Things from Another World

Chapter 595: Salted fish must have the awareness of s

As I said before, the gnome and the goblin are the native races of Prendall, and they still follow the technological route. Unfortunately, the goblins finally took off, and the mushrooms exploded and split the main land of Prendall. This area was flooded by the endless sea water, and finally formed a huge inland sea. This is the origin of the abyss sea.

The Raging Murloc is an underwater race living in the sea of ​​the abyss. They and Naga are the people created by the goddess of water, Anita Lair, and both are members of order.

But compared with Naga, who maintains a neutral attitude, the relationship between Turtlemen and humans is obviously much colder.

Because humans once had a war with the Turtlemen, the reason is that human routes crossed the territory of the Turtlemen, destroying their living environment.

Although the final result was that humans were forced to change their course, the relationship between the Fury and the humans fell below the freezing point, and the two races never died.

Of course, the main living environment of the Turtle Murloc and Naga is underwater. There is not much intersection between them and human beings. There is a neighbor who does not meet often. Does it matter whether the relationship is good or not?

It's just ... Now how does the Murloc come to Paganis? It's thousands of kilometers away from the abyss!

Although the Rhône River is very spacious, it is a freshwater river!

Ask, what happens to most marine organisms when they run into freshwater environments?

Answer, they will die terribly.

the reason? What do you want a salted fish to run into fresh water? ?

But the raging mermaid ran over!

Not only did he come here, he actually hit Paganis!

What the heck is this special? ?

When Tang En was playing the game, he had dealt with the Turtle Murloc. The weapons made by the Turtle Murloc were still very good choices in the mid-term, and they could even compete with those produced by Dwarves.

Although the relationship between Fury Murloc and humans is hostile, as long as Naga ’s reputation is brushed up to worship, then through Naga ’s mission, you can receive some diplomatic missions to raise the Fury ’s reputation to friendly. You can freely enter and leave the city of the Fury Murder to do the task.

He was very clear about the situation of the raging mermaids. Although they were hostile to humans, they would not attack humans at will.

But how can this situation be explained now?

Not only did they attack humans, but they also ran thousands of miles and ran into the Danshui River to attack. Could anyone in Paganis have offended the Fury Murder?

No, it's impossible. Humans have no chance now even if they want to offend the Fury.

[Nasty smell. 】

At this moment Nora yawned, rubbed her eyes and climbed up listlessly: "What are you doing, Tang En? 】

Nora? Correct! Nora!

Tang En's heart moved: [What did you smell? 】

Nora said indifferently: "The smell of chaos, what else? 】

Chaos smell! ?

Tang En was shocked: [This raging mermaid is polluted by chaos! ? 】

Nora peered out of Tang En's pocket and said casually, "Isn't this obvious? The scales of the Turtle Murloc are red. 】

Tang En drew a corner of his mouth. Although he noticed that the scales of the Turtle Murloc were not the right color, he did not think about it. In addition, it has been a few days since the death of the corpse, and the chaos was very weak. This kind of sensitive leprechaun is not noticeable by most people.

Didn't even notice that Igwin and Grantia didn't notice it.

Knowing that this raging fisherman was polluted by chaos, Tang En immediately became serious. No matter what, once it was involved with chaos, nothing good would happen.

Obviously, these trolls attacking Paganis are polluted by chaos. The reason why they came here is unknown.

Gust stared at Tang En carefully: "Your Majesty?"

"This is the Fury Murloc."

"Raging Murloc?"

Gustav was surprised: "Is that the legendary race living in the abyss?"

Both Aegwynn and Grantia felt a little demobilized. How long has it elapsed before the Raging Murloc disconnected from humanity, and it has become a legendary race?

Perhaps this is the sadness of short-lived species.

Tang En took a breath, his eyes sharpened a lot: "But he is not a normal Fury fisherman, he is polluted by chaos. I think that those Fury fishmen who attacked Paganis must also be polluted."

"Chaos pollution!"

Gust breathed in the air, but he heard it plainly, and then he was anxious: "Your Majesty, what shall we do !?"

Tang En groaned for a moment, and asked, "How many Murlocs attacked Paganis? No need to be specific, give me an approximate figure."

Gust was not quite sure: "About one thousand to two thousand."

One thousand to two thousand! ? Good guy!

Tang En was surprised again. This is not a small number. If such a large number of rage fishmen flow up from the Rhône River, the river transportation along the way will definitely be affected. They will not be restrained by the chaos pollution Destroying desire, I am afraid that many people along the way have suffered.

