Things from Another World

Chapter 615: What are you doing?

Angus frowned slightly, and the thing he hated most was being disturbed while he was researching things.

Before Cody finished speaking, Angus interrupted him: "No."

See what I see, definitely Cody's business partners, want to take the opportunity to connect with themselves, want to get something good from themselves.

Angus was too lazy to deal with those people.

The smile on Cody's face froze. Before he came here, he patted his chest to ensure that Tang En could see Angus. How could he think that Angus refused even after listening?

What made him face Down?

Without waiting for Cody to explain, as soon as Angus waved, Cody was pushed out by the mage's hand, and the door closed with a slap.

"No? Didn't you tell him clearly?"

When Cody returned, he explained the situation. Down was very surprised. Could Angus be so conceited? Knowing that the Iron Sword, the Magic Pistol, and Harley-Davidson are all made by themselves?

Cody said helplessly: "No, he kicked me out without waiting for my explanation."

Tang En thought for a moment and asked, "What was he doing when you saw him?"

"He has completely dismantled your Harley-Davidson motorcycle and is working on it."

Just researching.

Tang En smiled inexplicably, handed out a piece of paper, and said lightly: "Give him this paper and tell him to go to the Datang Chamber of Commerce if you want to see me."

Cody took the paper, glanced, and was curious.

Some inexplicable pictures and runes were drawn on that paper, which seemed to be a magic circle.

"Sir, this picture is ..."

"He understands. Just give it to him."

When Tang En finished, he left with the others.

Cody waited all night at the door of Angus, and the next day when he hit three shots, Angus opened the door with a look of depression. A lethargic Cody's fierce agitation, holding his hand in his arms The paper was handed to Angus: "Master, this is your message from Her Majesty!"

"His Majesty?"

Angus frowned slightly. As a legendary magician, he had no place to stay, it was impossible for him to bow to his knees, and it was impossible for him to obey orders. Therefore, when Cody said this, he was not interested: "Throw it, don't bother me."

"But," Cody said sharply, "His Majesty Tang is the maker of Harley-Davidson! This is the message he left to you! He said you must understand after reading it!"

His Majesty Tang En? Who is that?

Angus suddenly opened his eyes: "The maker of Harley-Davidson !?"

"Yes, he said that you will definitely go to him after reading it-"

Before Cody had finished speaking, Angus had taken the paper in his hand, stared at it with his eyes widened, and only swept it up, Angus immediately understood that this was a compound magic circle, of which The effect is to adjust the strength of the magic array by controlling the input power of the magic power.

Then Angus immediately understood the purpose of this magic array. He rushed back to the room like a lightning, pulled out the magic engine in a pile of parts, stared at the magic array above for a long time, and his face gradually showed ecstasy. Smile.

"Haha! That's it! I know what's missing here! He's hiding the most critical places! What a good idea!"

Cody's face was inexplicable, and he didn't know what Angus had found. The next moment Angus appeared in front of him.

"Where is Tang En? I want to see him!"

Cody muttered with a little complaining: "Your Majesty Tang En wanted to see you last night, but you disappeared ..."

Angus' ear-tips heard a real one, and his face flushed and embarrassed.

People came to see you last night, but you did n’t see it. Now you have to take the initiative to run to your door to find him. Isn't that cheap?

Angus concealed his embarrassment: "I was drunk to study Harley-Davidson last night. Where can I tell if he is here, or to blame you, why don't you tell me clearly?"

Cody wants to cry without tears, to make it clear? You also have to give me a clear chance!

"Before I say you--"

"Less nonsense!"

Angus angered and said, "Where should I find him? He must tell you! Don't delay my precious time!"

"Datang Chamber of Commerce!"

Cody said quickly: "Get out of here and walk south along the Esplanade, you will soon see it, very obvious!"

As soon as Cody's voice fell, Angus had disappeared from his eyes.

At the Datang Chamber of Commerce, Tang En just got up and heard the news of Angus's visit. After getting dressed under Olena's service, Tang En walked to the conference room.

The anxious Angus had been waiting here for a long time.

"You are the president of the Datang Chamber of Commerce, the new king of the Illus Empire, Tang En?"

Angus raised an eyebrow. This Down was a little too young.

At this age, he has just been promoted to gold, and alchemy has only just begun.

