of the two motorcycles uses the power of magic, but the perfection of the details is based on the gnome technology, which is exactly the crystal of science and magic.

Croto rubbed his hands: "I can't wait to try it."

Tang En smiled bitterly at the moment: "That ... these two motorcycles are designed according to the shape of human beings. It might be awkward to sit on them."

"Can't control that much!"

Croto doesn't care so much, he can't reach his feet. He just wants to try these two new products.

"Then you'd better fly in the air."

Tan suggested that since the floating flying motorcycle is self-balancing, Croto can stand on the seat.

As soon as his words fell, Croto jumped up and started the magic engine.

Gently twisting the handle, a sound of air flow sounded, and the flying motorcycle floated slowly, and Croto felt good standing on it.

"The gyro self-balancing device works fine and is very stable!"

Clotto screamed excitedly, his voice attracted the researchers who worked overtime next door, and the technical team led by Nokia saw Clotto actually flying a small aircraft, and they were all excited. stand up.

Small personal aircraft is a very difficult technical problem, and there is no corresponding solution in gnome engineering. After all, the energy is proportional to the driving force. The longer the floating time, the larger the load, the more energy required, and the power. The larger the source, this is an unsolvable problem.

But now Don and Master Croto have solved it!

"Let's go and try it out."

Tang En straddled the motorcycle and twisted the handle gently, and the motorcycle drove out.

Unlike the internal combustion engine, the sound of the improved wind-powered magic engine is not loud. The rotor is driven by the wind, and it will not generate high temperature except for friction. Naturally, there will be no related problems.

Although the engine sound is a man's romance, if the street is full of engine sounds, it will become noise pollution, or if it is used on the battlefield, this sound will expose its position, which is very bad, and now it is so low The buzz is less than forty centimeters, which is lower than the normal voice of a person, and can basically be ignored.

This is the only disadvantage, and it is also an advantage.

Croto followed behind Dunn, floating high and low-the pedals under the feet of the flying motorcycle controlled the height, but unfortunately his height could only stand on the seat to control the speed, which made him very dissatisfied.

Croto screamed, "Nokia! I need your help! Come up!"

Nokia jumped up without any hesitation. The flying motorcycle only sank slightly, and then returned to its original height.

After precise calculation and testing, the number of floating stones used on this flying motorcycle and the buoyancy provided by the magic energy engine can carry a normal flight with a weight of not more than 200 kilograms. If 300 kilograms is consumed, the consumption will increase greatly, and the maximum altitude It will drop a lot. If it exceeds 400 kilograms, the flying motorcycle will only be able to rub on the ground.

Because the material is a universal alloy, the load of a floor-mounted motorcycle is better, and 300 kilograms can be used normally, but if it exceeds 400 kilograms, it will cause a huge burden on suspension and shock absorption, and the loss will be If it exceeds 500 kilograms, the current tire will not be able to bear it. It is necessary to improve the tire processing technology to produce special tires.

But this carrying capacity is enough. Now, Prandall, a soldier wearing a full-cover armor and wearing a weapon will not weigh more than 300 kilograms in total, that is, if these two motorcycles are mass produced, Ellington can form a fully armed rapid reaction force, and its response speed and movement speed will far exceed the current cavalry.

"Step on the right pedal! I want to fly higher! Fly higher!"

Clotto flew up into the sky and yelled enthusiastically. Nokia, who was squatting under his feet, immediately stepped on the right pedal. The power of the magic engine suddenly increased, and the flying motor buzzed and rushed into the night sky. Disappeared.

Tang En looked at the night sky, blinked, and his expression was a little weird: "Speaking of which, it seems that it is easy to go wrong if the maximum height is not restricted by this meat-in-flight flying motorcycle ... In addition, an emergency survival device must be provided ... parachute?"

I was so excited just now that I completely forgot this stubble. This is a design mistake.

Limitation of flying height needs to be controlled by an altimeter or barometer. Clotto who can make the Skybreaker must have the corresponding technology. Looking back, they must find a way to install it. As for the parachute, Tang En gave up after considering it.

The second-order spell floating spell is not a complicated spell. It can be made into consumables for emergency stimulation, such as magic scrolls or magic crystals. The cost is not too high.

Tang En is thinking about perfecting the design of the two motorcycles in his mind, while feeling the exercise of the motorcycle under him.

It can be said that the performance was surprising and unexpected.