Tang En's guess is completely correct. In recent days, the merchants who are engaged in water transport along the Rhône River have almost lost money. More than 90% of the businessmen have died in the attack of the raging murloc. The surging Murloc attack survived.

He only took more than a hundred people with him this time. It would not work if he and Kou Taoyuren were face to face, but it was easy to get support. He could return to Ellington at any time to bring the big troops, but the most important thing was The question is, how to fight them?

The raging mermaids do not go ashore easily, and they will exert their maximum combat power in the water.

But the Ellington Guards were just the opposite. They didn't get into the water easily, not to mention any underwater combat.

One on the ground and one in the water, even if they are evenly matched, they can only stare at each other, helpless.

Olina seemed to see what happened to Tang En, and she whispered, "Dear, those special warheads you produced ..."

Tang En's eyes brightened, and he clapped his hands suddenly, "Yeah! How to forget this!"

Special warheads are not the same as missiles on the earth. This stuff is inspired by magic. It is not afraid of water at all. It can exert a powerful power even in water.

Frost One can freeze the water flow and restrict the action of the raging Murloc, and even better, Earth One can turn all those guys into strings!

Against aquatic life, these two are the perfect combination!

"Just do it!"

As soon as Tang En clapped his hands, he said, "Let Depp prepare them, Danny, they will investigate the enemy's situation, and I will go back and get the equipment."

Once planned, act immediately. After Tang En's order, Depp and they immediately entered into a combat state. Unfortunately, the target this time was underwater enemies, leaving their itchy chainsaw swords without room to play.

The Ranger group has entered Paganis under the leadership of Danny. After applying the blessing of the wind, they move quickly between the houses and observe the enemy situation below from the air.

I do n’t know, I was shocked at first glance.

Now the entire Paganis has been completely occupied by the Turtlemen.

Some Fury Murlocs have even climbed up into the water and smashed into Paganis's buildings to wreak havoc.

"I'm a good boy ..."

Danny casually said something in the novel as a surprise: "I didn't expect to encounter this kind of thing when I traveled."

"It's more than a thousand or two thousand."

Another ranger smashed his mouth, and the hand holding the long bow was a little itchy: "At least it is tens of thousands."

The area of ​​Paganis is not small. Although the terrain here is plain, the Rhône River has never been flooded. The river has been wide for thousands of kilometers. Paganis is located above the Rhône River, and Covering a long section of river, now there are a lot of savage fishers in this branch, plus swimming in the water, it is not an exaggeration to say tens of thousands.

After Down came back, Danny and they came back to report the situation.

"Ten thousand? Okay."

Tang En didn't care. Regardless of the quantity, as long as they were in the water, they were fish that could be slaughtered by anyone. This time, he evacuated all the special warheads produced by the Datang Army Factory during this time, even the launchers. Here, more than a hundred people have no problem at all.

But there is no need to do that. After all, someone needs to move the ammunition.

"Come in line to pick up the equipment, and Ice One and Earth One will work together."

Down released both the launcher and the ammunition, and the members of the guard immediately got excited to collect the equipment.

They have been watching RPG for a long time, and this time they can finally enjoy the addiction.

Gustrow stared at the uniformed Ellington Guard operation. He had never seen such a disciplined team before. Even the cavalry, known as the Empire's elite, could not do so uniformly.


Just by seeing their movements, Gust was pretty sure they were absolutely elite!

"Don, what is this ..."

Aigwin stared a little at the iron barrel and the iron golem on the ground.

Grantia hurriedly explained, "Master Aegwynn, these are the weapons he has developed to deal with chaotic creatures."

"Tackling chaotic creatures?"

Aegwynn's eyes lighted up, and she decided to take a closer look. If this thing really worked for the chaotic creatures, she would persuade Queen Isary to prepare some for the elves.

If Down is aware of Aegwin's thoughts, he will surely feel awkward.

Think about the situation of slender elf girls wearing tight leather armor or commoner clothing launching missiles against RPG one by one ...

The picture was so beautiful that he couldn't imagine it!

After all the equipment was completed, Tang En smiled at them with a smile on his face and said, "Now, let us take a vivid lesson to these salted fishes, so that they understand that land is very dangerous. Being a salted fish There must be the awareness of salted fish, and you must not run around. "


"Now, the whole is scattered. The five-member squad operates in groups. The three attack. The two are responsible for moving ammunition. The duties can be rotated!"

With a big wave of Tang En, the Ellington's guard of more than a hundred people immediately turned to zero and quickly penetrated into Paganis.