This Doctor is Dangerous

Chapter 271: Break into the enemy!

Latest URL: "Wow!"

In a swift river.

Three heads popped out.

A short thin man said in a low voice excitedly: "It's out! Boss, it's really out!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The man in black was also a little happy: "Speak down, wait until you leave here!"

He gave the short man a look.

Instantly understand!

Suddenly, the two hurriedly swam towards the distance.

And above the high wall at this time.

A group of people stared at the heads of the three, thoughtfully.

"Boss, are you sure you won't kill those two?"

"Yes, I found it with great difficulty."

Ying Hongxuan shook his head: "No, maybe Xu Changsheng has his own plans!"

"What if Xu Changsheng is also a man of illusion?" a person asked worriedly.

Ying Hongxuan was taken aback, smiled and said, "Don't worry about this matter!"

If Xu Changsheng is a person of fantasy world.

Ha ha……

How many people are not in Jinshi?

The lives of more than 10,000 people in this military area were saved by Xu Changsheng, and I haven't thanked him until now.

Moreover, his breakthrough is inseparable from Xu Changsheng's help!

And Hu Chuanbang and Li Cangyue... They must be inextricably related to Xu Changsheng.

the most important is!

Isn't "Kai Tian" made by Xu Changsheng?

All of this, everyone declared how important Xu Changsheng is to mankind.

Now, Xu Changsheng was in the sight of Lieyang City Mr. Li, and it was not disturbed.

Could it be...

He now has a new mission?

Thinking of this, Ying Hongxuan squinted his eyes, staring thoughtfully at Xu Changsheng and leaving with two divine envoys.

More certain in my heart: This must be a task!

It must be so!

He said in a deep voice, "No one must divulge this matter!"

"Leakers should be dealt with in accordance with the safety of Jinshi!"

After hearing the sound, everyone nodded solemnly: "Yes!"



The rushing river is a thousand meters wide.

Ordinary people cannot cross the river at all.

The three of them finally got to the other side after a lot of effort.

Xu Chang panted out of anger, unable to take a break, dragged the two of them and ran into the depths of the jungle.

It's not safe here!

The two at this time were also a bit exhausted.

After running around all night, no one spoke at all.

However, the two tall and short people obviously no longer put Xu Changsheng in their eyes.

After five o'clock in the morning, the sky gradually turned white.

They had already left Jinshi for fifty kilometers at this time!

During this night's rush, no one used divine power, and the body was a little overwhelmed.

"All right!"

"I have to go back."

Xu Changsheng looked at the two of them: "Give me the reward."

The short man is not fierce this time.

Killing a person in such a wilderness is like pinching an ant to death.

But the tall man laughed when he heard the sound: "Good talk! Good talk!"

After finishing speaking, he actually took out fifty beads and the last Titan map: "Here, brother!"

This surprised Xu Changsheng a little!

Even, some are not used to it!

Didn't expect the two to cooperate so well?

"Okay, thank you boss!"

Xu Changsheng suddenly appeared flattering.

"Boss, let me tell you, although my strength is not good, but... in this Jin City, no one is more familiar with the environment than me!"

"Speaking of not bragging, don't talk about the two of you, even with a thousand envoys, I can take you away!"

"You know, Jin City's urban defense system was built by my ancestors."

"And I, grew up in Jinshi since I was a child, and I know everything here!"

"Boss, if you have this kind of job in the future, don't forget me, hey, there is no one in Jinshi, who knows illusion better than me."

"I'm leaving!"

Putting things away, Xu Changsheng deliberately said this and left.

But the man in black shrinks his pupils slightly.

to be honest!

At this moment, he was already ready to wink at his second child and start killing.


Xu Changsheng's words made him excited instantly.

A thousand gods can come out of Jinshi without knowing it.

Is this skill?


They have a deep understanding this time!

This is of great use to the city lord's plan.

Thinking of this, the tall man hurriedly stopped the second child's movements, and then said with a smile: "Little brother, I have a business here that can make you rich!"