"That's right, it's me, the hand of Angus Schwal Miracle. I've heard of it for a long time."

Tang En smiled and made a pleased gesture. After Angus sat down, he took out the teapot and poured two cups of tea for each of them: "A cup of coarse tea, talk about your heart."

Originally, Angus didn't care, but when he smelled the rich tea fragrance, he couldn't help but take a cup of tea and took a sip. Then he was shocked by the surging force of life in it, exclaimed exclaimed: The leaves of the tree !? "

The tea made from the leaves of the world tree, even if he only enjoyed it once after the victory of the Chaos Invasion War. Since then, he has never seen this kind of thing at all, showing how precious it is.

This Tang En has such a rare treasure, what is his relationship with the Elves?

Angus suddenly looked at Tang En with a look of anxiety: "You created the improved magic formation on that piece of paper?"


"Are you an alchemist?"


"Hare motorcycle, iron sword, magic pistol you created?"

"That's right."

"What do you have to do with the elves?"


Tang En almost blurted out, and turned back abruptly, looking at Angus in disbelief: "You lie to me !?"

It's always been his routine to others, but how could I have thought that today was almost an Angus routine, this old bastard, too sinister!

This little bastard! The response is so fast!

Angus snorted and said angrily: "If it's inconvenient to say, anyway, I--"

The voice stopped abruptly, Angus's eyes widened, his face was filled with incredible and ecstatic, it seemed that he couldn't believe what he saw in his eyes.

Down turned to look at it, it turned out that it was Aegwynn and Grantia who came up after getting up.

"Don! When do I have breakfast, I'm a bit hungry!"

Grantia wasn't very polite to Tang En. Although the goods were the boss, it wasn't pleasant to say. He was also a foe. Of course, he didn't need to be polite to the foe.

"Grantia, don't be so fierce."

Aegwynn whispered softly, and then he narrowed his blond hair slightly, and showed a gentle smile to Angus: "Angus, it's been a long time since I saw you, and I'm glad to see you still so healthy."

"Ai, Aegwin! It really is you!"

Angus rose horribly, flushed with excitement, and looked helpless as if the young man who had just opened his heart saw the goddess of dreams.

Lying down! ?

Tang En was dumbfounded. This was the case with Jean and Angus. So these two guys had a crush on Eggwin! ?

Turning his head to look at Aegwin, Tang En's mood calmed down instantly, yes, just a smile makes people feel like a spring breeze, Aegwin is such a woman who is full of unspeakable charm, She can always conquer others unintentionally.

"I saw Jean a while back, and he said you were unpredictable. I didn't expect to see you so soon."

When I saw my old friend who was fighting together, Aigwin was also very happy. I sat down beside Tang En subconsciously, and then pinched Tang En's collar helplessly: "You are too careless, the collar is not ready. . "

After arranging Tang's collar, Iger Wen picked up his cup and drank tea.

Angus' eyes almost popped out of his eyes.

Lying down! ? What i see! ? Igwin actually helped that Down En collar? And also share a cup! ?

Eggwin didn't even care about it! ?

This is not magic at all!

Although Aegwynn is a very easy-going elf, her comrades who fought alongside her were very clear. She is a very traditional elf. To put it bluntly, it is difficult to be friends. If there is no opportunity, it will take a long time. Enough for humans to turn from a newborn child into a pile of dead bones.

It is also because of the differences in lifespan and time concept between elves and humans that it is often not long before they know a human friend and they will see each other's aging and death. Therefore, Prandall's elves are very unwilling to be too much involved with humans.

Both Gene and Angus had a crush on Eggwin. It took them decades of fighting together to become friends of Eggwin, but until the end of the war, no one could go any further.

I did not expect to be picked by outsiders in the end!

Angus's jealous eyes were red: "Aigwin, what do you have to do with this boy?"

"what relationship?"

Aigwin froze and said casually, "He is my husband."

Husband? What the **** is that?

Angus frowned, for unknown reasons.

This **** is embarrassing!

Tang En blushed old and never thought that Aigwin still remembered what happened there. He wanted to take advantage of Aegwynn at first, but now she was brought up by her and felt ashamed.

Aigwin explained with patience: "My husband is a very good friend. It is a name in Tang En's hometown."

That's it!

Angus is sore in heart, very good friend too!


Grantia sighed next to me, this **** never wants to be my husband!