Things from Another World

Chapter 717: What if my wife's ex-husband is resurrec

The complex golden runes surround Tang En's body. From the lower level, the space around him is distorted due to the power of those golden runes.

As the space collapsed deeper, a strange wave enveloped the entire half-plane space, as if the heavy body suddenly broke the shackles.

That's because Nora reversely cracked Niss Clair's encryption of this half-plane space, stripping the entire space from the void.

At this moment, this space is like a small sampan plate in the ocean, floating in a quantum soup in the void. Which universe this space will be connected to, and which space will be connected with it, are full of uncertain factors.

Tang En even saw the fleeting urban scene in that distorted space-the familiar architectural style is very similar to the earth-but was quickly replaced by other fast flashing scenes.

Strictly speaking, this space is like a ship that constantly crosses the world at this moment. Now they are in the process of crossing. As Nora adjusts the frequency of the space, this space is constantly adapting to Prandall. When the frequencies of both sides match, this space will be re-anchored (pasted) to the original position by Nora.

This process obviously puts great pressure on Plantar's already fragile world barrier (or world wall), but Tang En has no choice. The technology of artificial soul is very important. People of Einzbelen must You have to get it.

"I hope there will be no more Loulou ..."

Tang En wiped the cold sweat on his forehead. Niss Claire has emphasized many times before that the impact on the world barrier will make this world more fragile and the chaos invasion here will be easier. Therefore, the cross-world transmission means can be used without this time He broke the agreement.

If a more dangerous crisis of chaos arises from this, it will be hard to blame.

With Nora's rapid adjustment, Tang En found that the picture of the distorted space became more and more stable, and at this time he could even see the Los Somma mountains soaring into the clouds.

And the members of Einzbelen below saw the Los Soma Mountains appearing in the sky, and they were all excited, even with rich emotions, and they fell on their knees and wept.

too long!

Although the millennium is nothing to the elves, for humans, the imprisonment for nearly a thousand years is too long!

For a long time, they almost have to forget what the scenery of their hometown looks like. A small number of newborns were born after being imprisoned. They later turned into puppets, so they solved the problems of life and inheritance. In their memory, In the world, the sky of the world is so gray and uncolored. For the so-called blue sky, white clouds, high mountains and green water recorded in the literature ... they have no concept at all.

Some of the younger generation born here, after seeing the towering mountains, were breathless and scared, covering their chests and eyes.

That visual impact is too strong for them.

"Losoma Mountains ..."

Yustissa looked at the snowy mountain and murmured to herself: "At the end of the world, Einzbelen's natural barrier finally saw it again ..."

After Lijie Litte was silent for a moment, she said lightly: "The millennium has passed, but the Losoma Mountains have not changed at all."

Sierra nodded: "For it, maybe ten thousand years is just a snap."

[OK! 】

Nora finally stopped the adjustment work. The entire half-plane space has been completely adjusted. The half-plane and Prendall merged together, but the place that should have been in the jungle was exchanged by Nora and thrown back in. Into the void.

【awesome! 】

Tang En sincerely sighed. As a new modernist youth born on the earth who believes in great scientific theology, he knows how difficult it is for those scientists to cut and distort space. It's just a conceptual design, but here, this humble little guy can easily do this incredible thing ...

Sure enough, the common sense of each world cannot be compared together.

Nora proudly said with her arms folded: "Of course! Tell me how you thank me! I want lollipop! I want toffee! I want I want me more! 】

[Okay, I'll promise you back. 】

After Tang En promised, he fell to the ground again. As soon as he stood firm, he crackled and fell on the square.

He stumbled directly.

"Please don't decline, this is what you deserve."

Yustisa also kneeled in front of Tang En: "Father took them on a wrong path, and the gods deserved our punishment, but today you released us on behalf of the gods and gave us some freedom and let us Release from captivity, and that's what you deserve. "

To be honest, as a stranger, Tang En really has a hard time understanding this world where there is the faith of the true God, because there are too many things that are illogical and even counterintuitive.