"Even, I can protect you from becoming the king of this world after the battle of God!"

"Will you?!"

As soon as he said this, Xu Changsheng trembled all over!

"What are you kidding?"

The man in black shook his head and sneered: "A joke? Haha...I can't make a joke."

"The battle of God is imminent, you should have heard of it more or less, right?"

"Our two brothers are special envoys under the Throne of Shadows, and are ordered to find the remains of Titan City!"

"And this time, the king of the shadow of my **** will return to the top and become the **** of the shadows!"

"Little brother, a lifetime, a rare opportunity!"

"Success and defeat are both destiny."

"Would you like to go to our Shadow City with our brothers?"

The words of the man in black are extremely deceptive.

He looked at Xu Changsheng and was already a little eager to try.

The people in the fantasy world are in fact contrary to the human federation.

This is a group of people who work hard for their personal ideals.


In their eyes, there is only themselves, no human beings at all.

Xu Changsheng's breathing was short, and his eyes even turned red.

At this time, the tall man continued: "Are you willing to be a mouse-like person?"

"An extraordinary second-tier doctor."

"Our God of Shadows can allow you to give up the God of Healing and switch to his command."

"My God has a broad mind!"

"As long as you have merit, after waiting for my **** to achieve the position of God, you are his merits in the world!"

"You think about you now..."

"Think about the future again!"

"Could it be that you are willing to be a humble human being?"

Xu Changsheng was said to be a little angry, and he whispered: "What to do?!"

The man in black patted Xu Changsheng on the shoulder, smiled and said, "Okay!"

"Sure enough, you didn't misunderstand the wrong person!"

"Let's go, follow me to the Shadow City."

"Your task, let's talk about it when you go."



Along the way, Xu Changsheng felt uneasy.

He didn't expect that this game was getting deeper and deeper!

Why is the King of Shadows involved?

What the **** should I do?

Xu Changsheng had a headache.

It was four or five hours away.

Xu Changsheng felt that the other party was detouring.


Behind a mountain.

The two said to Xu Changsheng, "You grab my hand and I will take you in."

While talking, he pulled Xu Changsheng directly through the rocks and walked down.

This rock is as transparent as it can be passed through.

And under the crypt, it's pitch black!

See nothing.

However, Xu Changsheng, who owns the night market, can see a lot.

I don't know how long it will go down.

And the scene before him changed Xu Changsheng's expression!

It turned out to be a place like a city.

Although the style is rough, people can be seen everywhere.

Xu Changsheng squinted his eyes. In an instant, he realized that this place was all divine envoys!

This is the shadow city?

The gate of the city!

Xu Changsheng's arrival seemed to have caused these divine envoys to smell the fishy smell and immediately surrounded him.

And this time!

A token suddenly appeared in the hands of the man in black: "Get out!"

When everyone saw the token, it dispersed.

And the two looked at the man guarding the city: "Take me to see the city lord, there is something important to report!"

The man nodded: "Come with me!"

The urban style here is not too surprising from the ground.

Just like an underground city, it feels shocking.

Xu Changsheng got into a car.

He was settled in a hotel by a man in black.

Then he was guarded and refused to go out.

"Little brother, wait for me to report to the city lord, and then see you again!"

Xu Changsheng's appearance at this time was already shocked.

However, the desire for success in my heart is beyond words.

This made the man in black smile with satisfaction.

The accompanying door was closed.

Xu Changsheng paced nervously in the room, and then simply lay down.

He knew very well that his words and deeds were being watched by outsiders.

Therefore, there can be nothing unusual.


To be honest, he really didn't expect that he was confused and entered a whirlpool.

It's just that he doesn't know what the other party wants him to do here?


His own extraordinary second-tier healing god, his strength is simply not enough.

What is their fancy?

After Xu Changsheng hesitated again and again.

Suddenly thought of it.

That is, I can take them out of Jinshi.

This is his advantage!


They must have something amazing, it's within Jinshi.

Therefore, they must have a lot of people who will appear in Jinshi.



at this time.

The man in black quickly came to the city lord's mansion.

"My Lord, I'm back!"

On the main seat, there was a rough man with a stature of five meters, and the color on his face was pitch black, as if it blended with the night.

"Kui Liu, you are back, I heard that you brought back a human?"

The man's voice is like the roar of a machine.

Kui Liu nodded: "Yes, Lord City Lord."

"Why?" The mighty man squinted, as if as long as Kui Liu's answer was not satisfied, he would instantly kill him, "Don't you know the importance of this place? You just bring people in?"

Kui Liu nodded: "My Lord City Lord, let your subordinates finish talking!"

"This time, more than a hundred of us entered the Titan Ruins, and more than 30 people came out of it."

"There are dangers in it, but the remains of the Titans can be seen everywhere. This is what I brought out of it."

"Because strength does not allow, we can only be cautious!"

While talking, Kui Liu took out the things.

Soon, the room was full of objects.

It was completely different from what he said to Xu Changsheng at the beginning.

Seeing something, the mighty man came down quickly, took out one thing, and observed it carefully.

Afterwards, the man directly clenched his fist and slammed against an item like a breastplate.

However, apart from a roar, there was no more movement.

The man became excited all at once.

Next, he picked up a weapon and pondered it for a long time. Although he could not find a specific function, the structure of the weapon and the hardness of the material were beyond the reach of everyone's medical treatment.


"This is the weapon of the Titans!"

"Sure enough, very powerful!"


"This time, you have done a good job!"

"Kui Liu, keep talking."

Kui Liu nodded: "Boss, there are only a few things we can bring out."

"A lot of really valuable things may need strong people to get in."

"As long as we thoroughly study the contents inside, it may be of great help to the victory of God's War!"

"The Titans are the only race that has experienced numerous battles without being shaken."

"Although no trace can be found now, their weapons are sophisticated and powerful. As long as they are found, it will be of great significance to our improvement!"

The mighty man nodded: "Okay!"

"Good job!"

"You guys, do your best!"

"But what does it have to do with this human?"

Kui Liu said solemnly, "Relationship?"

"It's a big deal!"

"The exit of the Titan Ruins is in Jinshi!"

"This time, thirty-four companions passed through Titan City."

"However, after coming out, all the thirty-two divine envoys in Jin City were either arrested or killed! Except for the chance to escape with my second child, none of them were spared!"

"In the current city, the arrest of the gods is extremely vigorous!"

"And this man is a member of the fantasy world."

After the mighty man heard the "world of illusion", he pondered for a moment, and his expression was somewhat relieved.

Kui Liu continued: "The other party is greedy for life and fear of death, and he is rich and profitable. I think it can be used by us!"

"He once said that his family did the defense system and city defense buildings in Jinshi!"

"Knowing Jinshi well."

"And this way, I have seen it with my own eyes."

"The credibility is high."

"So, I brought him here to prepare for our people to leave Jinshi smoothly."

"As for... As for credibility..."

"Hehe, Lord City Lord, we can completely infuse our souls, aren't we our own people?"

After the mighty man heard the soul infusion, he was thoughtful.

This is actually a way!

Ordinary people lose their humanity after being paid attention to by the spirits, and become like walking dead.

Of course, with special means, you can become a divine envoy!

It's's hard!

Need to consume a lot of things.

He sneered.


"Although it is a bit divine, but..."

"It is a good thing for the completion of our plan."

"All right!"

"Take him a good rest today."

"Tomorrow, bring him here."

Kui Liu nodded: "Yes, Lord City Lord!"


At this time, Xu Changsheng was lying there.

However, he secretly observed the ambassador logo he the ambassador logo: it can hold the soul, and it is the unique logo of the protoss. 】

【Divinity: 200;】

[Divinity: an attribute unique to the Protoss, similar to human nature, the stronger the divinity, the more divine souls that can be accepted;]

Xu Changsheng pondered.

It seems...

Protoss and humans are indeed two separate races.


Why is there both humanity and divinity in my body now?

What is the use of this divinity?