After being imprisoned, instead of hating those gods, he would directly reflect on his own fault?

Oh my god, this is just a good example of five good young people in the new era!

What will happen if we stay on earth? I made a mistake, you caught me, I have a chance not to kill you, I and your last name!

That's right, that's the difference between the two worlds.

After thinking about it, Tang Ensi only reached one conclusion in the end. It is often said that morals control others and that faith constrains themselves. The more devout a believer, the more standardized his behavior.

The gods and religions on the earth are just a concept. Of course, those fictitious gods that have never been proven are not binding on believers.

But Prandall's gods and religions are different. There are real deities, real miracles and deities, real words and expressions follow, and in a world where there is a true god, the binding force of faith will be stronger than ever.

So when God personally punishes them, they will understand that they have really made a mistake, and they will begin to reflect on their mistakes, and finally acknowledge their mistakes, correct them and correct themselves.

Tang En feels that the gods of this world are like kindergarten nanny.

Dunn and Yustisa walked out of the castle, and came to the shore of the frozen lake to talk about the sky while spreading out: "Now Prendall is in the middle of the jubilant moon (June). In summer, daylight is long and you can use this time to readjust to life here. "

"Please be assured, I don't think we can adapt."

Yusita smiled and squeezed a snowball and threw it into the lake: "After all, our bodies have become alchemy figures, and they are much more adaptable than humans."

"Alchemy Doll?"

Tang En looked at Yu Stisa a little queerly, and to be honest, he hadn't seen from her and Ye Ye who looked like a doll.

"what happened?"

Yusita looked at Dunn a little narrowly: "Do you want to learn more about me?"

"No, I just can't see the difference between you and normal people."

"Of course, there is no aging, no tiredness, as long as it can be repaired as soon as it dies. If you really want to say it, it's just that the internal structure has changed, and the principle that drives the vitality of the body has also changed."

Yustissa carefully considered the words, saying: "Hohenheim's human body is very wonderfully refined. When combined with our artificial soul technology, we can create alchemy dolls like real people. When the doll's soul is replaced by real people, When it comes to the soul, it is basically the same as the person who has changed his body and resurrected it. Of course, it becomes. The biggest change after the doll is the need to eat into the need for magic. "

Yusita pointed to her throat: "It doesn't feel good to swallow the magic crystal."

Tang En said with a strange face: "I thought you would open a lid on your body and put the magic crystal in it."

"how is this possible."

Yusita laughed out of laughter: "Although we are now puppet bodies, after all, human refining is used. Except for the principle of maintaining vitality, we are no different from normal people."

"That is, do you really get eternal life from another angle?"

"Eternal life? That is impossible. Even the gods dare not say that they have eternal life."

Yusitsa shook her head: "The people in Hohenheim are so stupid ... we just got a long life, not even as much as the Elven clan. After all, the human soul is very weak, the longer the time, The soul becomes weaker and weaker, and eventually loses self and becomes a real puppet. "

Tang En smiled helplessly: "Perhaps you are right, but for those who are about to age and die, let alone extend the life of the millennium, even if it is extended for a few years or more, they will Do anything, don't underestimate human ambitions and desires. "

"Perhaps you are right, we should be alert to this."

Yustysa nodded: "The tragedy of Hohenheim can no longer happen, this technology needs to be sealed."

"No, you understand it wrong. Although this technology cannot be made public, some of the information can still be used, such as the technical solution for the fusion control of human souls and artificial puppets."

Tang En's eyes became a little weird, because he thought of those spirits who are now busy in the Hall of Spirits.

He can use this technology to build some consumable bodies for those spirits to fight, so even if the bodies are destroyed, their soul bodies can continue to return to the Spirit Hall to prepare for the next battle.

It is even possible to directly build some pure war machines, or explode the sheep or something, and let the heroes control the rush to the enemy's Alajuakba.

Immediately after Tang En thought of an unsolvable problem.

If they regain their bodies and come to this world, it means that Victor can see Olena again. How can this be broken?

What if my wife's ex-husband is resurrected by the current husband?

Waiting online, it's urgent.